Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 336 Fear Emotion Processing System {2 more}

Chapter 336 Fear Emotion Processing System {[-] more}
"Ling Feng, it's you."

After seeing Ling Feng, Ji Yingying couldn't help being overjoyed and relieved.

With Ling Feng here, she will be fine.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng said.

Ji Yingying ran in front of Ling Feng, but the young man didn't stop him and just looked at the two of them.

It turned out that Ji Yingying went up to the Three Fingers Peak this time. In order to take a shortcut, she climbed up the mountain directly from this side, but she didn't expect to meet this young man who stopped her. The rest was simple. The young man threatened her, frightened her, He wanted to suck her blood, and he said all kinds of vicious things. He was a very strange and evil person.

Ji Yingying patted her chest, feeling terrified.

This time she came for Wuxingjing.

The dozens of catties of Wuxingjing owed to Lingfeng have not been returned yet.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

The moment Ling Feng saw this young man, there was something weird in his eyes, and there was also a hint of joy.

"Hey, remind the host that this person has a fear processing system. The possession of this system will deprive the host of luck, and the host swallowed him!"

In my mind, the voice of the system rang.

Another system owner.

Ling Feng didn't expect to come here and meet the system owner.

What kind of fear processing system is this?

Probably the host makes people fear, and then extracts the fear emotion value, so that they can get strength and various good things.

The reason why the young man didn't kill Ji Yingying just now was not only to gain the value of fear.

But what this young man did was a bit evil, and it was unacceptable for people to use it for no reason.

"Girlfriend is caught, boyfriend is here, it's good."

The young man smiled, but the smile was a bit sinister:

"One more is just right, let you have a good taste of the fear I gave you."

The young man approached Ling Feng and the others step by step, and then exuded a terrifying aura from his body.


A shadow appeared in Ling Feng's mind. In the shadow, he turned into a poor man, and countless evil spirits rushed towards him. Some of these evil spirits were heartbroken, some had horrible facial features, and some With disheveled hair, there was a black silence around him, and there were evil spirits everywhere.

An indescribable terror spread across the body and mind, and I couldn't scream even if I wanted to.

"Well, this person can actually project his mind and project horror scenes into my mind. His horror emotion processing system is a bit powerful."

Ling Feng was secretly shocked. At that moment just now, he felt a sense of horror.

However, this is an instant thing, which adds up to less than one-thousandth of a second.


Ling Feng snorted, and the dragon power on his body was released brazenly. These terrifying shadows were like snow meeting the sun, and they were separated one after another.

Legend has it that there are heavenly dragons and eight notes that can subdue ghosts and ghosts. Although his dragon power is not as good as it is, it is not bad.

As soon as Longwei was released, Ji Yingying also came to her senses, her face was pale and her body was limp, she stood firm only when Ling Feng held her hand.

Feel the thick temperature from Ling Feng's palm.

Ji Yingying calmed down: "Lingfeng, this person is really evil. I don't think he looks like a person, but like a demon crawling out of hell, so evil."

"This person is indeed very evil, but with me here, even if he is ten times more evil than this, it's just a matter of turning my back."

Ling Feng didn't care anymore, and smiled.

"Well, with you here, I'm not afraid."

Ji Yingying nodded seriously.

In her heart, there is actually another sentence, with you, it doesn't matter even if you die.

Ji Yingying felt that she had fallen into a fruitless relationship.


"It's quite capable to resist my 'horrible shadow'."

The young man showed a look of astonishment:

"Furthermore, your cultivation is so strong, a four-star heaven realm, tsk tsk, you have such a realm at a young age, you are a genius!"

As soon as Lingfeng Longwei was released, he also saw its strength.

It is true that Ling Feng is very strong, but after being surprised, he calmed down and smiled again on his face: "Four-star heaven is good, if a character like you can live in my terrifying shadow, it will be a big deal for me." The benefit is very great, let you taste my power again!"

The young man's words fell, his eyes were gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on Ling Feng.

That terrifying breath came again.

It's a pity that this time Ling Feng was prepared, and with a sneer, Long Wei was released, and the two invisible auras collided together without any sound, and there was no sign of a confrontation, but looking at the eyes of the two, But they stared at each other, one was ghostly like a ghost, the other was overbearing like a god.

Ding Ding Deng!
The young man took two steps back, and his expression returned to normal, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "You, a four-star celestial realm martial artist, what kind of exercise did you just perform, and it can resist my 'terrorist power'?" Shadow' that doesn't make sense."

The young man had to be surprised, this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"There are so many unreasonable things!"

Ling Feng sneered:
"What's the 'Great Shadow of Horror'? It's nothing in front of me. I want you to have a taste of what the real 'Great Horror Shadow' is."

"Jie Jie!"

The youth laughed out:

"Boy, I really thought I only had this means. It was just an appetizer just now. Don't worry, I will let you suffer endless pain and dedicate your strength and your life to me!"

The young man smiled coldly, like a ghost.

The youth is ready to do it again.

However, he stopped suddenly, his brows were wrinkled, and at this moment, a coquettish voice echoed:
"Shi Jiuyin, you dare to run here, you can't escape this time!"

With this voice.

A woman appeared. This woman was dressed in red, with red high heels, long red hair like a waterfall, under the long hair, and sensual and beautiful eyes. At this moment, following her words, she added a touch of heroism.


Ling Feng said in surprise.

That's right, it was Tang Hongxue who came.

He hasn't seen her for a long time, and he didn't expect her to appear at this time, especially...

Ling Feng discovered that Tang Hongxue's cultivation had actually improved so much, the five-star heavenly realm was simply terrifying!
He thought that his strength would improve soon.

But Tang Hongxue was faster than him.

Five-star heaven.

And he is only a level four dragon.

What has this woman been through.

Moreover, Ling Feng also noticed a palpitating power emanating from Tang Hongxue's body. It seemed that there was a peerless powerhouse hidden in her body. This woman hadn't seen her for a while, and she had changed too much.

"Don't call me by my name, I don't know you!"

Tang Hongxue glanced at him with a cold voice.

But her eyes fell on Ling Feng's hand, which was holding Ji Yingying.

Just now because of Shi Jiuyin's "horrible shadow", Ji Yingying lost her strength, so Ling Feng held her back.

(End of this chapter)

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