Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 255 Apology {2 more}

Chapter 255 Apology {Second Update}
Ziying asked.

Ji Yingying talked about what happened just now.

In the end, she frowned: "Ziying, why did you get mixed up with Dongfang Jun?"

In Ji Yingying's memory, Ziying and Dongfang Jun have no contact with each other.

But judging from the demeanor and words of the two just now, it is obvious that they have not just met, and the relationship between the two is not ordinary.

"We'll talk about this later."

Zi Ying smiled:
"Yingying, let's forget about this matter. I'll ask Dongfang Jun to give you a gift and an apology. After all, you weren't injured."


Ji Yingying's face was a little ugly.

If Ling Feng wasn't here today, she would have been abolished by Dongfang Jun, and the Ji family's property and treasure house would also be annexed by the Seven Killing Gate, and finally the Ji family would be slowly eaten away, and none of the Ji family would stay. Go live.

Now that Ziying came, Dongfang Jun was going to be released, which made Ji Yingying feel a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, she and Ziying were friends, and she didn't know the relationship between the two until now, which simply kept her in the dark.

However, Ling Feng's Five Elements Crystal she promised must be obtained from Zi Ying.

The friend who told Ling Feng was Zi Ying.

"All right!"

Ji Yingying nodded and looked at Ling Feng:

"Let's forget about this matter. By the way, let me introduce you. She is Ji Ziying from Seventh Group. Like me, she is a student of East China Budao University and also my friend."

Ling Feng nodded, and didn't care anymore: "Then this matter has nothing to do with me, but..."

Ji Yingying said hastily: "As agreed before, my Ji family's treasure house is yours now!"

"Good to say."

Ling Feng smiled, and his eyes fell on Dongfang Jun again, but his expression turned cold:
"Although I won't abolish your cultivation right now, what you just said made me very unhappy. Kneel down and apologize!"

Everyone's expressions changed.

Master Ling asked Dongfang Jun to kneel down and apologize.

This is what Dongfang Jun said just now, and now Ling Feng has also said it.

"Master Ling, I just made a joke just now, forget it..."

Dongfang Jundui laughed.

"You have 30 seconds, after the time, you will be crippled!"

Ling Feng said lightly.

Dongfang Jun froze, his face was blue and purple.

Isn't it humiliating for the majestic young master of the Seven Killing Sect to ask him to kneel down?
"Master Ling, you..."

Ji Ziying's expression changed slightly, and she continued to speak, but unfortunately, Ling Feng ignored it at all.

She glanced at Ji Yingying, who also shook her head.

Ji Yingying also knew Ling Feng not long ago.

It was impossible for her to persuade Ling Feng.

One second, two seconds...

Seeing that 30 seconds will arrive.

Dongfang Jun knelt on the ground: "Master Ling, I was reckless just now, please forgive me!"

But he was roaring in his heart: "I have written down this grudge!"

"get out!"

Ling Feng waved his hand.

Dongfang Jun stood up, glanced at Ji Ziying, didn't stay for a moment, greeted her, and left Ji's house.

Lu Lianshen, the Lu family, and the Rong family all left separately, and Ji Yingying did not stop them.

Soon Ji Yingying and his daughter, Ji Ziying, and Ling Feng were left on the scene.

Ji Yingying said: "Ziying, how many five elements crystals do you have, sell them to me, how about it?"

Ji Ziying watched Dongfang Jun leave expressionlessly, and then smiled and said, "It's about ten catties. If you want it, I'll give it to you."

"Ten pounds?"

Ji Yingying frowned slightly.

She had heard from Ji Ziying before that there were quite a few five-element crystals, but they only weighed ten catties.

You must know that the [-]th Group operates the [-]th Auction, and there are many kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures in circulation, and there are many good things hidden. Ten catties of Five Elements Crystal is too little.

She agreed to Ling Feng and gave him back a hundred catties.

But now, he only got ten catties from Ji Ziying.

"Okay, ten catties is ten catties."

Ji Yingying can only do this.

Better than nothing.

At this time, Ji Ziying smiled again: "Of course, Yingying, if you think it's too little, we will have another [-] catties of Wuxingjing to be auctioned at our [-]-day auction the day after tomorrow, but this is a martial artist who entrusted us to auction it. Otherwise, give it to Yingying directly!"

"Twenty catties!"

A look of surprise appeared in Ji Yingying's eyes:
"Then from the day after tomorrow until the auction on the [-]th, I must take the twenty catties of Five Elements Crystal!"

Ji Ziying smiled and nodded.

After the two exchanged a few words, Ji Ziying left.

"Thirty catties of Five Elements Crystal."

Ji Yingying bit her lip:

"Ling Feng, don't worry, I will definitely find a hundred catties of Five Elements Crystal for you."

"What did you use to find it?"

There was a playful smile on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth:
"I think you may not be able to get the thirty catties. Now that the treasure house of your Ji family is mine, what capital do you have to exchange these Five Elements Crystals?"


Ji Yingying opened her mouth, but was speechless.

Although it is said that the Ji family's treasure house belongs to Ling Feng, it is the same thing. In the subconscious, the Ji family's treasure house still belongs to the Ji family.

It is precisely because of this that she has the confidence.

As long as there are five elements crystals on the market, she can find a way to get them.

But now...

"Anyway, I'll find it for you!"

Ji Yingying said.

"That's for sure. No one can deny my account."

Ling Feng nodded.


Ji Yingying puffed her mouth, unable to speak.

Ling Feng waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go and see my treasure house together!"

"Yingying, take Master Ling to the treasure house!"

Ji Qiubai sighed, glanced at his daughter, and shook his head.

Ling Feng followed Ji Yingying to Ji's treasure house.

The Ji family is a big family in Beijiang City. There are many good things in the treasury. The wooden shelves are full of medicinal materials, and there are many rare ones. Ling Feng took a look and found that most of them were refined earth elements. It is estimated that the medicinal materials of the pill can be refined into more than 30 furnaces of Yuandan, and hundreds of pills can be produced.

Originally, he was still thinking that in the future, Ling Xiaoxia, Ling Xiaojie, and Heilang would need Yuandan for their cultivation every month, so they had to find a way to let them find some materials by themselves, but now they don't need it.

With these medicinal materials, he can directly refine them into pills after spending a little time. Hei Lang and the others have practiced enough for several years, and with his own dragon energy, they can directly raise their strength to an extremely high level .

"These medicinal materials and ores are precious, but I am very satisfied, but there are none."

Ling Feng shook his head, actually a little disappointed.

The things in the treasury are useful to his subordinates, but not enough for him.

Of course, there are a few fire, wood, metallic medicinal materials and ores that he can extract the Five Elements Qi, but it is not worth it, because the extracted Five Elements Qi is not much, but it is a waste, it is not as good as alchemy.

Wuxingjing is the best of the Five Elements Qi that Ling Feng needs.

"Of course it's more than that."

Ji Yingying walked to the corner, opened a hidden compartment, and took out a box the size of a fist. Looking at the box, her eyes were full of reluctance.

Ji Yingying stretched out one hand without looking at it: "No, open it yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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