Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 358 Burnt {1 more}

Chapter 358 Burnt {One more}
It's really a psychic fruit.

Hongxue's psychic fruit was snatched by Zhang Jianfei.

Ling Feng's eyes showed anger, this Zhang Jianfei is really too courageous, can he grab Hongxue's things?

The next moment, Ling Feng transformed into a dragon again.

Ling Feng chased Zhang Jianfei.

Hear the roar of the dragon.

Zhang Jianfei turned around and looked, his heart skipped a beat in fright.

Ling Feng is chasing him again!

"Ling Feng, you snatched my three spirit stones before, are you going to attack me now, you don't even give me a little soup?!"

Zhang Jianfei shouted while running away.

He felt so wronged.

When he came here, he was a strong man in the six-star heaven realm, and all the benefits he got were taken away by others.

The script shouldn't be like this, it should be him who robbed others.

Ling Feng sneered, and his voice rolled out: "The relationship between Hongxue and me, are you Zhang Jianfei blind? Don't you still see clearly? Do you dare to take her things? It seems that I didn't teach you hard before, no Long memory stuff!"

After Ling Fenghualong, the speed is very fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye to catch up with Zhang Jianfei.

Zhang Jianfei couldn't escape Ling Feng's palm at all.

"Although she discovered the psychic fruit first, I got it first, depending on the means."

Zhang Jianfei roared, his tone full of strong unwillingness:
"Forget it, Ling Feng, this time you're really good. I fell into your hands, and I didn't get any benefits. Take the psychic fruit!"

While speaking, a fruit was thrown at Ling Feng.

But his speed did not slow down, and he still fled towards the distance.

Lingfeng Longclaw grabbed the fruit, which was indeed a yellow-grade psychic fruit. The strong man in the heavenly realm took the divine fruit that could break through the realm.

"Hongxue, is that just one?"

Ling Feng said.


Tang Hongxue chased after him.

"it is good."

Ling Feng nodded, and the psychic fruit fell into Hongxue's hands:
"Wait first."

Ling Feng catches up with Zhang Jianfei.

"Ling Feng, I've already given you the psychic fruit, what else do you want?"

Seeing Ling Feng chasing after him, Zhang Jianfei was shocked and exclaimed.

"You came to provoke me twice, I have to teach you a lesson, take my trick, whether you can live or not depends on your luck."

Ling Feng quickly caught up with Zhang Jianfei.

Fire control technique!
Fireballs condensed in front of him. Each fireball was about the size of a fist and light blue. There were nine fireballs in total. These nine fireballs seemed to have spirituality and greeted Zhang Jianfei.

"What kind of exercise is this?"

Zhang Jianfei saw nine fireballs.

He felt that the nine fireballs didn't seem to have much power, but he had already learned how powerful Ling Feng was, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Boom boom boom!
Zhang Jianfei punched nine times in a row, crushing these fireballs.

But the last fireball was less than one meter away from him before it was shattered. The fireball exploded on the spot, and tadpole-like flames splashed in all directions, and more than half of them fell on Zhang Jianfei's body. There was a raging fire, and the clothes were burned, and the hair and eyebrows were also burned.

At this moment, Zhang Jianfei turned into a burning man.


Zhang Jianfei screamed, the light blue flames burned on his body, streams of true energy circulated on the surface of his body, it was difficult to extinguish, in such a moment, the skin was also scorched, and a smell of meat permeated:

"Ling Feng, what kind of flame are you? Ordinary real fire is not so powerful. Are you trying to burn me to death?"

Zhang Jianfei saw a pond in front of him, and jumped into it directly, splashing a series of water splashes, rolled over twice, and the pond became silent.

"Could it be burned to death?"

Ling Feng looked down at the pond below.

This was the first time he used the fire control technique, and he didn't expect that the dragon flame was so powerful that it would be difficult to extinguish it if it was contaminated.


A dark thing came out of the pond, climbed up to the shore, and lay on the ground without much strength. Apart from being completely black, only two black and white eyeballs could move. After leaving, Zhang Jianfei raised his heart in his throat.

"Ling Feng, I have already accepted your move, you won't kill me, will you?"

"It's not necessary to kill you."

Ling Feng laughed and said:

"After all, we are from the same school, and we still have some friendship with classmates. Besides, you gave me a spirit stone. How could I be willing to kill you? I hope you will give me more next time."


Zhang Jianfei spat out a mouthful of blood.

I feel uncomfortable and panic.

yes!Three pieces of spirit stones and one yellow-grade psychic fruit. If there is no Ling Feng, he can get them completely. They are all his own. Entering the Eight-Star Heaven Realm, the strength has increased several times. At that time, on the Tobu Ranking, he will be the top strongman, and he will be ranked at least around ten.

But this time when he met Ling Feng, everything was gone, and he was seriously injured.

Burnt skin, although it can be cured, it is impossible without a month or two.

Zhang Jianfei felt very sad and was hit hard by the sky.

But Zhang Jianfei is a tenacious person. Didn't he encounter many difficulties in the past, and there were more than ten times between life and death. He survived all of them and made him strong now. become stronger.

At this moment, Ling Feng had long since disappeared.

Back to Tang Hongxue.

This time coming to Wandao Province is not small. He got three spirit stones and evolved to a sixth-level wild dragon. Hongxue also got a psychic fruit. Enter the seven-star heaven.

In addition to the psychic fruit, there are also herbs harvested before.

As for the others, the ancient Huamen ruins have been turned upside down by the martial practitioners who came, and even a dozen buildings have collapsed and turned into ruins. There is nothing good about it.

"Let's go."

The business of exploring ancient ruins is over.

Ling Feng and Hongxue didn't intend to stay in Wandao Province either, so they greeted Xu Jiang and left.


"Senior brother, you..."

When Gao Lin saw the black man in front of him, he looked confused and couldn't believe it.

If he didn't listen to the voice, he wouldn't even recognize this person.

How could my brother Zhang Jianfei be so miserable?
However, he also vaguely guessed something, it must be Ling Feng who succeeded, he had heard before that Senior Brother Zhang's spirit stone was taken away by Ling Feng, here, only this person can hurt Senior Brother, but this is too miserable Alright.

Zhang Jianfei pulled off a suit of clothes from the dead man and put them on, but there was no way to hide his face.

"Brother, that Ling Feng is really hateful, we..."

Gao Lin hated it.

"All right!"

Zhang Jianfei interrupted him:
"Don't talk about it first, let's talk about it when we go back."

Thinking of that young man, Zhang Jianfei felt blood dripping from his heart, and said a little disturbedly:

"Wait to see Zhou Zihao and his life-and-death battle."

(End of this chapter)

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