Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 341 Little Treasure's Injury {3 more}

Chapter 341 Little Treasure's Injury
Ling Feng grabbed Tang Hongxue's hand.

This was his first real skin-to-skin contact with Tang Hongxue.

What happened in Wuyin Mountain before was just an accident, how can it be compared with the present.

Tang Hongxue's hands were slippery, weak and boneless.

Ling Feng personally brought the blood jade bracelet to her.

"It's quite appropriate."

Ling Feng laughed.

Some martial practitioners around looked envious, and just gave away a blood jade bracelet.

"Let's go, let's go look elsewhere."

Ling Feng said.

Tang Hongxue followed beside her, her beautiful face flushed slightly, and her eyes suddenly became misty.

In my heart, a string seemed to be touched.

"Hongxue, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Feng was a little strange:
"Aren't you very touched? If you want to do this, you should marry me!"


Tang Hongxue said angrily.

She was indeed a little moved, but with this sentence, she felt nothing.

That's abominable!

Tang Hongxue ignored it and quickened her pace, leaving Ling Feng behind.

Ling Feng hurriedly followed.

After wandering around with Tang Hongxue for a long time, Ling Feng bought some medicinal materials for refining Tianyuan Pill. Just when the two of them came to the west of the mountain peak, he suddenly heard a scream. This scream...

Ling Feng's expression changed.

This voice is so precious.

what happened?

Duo Xiaobao was beaten.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Ling Feng's face was gloomy.

Tang Hongxue followed behind.

Soon, Ling Feng saw the scene in front of him, and almost exploded his chest with anger.

Duo Xiaobao was lying on the ground, punched and kicked by several young people, greeted in the face, kicked back and forth like a ball, on the side, Bai Dandan was stopped, his face was pale, there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and tears glistened , Shouting "Don't hit him, stop hitting him!" It's a pity that the young people didn't hear it at all, and even hit harder.

Duo Xiaobao's screams were much quieter.

A group of martial arts practitioners were pointing and pointing, but no one dared to step forward.

"You are courting death!"

A voice came, like a demon god in the Nine Nether Hell, with a cold air.

Everyone looked over in unison.

I saw a young man and woman walking straight up.

The two had extraordinary auras, and a group of martial arts practitioners all gave way when they saw this.

And the few young people who attacked Duo Xiaobao also stopped, their eyes fell on Ling Feng, and one of them immediately smiled and said: "Ling Feng, right, you finally came, just in time, we are looking for you Well, take a look, he looks like this, very angry, right? Anger is right, you know, how you treated me before, now let your friends experience it too. "

The young man who spoke was the yellow-haired young man who followed Ye Bin yesterday.

A cruel smile appeared in the eyes of the yellow-haired young man.

His eyes fell on a tall young man next to him again: "Senior brother Duan, that's him, you should know him too, this person came to our site of Jushimen, and he actually laid a heavy hand on me and Xiao Luo yesterday, Xiao Luo Luo's head was almost broken by him, and I lost eight of my teeth, today, Brother Duan, you are here, so we can get justice for us."

By Duan Renjun's side, Ye Bin is also there.

Seeing Ling Feng, he said: "Ling Feng, you shouldn't have attacked my disciples of Jushimen yesterday."

Duan Renjun's eyes fell on Ling Feng: "You are Ling Feng, the rookie king of East China Military University this year, who has the blood of the dragon, killed Zheng Feihong, and has such strength at a young age, which really surprised me. However, the rookie king is nothing, and he can't do anything casually, especially my disciples of Jushimen."

After a pause, he continued: "Apologize to the two junior brothers, Xiao Luo, this matter can be forgotten!"

Ling Feng ignored these people.

His eyes fell on Duo Xiaobao.

"Brother Feng, you are finally here, if it is later, I may be beaten to death!"

Duo Xiaobao's voice was muffled, there were no teeth in his mouth, the bridge of his nose was broken, his eye sockets were bleeding, and there were bloodstains all over his body. He was completely unhuman.

At this moment, he wanted to make himself look less embarrassed, so he laughed, but tears came out of the laugh, or in other words, it was impossible to tell whether he was laughing or crying.

I can't even stand up.

"Little treasure."

At this moment, no one stopped Bai Dandan, he ran out and helped Duo Xiaobao up, the tears in his eyes were like a broken kite.

"I'm fine."

Duo Xiaobao leaks air from the corner of his mouth:
"Brother Feng will avenge me."

"Take it."

Ling Feng handed the two elixirs to Duo Xiaobao, which were health-preserving pills, and they were top-grade health-preserving pills.

Yangsheng Pill has this function. It can not only improve people's strength, but also heal injuries. Of course, improving strength is only for human realm martial practitioners. Diyuandan works well.

"This is... a high-grade pill!"

Duo Xiaobao's eyes widened, but the wound was torn, and blood slid down the corner of his eyes, and he gasped in pain.

However, there was still shock in his eyes.

This is a high-grade elixir, basically no one has refined this kind of elixir, and Ling Feng took out two of them at once.

Duo Xiaobao hesitated a little, he knew the preciousness of top-grade pills.

"Well, it's actually a high-grade pill."

Duan Renjun was also a little surprised.

Ling Feng casually took out two high-grade pills, as expected, he was a freshman king, there were some differences.

At this time, Ling Feng's eyes fell on Duan Renjun and the yellow-haired young men: "I gave you a chance before, but you actually came to seek revenge from my people. It seems that you don't know how powerful I am, and I didn't let you know. My people can't move, none of you people need to think about leaving today!"


"Senior Brother Duan is here, you still dare to be arrogant, wait for Senior Brother Duan to defeat you, kneel down and beg for mercy, look like you still dare to talk like this."

Xiao Luo said.

The yellow-haired young man also sneered: "That's right, Senior Brother Duan is here, not only can you not do anything to us, but Senior Brother Duan will avenge us."

Duan Renjun said: "Ling Feng, you don't want to apologize when you say that?"

Duan Renjun shook his head: "It seems that I can only let you speak up, or I will give you some education on behalf of the wind teacher."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully:
"Then let me see your strength."

"Go ahead."

Duan Renjun Dao.

"You want to die yourself, so I have to fulfill you."

Ling Feng is also welcome.

Long walk.

The next moment, Ling Feng flashed, and he was already in front of Duan Renjun, and he punched him down.

Ling Feng is now a five-star celestial realm, no matter how strong he is, even a seven-star celestial realm, he can still be killed by him in a battle, even with the burning blood technique.

In fact, he could go back and fight Zhou Zihao now without being afraid of this person, but if he talked about it for a month, he could only wait for a month, and it would be fine to let this person live for an extra month.

(End of this chapter)

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