Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 386 Confrontation {3 more}

Chapter 386 Confrontation
The ice arrow fell towards Zhou Ziyang, and Zhou Ziyang took two swords before catching it.

Ling Feng's transformation into a dragon showed his strength.

It is not so easy for Zhou Ziyang to deal with him now.

The Frost Arrow and the Shenlong wagging their tails, the two cooperate and attack together, it is equivalent to two strong men besieging a person.

The ice arrows formed a rain of arrows, and the dragon swung its tail and lashed down at Zhou Ziyang.

"Glorious Holy Sword Qi!"

Zhou Ziyang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The sword energy tore apart the ice arrows one after another, but there were more and more ice arrows, as if there was no end to it.

Zhou Ziyang gradually felt a sense of difficulty.

And he had to avoid Ling Feng's Shenlong wagging its tail.

"Zhou Ziyang, you are going to die today."

There were too many ice arrows condensed by Ling Feng, and they were very powerful. Zhou Ziyang couldn't catch it with one sword, and had to take two swords.

Soon, Zhou Ziyang was at a disadvantage.

"Fortunately, it is the blood of the dragon, which is somewhat powerful."

Zhou Ziyang slashed out a sword energy.

The Holy Sword Qi of Glory is his unique skill, which is more powerful than Qianqiu Wandai's Shocking Fist. He is the only one who knows it. At this moment, Zhou Ziyang has put in all his strength, but he is still at a disadvantage.

The situation was reversed, and the faces of the Zhou family members changed, and they stared closely at the battle between the two.

Zhou Jiankong's forehead was already dripping with cold sweat.

He knew that as long as his son lost, his Zhou family might be over.

Lan Qing, Tang Hongxue, Hei Lang and others showed smiles on their faces.

As long as Ling Feng transforms into a dragon, his strength will explode, and few people are opponents.

Now Ling Feng and Zhou Ziyang have reached a stalemate.

Just see if you can hold on until the end.

Zhou Ziyang thought that the true energy in his body was powerful, so he was not in a hurry at first, and he just fought with each other who could consume more energy than the other.

But gradually he saw that something was wrong.

Because Ling Feng's zhenqi is not inferior to his, it is simply unbelievable to know that he is an extraordinary person.

In this way, if the stalemate continues like this, he may die here, and he must find a way to change the current situation.

Zhou Ziyang's eyes flickered.

When Ling Feng condensed ten ice arrows and shot them out, he suddenly felt the danger.

The light on Zhou Ziyang's body rose sharply, and he slashed out with a shocking sword.

It was also the Holy Sword Qi of Glory, but when the sword came out, there was a faint red light in the sword Qi.

This sword is several times stronger than the previous one.

Ling Feng knew that Zhou Ziyang was already desperate, and this sword was obviously the kind of attack method that hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts himself by eight hundred.

He didn't dare to be careless, he condensed the ice arrows with all his strength, and shot them one after another.

Puff puff!
All the ice arrows were shattered by the Holy Sword Qi of Glory.

At this moment, Ling Feng didn't have time for Shenlong to wag his tail and lash at the opponent, dodging in the air.

Two people have hit the air.

Just as Ling Feng dodged a blow, Zhou Ziyang sent down another burst of sword energy.

Zhou Ziyang obviously made up his mind that even if he suffered heavy losses, he would still fight a war of annihilation.

Ling Feng was also unwilling to lag behind.

Puchi!Ling Feng couldn't dodge in time, and another sword qi slashed at his body. Fortunately, the ice arrow had offset most of the force, otherwise, the dragon's body would have been cut off.

Seeing the third sword fall again.

Whether it was the Zhou family or Qian Ling'er, they were all closely watching the battle between the two.

Winning or losing is in an instant.

At this moment, Ling Feng also knew that the situation was urgent.

Zhou Ziyang's strength is still somewhat beyond his surprise. Now he has almost used all his methods. There is a fire control technique, which is similar to the water control technique, and it can't cause harm to the opponent. Only the last method is left. Burn blood!
This is also a desperate means.

Ling Feng had to use it.

Without hesitation, he destroyed the blood burning technique, and the dragon blood in his body seemed to be burning at this moment, and the dragon energy boiled and rolled.

At this moment, Ling Feng felt that his strength had exploded, increasing by about three times.

"very good."

There was a sinister smile in Ling Feng's eyes.

The ice arrows were condensed, still ten, but this time, Zhou Ziyang's holy sword aura of glory was shattered by six ice arrows, and four more ice arrows shot towards him.

Zhou Ziyang's face changed drastically.

He also didn't expect that Ling Feng's strength would soar at this moment, and he was no weaker than him.

Blowing desperately, it didn't work.

"Zhou Ziyang, is this all you have to do? If that's the case, you're finished today."

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's face.

Ten ice arrows, twenty, thirty ice arrows greeted Zhou Ziyang.

Thirty ice arrows, each of which was extremely fast and condensed to the extreme, completely enveloped Zhou Ziyang.

Zhou Ziyang's face changed drastically.

Glory Holy Sword Qi!
At this moment, it was too late for him to dodge, so he could only resist with all his strength.

But it is a pity that even though he tried his best, he struck out four swords in an instant, which was already his limit. Four swords withstood 27 ice arrows, and the remaining ice arrows had already sunk into his body. One, one in the right chest, and one in the abdomen. Although they were not fatally wounded, they were also seriously injured.

"Very well, take two more moves from me."

Ling Feng once again condensed twenty ice arrows.


Zhou Ziyang's face was ugly.

bang bang bang!He struck out three more swords one after another, blocking nineteen ice arrows, but one more ice arrow sank into his body and pierced through his chest.

It was just a little short, and Zhou Ziyang's heart was about to be pierced.

At this moment, Zhou Ziyang was not only seriously injured, but he had just desperately released about ten sword auras of glory. Most of the blood in his body was consumed, and he was unable to send out more sword aura.

Has reached the end of the crossbow.

Ling Feng also felt Zhou Ziyang's aura drop sharply, so he received the burning blood technique.

"Zhou Ziyang, how about it, you will die in my hands in the end."

Ling Feng had a faint smile on his face:
"When I killed Zhou Zihao before, you were still showing off your power in front of me, but now, you have become my defeated general."

While speaking, ten more ice arrows were taken out in front of him. Although they were no longer ice arrows under the Burning Blood Technique, they were still very powerful.

"Ling Feng, do you think you can defeat me?"

There was a deep light in Zhou Ziyang's eyes, flashing a look of madness.

Glory Holy Sword Qi!This time, Zhou Ziyang condensed 60.00% of the blood in his body into the strongest sword!Originally, 40.00% of the 20.00% blood essence was used up by him desperately. Now there is still [-]% of the blood essence left, and [-]% was used in one go. This sword is stronger than the previous one. up.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that 30.00% of the blood essence was already the limit, otherwise, he would take out [-]% of the remaining [-]% blood essence. In this way, the condensed sword energy would be even more terrifying .

Rao is so, it is also extremely strong.

Ling Feng also felt this terrifying aura. Faced with this blow, the blood essence in his body burned again. It turned out that his blood burning technique had not been completely put away just now, but was in a dormant state like a computer, and could be activated at any time. Start, bang bang bang bang!Forty ice arrows were condensed in a row before this sword energy was followed.

(End of this chapter)

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