Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 321 Wretched {4 more}

Chapter 321 Wretched {Fourth Update}
God of Death Thunderball!
Not only Zhou Zihao and a few students, but some instructors also saw what the black shadow was, and they were all taken aback.

"Death God Lightning Ball!"

"How could Zheng Feihong have it?"

"Isn't this a one-time divine thunder that has been lost for a long time? This thing can kill even some extremely powerful celestial realms. The one in his hand just now is the size of a fist, and it may not even be a five-star celestial realm." I can take it!"

"Hiss! Zheng Feihong hides so deeply and is so ruthless. Once the ball of Nirvana Thunder comes out, won't Ling Feng be blown to death!"

"That's for sure. With this explosion, Ling Feng is afraid that his body will be smashed to pieces."

"Zheng Feihong is too insidious!"

"Indeed, look at him, there is not only the Nirvana Sky Thunder Ball, but also the Void Magical Talisman. Just now when the Sky Thunder Ball exploded, he used this talisman to fly into the sky. It is obvious that he has been prepared for a long time, and it is safe, but this void The divine movement talisman is also a lost talisman, how could he have it?"

"It's normal. Zheng Feihong is such a weird person. He seems to have obtained an ancient adventure, like some pills. Our current alchemists can't make them at all, but he has them. I saw this Void God Walking Talisman last time. He used it."

"It's just a pity, who would have thought that Zheng Feihong turned defeat into victory."


All the teachers sighed.


Zhou Zijie and the others stood on one side.

I was also taken aback by the explosion just now.

However, they quickly realized that the explosion.

Ling Feng is finished.

"Unexpectedly, Zheng Feihong actually has such a hole card, turning defeat into victory in a desperate situation."

Zhou Zijie sneered:
"Ling Feng is dead this time!"

"Yes, this kid is too arrogant, I really think he is the strongest in this world."

"Everyone is not easy to mess with. Zheng Feihong, an insidious guy, has so many extra preparations. Even if Ling Feng is stronger, he will be killed by his blast. This time, there are no bones left!"

"It's just a pity, he should still have a psychic fruit on his body, it was blown up, and it's gone!"

"If it's gone, it's gone. Even if there is, it's not your turn. This person is dead!"

"The rookie Wang, who was a freshman, was bombed to death less than two weeks after the start of school!"


Teng Yue stood aside, but his eyes flickered.

Others thought that Ling Feng was killed, so there should be nothing on his body.

But he knew that if Ling Feng had treasures like space rings, they would still be there. He just waited for the storm to pass and seized the opportunity. If he could find them, he would really send them out.

Teng Yue couldn't help being a little excited, his eyes fixed on the position of the platform of life and death, his eyes were like eagle eyes, searching.


"Brother Feng won't..."

Duo Xiaobao, Lan Qing, and Ji Yingying stood together.

Staring blankly at the mushroom cloud in front of him, he was a little at a loss.

Ling Feng won't be killed, right?
Both Lan Qing and Ji Yingying turned pale.

On the contrary, Qian Ling'er was not too worried, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Brother Ling Feng is still fine, he's fine."

Although Qian Ling'er couldn't see the situation inside clearly, after she got the Shenlong evolution system, she seemed to have some connection with Ling Feng in the dark, and she could clearly know the situation.

Ling Feng is still alive.


Lan Qing, Ji Yingying, and Duo Xiaobao looked at her.

Qian Linger nodded seriously: "It's fine."

I don't know why Qian Ling'er is clear, but Lan Qing and the others are still relieved.

The explosion just now was too frightening, and they could sense the terrifying power in it from such a distance.

The roof of the teaching building.

When Zheng Feihong sacrificed the Thunderball of Nirvana, Feng Baiyun's eyes flashed.

When the thunder ball exploded that day, I thought that Ling Feng might also be killed. He was so far away, and it was too late to save him, and he couldn't be rescued either.

However, surprisingly, Ling Feng is still alive.

The Nirvana Thunderball couldn't kill him either.

"This kid's dragon blood is really powerful!"

Feng Baiyun sighed.


at this time.

Above the stage of life and death, Zheng Feihong looked at the mushroom cloud below from a distance.

Although he was seriously injured by Ling Feng, there was a smile in his eyes, and he secretly said: "Ling Feng, you still died under my hands after all, this day, after I got the Tianlong Red Envelope System, I only got two thunder balls in total. , each of them saved my life, and they are even more precious than the Void God's Walk Talisman, if you can die by my hand, you will die without any regrets!"

Zheng Feihong is well aware of the power of the Nirvana Thunderball.

In his opinion, Ling Feng would never survive.


His voice just fell.

A voice came from below.

"Zheng Feihong, I didn't expect you to have the Nirvana Thunder Ball. This kind of thing is really powerful. If I were an ordinary person, I would have been killed by the bomb a long time ago, but I am not. You can't kill me, you just make me suffer." It's just a few injuries." Ling Feng walked out from the ruins of the explosion.

At this moment, Ling Feng's body was tattered, revealing the skin inside, which was gray and stained with traces of blood.

At this time, he was no different from a beggar.

Zheng Feihong has the Nirvana Thunderball.

Ling Feng didn't expect that either.

Moreover, when Zheng Feihong threw the thunder ball, it was fast and without warning.

When he was just alerted, the Nirvana Thunder Ball had already exploded.

Fortunately, he immediately transformed into a dragon, relying on the strength of the dragon body, resisting this blast wave.

That was him, and it would be impossible for other three-star or even five-star martial practitioners to take over.

Even so, he also suffered some injuries, but fortunately, it was only a skin trauma and nothing serious.

This shows that Ling Feng's strength is mainly manifested in his physical body.

In itself, even if Ling Feng does not transform into a dragon, his physical body is not comparable to that of other martial artists. It is because his physical body is hard that he can have a chance to transform into a dragon when the ball of Nirvana Thunder explodes, otherwise he will be bombed before it is too late. die.

"you are still alive?"


"None of the lightning balls from the Nirvana Sky can kill you?"

Seeing Ling Feng appearing, Zheng Feihong was stunned.

The other students, as well as the instructor, also had expressions of disbelief.

Under the explosion of the Nirvana Thunderball, can he still survive?

"This person is terrible!"

"How did he resist it?"

"Only his tyrannical body can survive, but, can human beings have such a strong body?"

"And I think his breath is still very stable, and the explosion didn't seriously hurt him."

"With such strength, Zheng Feihong is finished!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Didn't you see Zheng Feihong in the sky? This person actually has a Void Amulet. He is also a mysterious figure."

"In this way, there is nothing Ling Feng can do. In this life-and-death battle, no one dies. Zheng Feihong will definitely escape."


Zhou Zihao and the others also couldn't believe it.

Ling Feng's strength far exceeded their expectations.

This level of strength, even Zhou Zihao himself felt that it was unusual, and at the same time, an inexplicable threat rose in his heart. At this moment, he really wanted to kill this person.

(End of this chapter)

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