Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 420 Level 7 Raptor {2 more}

Chapter 420 Level [-] Raptor {Second Update}

Duo Xiaobao screamed:
"Brother Feng, you are trying to kill me!"

Ling Feng ignored it, and waved his hand: "Come on, kill these demons!"

The words fall.


The dark blue dragon with a length of more than 20 meters rushed towards the group of demons with lightning.

To say that these demons appeared, no one would be happy, but the only one except Ling Feng himself.

For others, beheading these demons is not beneficial at all, and there is even a great danger of dying here.

But for Ling Feng, these demons are the food in his mouth.

He wished he could open a few more mouths and swallow all these demons. In this way, he would definitely be able to step into the realm of kings.


Ling Feng was even more involved in the demon clan than Duo Xiaobao.

He opened his bloody mouth wide open, and once he released the domineering aura, as long as the demons who were three realms lower than him could inhale the dragon aura into his body without beheading them, there was no possibility for them to resist.

And in front of him, the strongest is a five-star magic general, the ice arrow condensed by him pierced his head with only one arrow, and two four-star magic generals were also brewed by him in the same way. After swallowing, other demons will be easier to swallow directly.

The long whale is like absorbing water, and the demons are sucked into his body one by one.

Dragon gas worth 120078 sell!
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630045 sell!
In less than two hours, more than [-] demons were inhaled into his body and transformed into billowing dragon energy.

And people like Duo Xiaobao, including the few strong men who rushed to the forefront when they came here before, all stood there with a dazed expression.

They haven't killed more than 5000 demons yet, but Ling Feng has already swallowed more than [-] heads, which is simply terrifying. Besides, how can his body hold so many corpses? Isn't he afraid of being attacked by demonic energy?
Soon, there was not a single demon on Ling Feng's battlefield, and the rest had already fled away.

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It is still about 100 away from 30 million.

"Go, go over there and help!"

Ling Feng's voice rolled out.

There are many demon armies in the demon cave.

The number of demons in each army is very terrifying, more than [-]. Under normal circumstances, it will take days and nights for the war to end and the winner will be determined.

But here in Lingfeng, it was over in a few hours, which is a miracle.

Far above the sky, some people naturally noticed this place.

"This kid, what kind of dragon blood does he have? Could it be the reincarnation of a real dragon, but even so, it can't be so powerful!"

Tang Zheng said to himself, his eyes were shocked, and then he laughed again:
"Originally, although we have made complete preparations this time, we will definitely lose a lot in the end, but now there are variables. With this kid, maybe this war will end early, and, how did I find out, He devours the demons, it seems that he can improve his strength, the more he devours, the stronger his strength, what kind of method is this, in this way, the appearance of the demon lair is simply a great thing for him."

"Ling Feng, my current strength is no match for yours!"

The closest person to preside over this battlefield is Mentor Feng Baiyun.

He also noticed the battlefield at Ling Feng from a distance just now.

To be honest, I was also horrified.

This student is like a glutton, these demons have become his food, and he can eat a lot, there is no limit.

"There seems to be no limit for him to devour the demons to improve his strength. No wonder he has such a cultivation level so quickly."

Feng Baiyun secretly sighed in his heart.

Ling Feng broke into the demon clan, opened his bloody mouth and swallowed it.

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Dragon gas worth 1068907 sell!
"Hey, remind the host that the dragon energy value has reached the evolution condition, do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully!"

Level [-] Raptors!

The dragon's body grew bigger again, and it was about 32 meters long.

Level [-] Raptors.

Ling Feng shouted, with his current strength, even if he met a nine-star superpower, as long as he was not a king-level powerhouse, he could handle it, and even kill him.

As his strength improved, his devouring speed became faster and faster.

After a while, there was no demon clan in Feng Baiyun's place, and the others were scared away long ago.

"There are so many demons, there will be no more in a while!"

The teams following Feng Baiyun were a little shocked.

As for Ling Feng, he had already greeted him and rushed towards the next team.

For him, every minute and every second is precious now, and he must devour more and more demons.


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In more than half a day, Ling Feng devoured the army of seven demons.

But at this moment, his behavior has already attracted the attention of most of the martial practitioners in the magic cave.

Everyone knows that there is such a young man who can devour the demons, not only will not be affected by the demonic energy, but also can improve his own strength.

It was also because of this young man that their casualties were greatly reduced.

Among the demon clan, many knew how powerful Ling Feng was.

There are quite a few demon generals coming towards Ling Feng to slaughter them.

Ling Feng was not surprised but happy when he saw these demon generals.

There are more than 40 magic generals, and the strongest one is an eight-star magic general, very strong.

"I want you to get together!"

There was a sinister laugh in Ling Feng's huge longan eyes.

Then he started devouring.

brush!Ling Feng arrived at the side of the eight-star demon general like lightning, and a dragon swung his tail and slammed down fiercely.

At the same time, an ice ball, a fireball exploded in front of this magic general.

boom!The whole body of this demon general was blown to pieces of flesh and blood.

Before he could react, Ling Feng's bloody mouth had already bit him in two, swallowed him into his stomach, and turned into billowing dragon energy.

Think about it, now the nine-star Chaofan is no match for him, he can be easily killed, let alone an eight-star magic general.

After devouring this demon general, Ling Feng didn't stop, there are still dozens of demon generals here.

boom!A seven-star demon will have his head blown apart by one tail.

He devoured the demon general in one bite.

In less than 3 minutes, all four Seven Star Demons will be devoured by him.

It was even easier for the other demon generals. As soon as the domineering aura was released with all its strength, it shocked them. Ling Feng bit off their necks one by one and swallowed them into their stomachs.

Of course, it is impossible for these demon generals to stand here and be devoured by him, but Ling Feng is not alone. Several mentors like Dongwu have already come over, including Feng Baiyun, Zhang Yuquan, Yu Ziyan, etc. The strong man stopped some demons for him, and in the end, only six demons escaped.

The others were all swallowed up by Ling Feng.

And the dragon energy in Ling Feng's body also skyrocketed again.

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With another 200 million dragon energy, he can evolve again.

At this moment, the other demons seem to have begun to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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