Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 305 Consummation {5 updates, please subscribe}

Chapter 305 Consummation {fifth update, please subscribe}
For Ling Feng's words.

Ni Qiandie didn't mind either, and said with a smile, "Okay, I agree to this matter. It just so happens that what Elder Luo said is right, our Gaosheng Society does have twenty catties of Five Elements Crystals."

After a pause, Ni Qiandie said again: "Of course, if you win, I will give you twenty catties of Five Elements Crystal, and you have to do one thing for me!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly.

What he didn't expect was that Ni Qiandie actually had the Five Elements Crystal, and it was still twenty catties. If he got it, then there would be no problem with [-] Five Elements Qi.

However, I have to help Ni Qiandie with one thing, which is a bit...

"Ling Feng, this is very beneficial to you. Now I, Gao Shenghui, have lost three people. It's all because of your solid fate. It's impossible for me to say nothing."

Ni Qiandie said something again.

"Tell me what you can do to help you first?"

Ling Feng spoke.

"I can't tell you about this for the time being, but I can be sure that if you do it with me, you will also have a lot of benefits."

Ni Qiandie said:

"Actually, if my father hadn't been in the Demon Cave Spiritual Realm, I wouldn't have asked for help."

"Is that so..."

"Okay, I promise this."

Ling Feng didn't hesitate too much, the consummation of the Qi of the Five Elements was right in front of him, and he had to get the twenty catties of the Five Elements Crystal:

"By the way, if I win, you must give me the Five Elements Crystal first!"

"this is okay!"

Ni Qiandie also readily agreed:
"It's just that I don't think you can beat me. This time, I'll let you make the first move."

"is it?"

Ling Feng smiled:
"Then you're welcome!"

Ling Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The next moment, the momentum on his body changed, and in the feeling of everyone, Ling Feng's hair seemed to stand upright, as if a god descended from the earth.


Furious Fist!Fist strength seems to be born in the void, and it seems to appear in the void.

When this punch was struck, Ni Qiandie's expression changed.

Ling Feng's punch was very strong, and it was completely different from what he expected.

She has seen the battle videos of Ling Feng and the student union Ye Bin and others, so she has some understanding of his strength. At most, it is comparable to a two-star celestial realm. A martial artist with such strength, she herself can't match it.

But at the same time, it was also discovered that Ling Feng's realm had reached the two-star heaven realm.

One star higher than in school.

That is to say, during the short period of time after leaving school, Ling Feng stepped from one star to two stars.

This cultivation speed is simply terrifying.

Ni Qiandie scolded, and drew out the sword!

A sharp sword energy that looked like a butterfly piercing through flowers collided with Ling Feng's punch and exploded immediately!

The sword energy was exploded into streaks like willow leaves, and shot out towards the surroundings. Lan Qing and the others, all the disciples of the Gaoshenghui retreated, but they didn't have time to retreat. Fortunately, Ling Xiaojie, Ling Xiaoxia, the children of the Gaoshenghui The elder resisted, otherwise the shattered sword energy would definitely hurt people.

Ni Qiandie took eleven steps back before stopping, her face pale and her heart beating violently.

But Elder Tong and other members of the Gaoshenghui looked at the scene in front of them in a daze.

Ni Qiandie is a master of the three-star heaven realm, but he was repelled by Ling Feng's move, and he was obviously at a disadvantage.

Elder Tong could see it even more clearly.

Judging from the aura emanating from Ling Feng, Ni Qiandie was not his opponent either.

If the other party wants to kill him, it is a matter of one move.

"How old is he, how can there be such a strong person."

Elder Tong was shocked.

Not only Ling Feng, but he also discovered that Ling Xiaojie and Ling Xiaoxia were both ridiculously strong, and they were even younger, so they were simply freaks.

"Ling Feng, there's no need to compare. I'm not your opponent. I can't imagine how long it will take me to have the strength to crush three-star heavenly realm martial artists. I think you will be on the Tobu list soon. "

Ni Qiandie had to admit it.

She personally faced Ling Feng's punch just now, and felt the deepest.

That punch was as powerful as a prison, it was irresistible at all, even she found that the opponent didn't use all his strength, otherwise she might be seriously injured under one punch.

Before, she thought that Ling Feng was not her opponent.

If she hadn't been too sure about Ling Feng's words, she wouldn't have added the last request.

Ling Feng clapped his hands: "Well, since you lost, give me the Five Elements Crystal."

Ling Feng couldn't wait any longer.

"It's natural."

Ni Qiandie withdrew her sword, but there was not much emotional change:
"Let's go to our Gaoshenghui for a seat."


A small courtyard behind the Gaoshenghui office building.

Ling Feng didn't have to wait long when Ni Qiandie came.

This time there are only two people.

Ni Qiandie carried a cardboard box in his hand and handed it to Ling Feng: "Twenty catties of Wuxingjing are inside."

Ling Feng took it, with a rare look of joy on his face: "Thank you!"

Holding the box in his arms, Ling Feng walked towards the inner room.

"Hey! I still have something to say, you promised to help me..."

Ni Qiandie was a little angry.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ling Feng waved his hand, entered the room, and closed the door.


Ni Qiandie called out, but there was no echo.

Slightly stomping her feet, Ni Qiandie rolled her dark eyeballs with a look of curiosity. She really didn't understand why Ling Feng wanted so many Five Elements Crystals.

She knows Wuxingjing, this thing is very tasteless, except for refining tools, it basically doesn't have much effect.

But Ling Feng obviously couldn't be a refining weapon.

I wanted to follow up and have a look, but after thinking about it, forget it.


in the room.

Ling Feng opened the box.

Inside is a large colored stone, which is indeed a five-element crystal.

"Twenty catties of Five Elements Crystal, I only need about five catties now, which is almost enough."

A virtual panel appeared in Ling Feng's mind.

The five catties he got from Qiao Liang and the ten catties from Wu Yuan had already been extracted by him to extract the energy of the five elements.

The column of Qi of the Five Elements: Qi of Metal: 9432 points, Qi of Wood: 9488 points, Qi of Water 9537 points, Qi of Fire 9502 points, Qi of Earth 9459 points.

Each difference is about 500 points.

Ling Feng cut off about five catties with a palm knife, and with a thought, he extracted this piece of Five Elements Crystal.

The column of Qi of the Five Elements: Qi of Metal: 9987 points, Qi of Wood: 10003 points, Qi of Water: 10032 points, Qi of Fire: 9958 points, Qi of Earth: 9991 points.

It's still a bit short, it seems that each of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth has to gather 10000 points.

Ling Feng cut off a small piece again, not even a catty.


"Drip, remind the host that the air of the five elements: the air of gold: 10098 points, the air of wood: 10120 points, the air of water: 10113 points, the air of fire 10023 points, the air of earth 10058 points have been completed, can condense the Dragon Palace, whether Cohesion?"


"Concentrating... Concentrating successfully!"

Ling Feng felt that in the depths of his mind, an inexplicable force was brewing in the unknown void. Indistinctly, a golden dot appeared in the deep outer space. Small, it seemed to be in the depths of time and space far away, but soon this golden dot became bigger and appeared in front of my eyes.

Ling Feng saw it clearly!
A huge golden palace!
(End of this chapter)

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