Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 373 Ancient City Ruins {3 more}

Chapter 373 Ancient City Ruins {Third Watch}
Several ice arrows pierced Gui Dongxiao's body, and he was already seriously injured.

You can't escape, you can't escape, you can't fight.

Gui Dongxiao couldn't help being anxious and desperate: "Ling Feng, I'm going to step into the superpower soon, you can't kill me, if you do, brother Ziyang will not let you go."

Who would have thought that it was only a week, and facing Ling Feng again, he would no longer be his opponent.

As for himself, when he watched the battle between Zhou Zihao and Ling Feng, he was still looking down.

But in the blink of an eye, he also became Zhou Zihao.

"Hmph, what is Zhou Ziyang, he will die in my hands sooner or later."

Ling Feng sneered:
"Of course, you can't see this scene."

Ling Feng was not in a hurry, Shenlong wagging its tail and cooperating with Frost Arrow could grind this person to death step by step.

No one dared to imagine the pain of seeing oneself dying and being powerless.

Gui Dongxiao roared again and again.

First he begged for mercy from Ling Feng, but he didn't get heeded.

Then he yelled and swore, but that didn't help.

Begging for mercy, swearing at people, going back and forth several times, it didn't help.

boom!A dragon swung its tail and slammed Gui Dongxiao's body fiercely.


Gui Dongxiao let out a scream, and fell from the sky like a meteor, hitting the ground fiercely, his muscles and bones were broken, and his whole body almost fell apart.

Even if Gui Dongxiao performed the most powerful move in Duankong swordsmanship, it was also a move that suppressed the bottom box, and the life-saving move "Duankong lore" was useless, and it still ended like this. I tried to sit up, but it was in vain. I moved a little, and my body was no longer my own, and I was powerless.

"If you hurt my spirit, you will die!"

Ling Feng didn't talk nonsense with him at all.

Snapped!Another blow landed.

Gui Dongxiao was photographed falling into the ground for an unknown number of meters, and without a shadow, he was obviously dead.

Ling Feng didn't even look at it, the next moment, in a blink of an eye, he stopped in front of Duan Renjun, who had already turned into a human.

"Duan Renjun, in front of me, you still want to escape, is it possible?"

There was a cruel smile in Ling Feng's eyes:

"Before, in Nandong City, I thought you were very knowledgeable, why did you get confused in a flash, and started to attack my Linger, are you impatient?"

Duan Renjun knelt down.

He watched Gui Dongxiao in the Nine Star Heaven Realm being beaten to death, and he was already frightened to death.

"Ling Feng, please forgive me. I don't have any malice towards Qian Ling'er. All of this was done by Gui Dongxiao and has nothing to do with me."

Duan Renjun cried.

"Brother Lingfeng, I don't know these two people. He is the one who recognized me and knew that I have the blood of the dragon."

At this moment, Qian Ling'er and Ni Qiandie also landed on the ground and stood beside Ling Feng together.

"Did you hear that?"

"People like you don't die, who dies?!"

Ling Feng snorted, struck brazenly, and punched out.

Duan Renjun's five-star heaven realm, Lingfeng's seven-level mad dragon, the gap is not usually large.


Duan Renjun can't handle it.

Under Ling Feng's punch, he was blown away.

In less than half an hour, both Gui Dongxiao and Duan Renjun of the Nine Star Heaven Realm had no bones left.

"Ling Feng, you killed the two geniuses of our school just like that?"

Ni Qiandie was stunned for a moment.

Whether it is Duan Renjun or Gui Dongxiao, she is far behind her, like Gui Dongxiao, the existence that could only be looked up to before, is dead now, because they hurt Qian Linger, Ling Feng killed them up.

"They killed themselves."

Ling Feng looked natural.

He stopped talking about this, and said with a smile: "Ling'er, why are you here alone, Lan Qing, and Teacher Yu?"

Ling Feng also noticed that Ling'er hadn't seen her for more than a month, and the improvement of her cultivation base was also very scary. Now she is already in the four-star heavenly realm, which is beyond his expectations. However, he knows that Ling'er is talented, and He also has the Shenlong system, coupled with some methods of Yu Ziyan, with this level of cultivation, he can accept it.

"Brother Lingfeng, sister Lanqing is trapped in a formation, and I'm about to go out to find a mentor."

As soon as Ling Feng said it, Qian Ling'er said hastily.

At the same time, she devoured a piece of flesh and blood cut off by Gui Dongxiao, and her injuries also recovered quickly.


Ling Feng was startled:
"Why is Lan Qing trapped?"

Listen to Ling'er.

Only then did Ling Feng know what had happened.

It turned out that Ling'er and Lan Qing followed Yu Ziyan to the spiritual domain, practiced in a ruin deep in the spiritual domain, obtained a inheritance, and greatly improved their strength. After leaving the ruins, Yu Ziyan left the spiritual domain, Ling'er and Lan Qing were still practicing in the spiritual domain. In a desolate ancient Gobi city, they accidentally fell into a formation, and Ling'er came out to ask for help.

The following is the scene of meeting Duan Renjun.

Originally, Gui Dongxiao didn't know Ling'er, but Duan Renjun did. He knew that Ling'er had the blood of the dragon and had a close relationship with Ling Feng, so he had a malicious intention to kill Ling'er and seize the blood of the dragon.

"We're going to find her now."

Ling Feng listened to Linger's words.

She was also a little anxious in her heart, if the formation that Lan Qing fell into was a labyrinth, that would be better, except for being trapped inside, her life would not be in danger, but if she encountered a killing formation, it would be dangerous.

At that moment, he turned into a dragon, let Ling'er and Ni Qiandie sit on him, and rode the clouds and fog towards the third entrance of the spiritual domain.

Sitting on the dragon, Ni Qiandie frowned slightly.

Why is the relic that Linger mentioned just now so similar to the one that Sister Feng mentioned? It can't be the same...


The three of them soon reached the third entrance of the spiritual realm.

Ling Feng didn't hide himself at all, and roamed freely in the sky.

Some martial practitioners on the ground also noticed the dragon in the sky, and they were surprised and chattered everywhere.

After half a day.

A desolate Gobi appeared in front of the three of them.

Under the guidance of Qian Ling'er, Ling Feng headed west all the way, and he didn't know how long it took.

An ancient city appeared in sight.

"It's there!"

Ling'er pointed at the ancient city.

Ling Feng regained his spirits and sped up a little, arriving at the ancient city.

The ancient city has a radius of more than ten miles. In fact, this ancient city is not big, and Ling Feng can see the whole picture clearly at a glance.

"Well, Lan Qing!"

Ling Feng noticed that there were two women standing on the top of an ancient building on the east side of the ancient city, and one of them was Lan Qing.

Depending on the situation, Lan Qing was not trapped in the formation, or was rescued by someone.

Ling Feng landed in front of this ancient building, and the three fell down.

"Linger, Lingfeng!"

Lan Qing also noticed the three people falling from the sky, with surprise on her face.

"Sister Lan Qing."

Qian Linger smiled and said:
"You're out of trouble."

Ling Feng also laughed, and was about to speak when Ni Qiandie spoke with the same expression of surprise: "Sister Feng!"

Ni Qiandie said to the woman standing with Lan Qing.

This woman is slender, with neat short hair, and a handsome face, revealing a heroic spirit.

Ling Feng knew that this person was Wei Feng, the 41st strongman on the Dongwu list, and from what Ni Qiandie said, he was obviously the president of the Fenghui, and he was also from the Wei family in Jindu.

(End of this chapter)

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