Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 237 Promise {4 more}

Chapter 237 Promise {fourth update}
Ling Feng had one hand and one person, and his speed remained unabated.

The entrance to the spiritual domain can already be clearly seen in front of it.

This is like a portal on the ground, but this portal is very large, nearly a hundred meters high and more than 40 meters wide.

Looking at the past from a distance, there is a white light in the entrance, which forms a sharp contrast with the gray sky outside.

This is the third entrance to the spiritual domain.

A figure flashed and entered this portal.

But the speed of this figure remained unabated, and it swept towards the depths of the portal.

This person is naturally Ling Feng, he is holding the collars of Ji Yingying and Jia Liang.

Those demon kings are still chasing after them fiercely, and demons can also enter the spiritual domain, but after entering the spiritual domain, the combat effectiveness of these demon kings will be greatly reduced. Generally, few demons enter the spiritual domain.

Sure enough, Ling Feng saw from a distance that only two of the five nine-star demon kings hesitated for a moment, and chased after them.

Ling Feng sneered, and carried the two of them for another hundred kilometers. At this time, they had escaped from the pursuit of the two nine-star demon kings.

"All right!"

Ling Feng let go and let go of the two of them.

Both of Ji Yingying were a little shocked. Ling Feng led them to run for nearly [-] kilometers, without blushing, without jumping in anger, and the speed never weakened. This kind of explosive power and speed is not a seven-star place at all. What martial artists in the world can do.

"Did he hide his strength?"

As long as Ling Feng doesn't make a move, the two of them won't be able to see his specific realm strength, which is obviously a powerful concealment method.

Jia Liang shook his head. Originally, he still had some thoughts about the spirit sword in Ling Feng's hand, but at this moment, this kind of thought was firmly in his heart, and he thanked: "Brother Ling Feng, thank you for saving my life this time, if it weren't for You, I will die at the hands of those demons."

After a pause, he continued: "I seem to have heard of the Five Elements Crystal you mentioned. I don't have one myself, but I will find a way to find it for you when I get back! This is my identity jade card, the elder of Gushimen in Yunnan Province!"

Ling Feng took the jade card and looked at it. The jade card is exquisitely made, so there should be no fakes.

As for the ancient Shimen in Yunnan Province, he had never heard of it. Speaking of which, Ling Feng has relatively little knowledge now. Except for the various forces and martial arts practitioners in Yundu Province, he is not clear about the situation in other provinces.

"Ancient stone gate in Yunnan Province!"

Ji Yingying was surprised:
"Shi Tao, you know him!"

"Shi Tao, the son of my ancient Shimen sect master, he is also in East China Wuda, a genius of one-star heaven, it seems that Miss Ji also knows him!"

Jia Liang laughed.

Shi Tao is a genius of the ancient Shimen, even a very famous figure in the entire Yunnan Province.

"Very good, you are the elder of Gu Shimen, so I am more at ease."

Ling Feng nodded:
"Let's go, find the Five Elements Crystal for me as soon as you go out. Remember, ten kilograms, I will come to you within a month. If you don't deliver it on time, your ancient stone gate will be finished. Do you understand?"

Ling Feng was not afraid of the other party breaking the contract at all, and his debts were not so easy.

Jia Liang frowned slightly, and quickly said with a smile: "Brother Ling Feng, it's only natural, and it will be served on time!"

Jia Liang left.

Ling Feng then turned his attention to Ji Yingying.

"I know what you want, is it Five Elements Crystal!"

Before Ling Feng could speak, Ji Yingying said first:
"Just like Jia Liang, I don't have this thing either, but a friend of mine has it. If you don't believe me, you can come home with me when you go out this time. It's in Yundu Province. Then I'll get you the Five Elements Crystal." Come on, but there is no guarantee that there will be ten kilograms!"

Ji Yingying has held back these words for a long time.

When she was outside, she heard what Ling Feng said to Jia Liang, and she breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that what Ling Feng wanted was not money, earth essence pills, etc., but Wuxingjing.

She has heard of this kind of thing, it is a rare treasure, but it is very tasteless, except for refining, it is basically useless, even if it is refining, not all refining masters can use the Five Elements Crystal.

But at that time, she thought that Ling Feng didn't want anything but her...

Thinking of this, Ji Yingying felt ashamed and ashamed at the same time.

If you have any requirements, don't say it yourself, you have to let others guess!

Moreover, it is really disgusting to say that the airport behind her is!
"It seems that you are very smart."

Ling Feng nodded, and his heart moved:
"You said you are from Yundu Province, are you from Ji's family?"

"Do you know my Ji family?"

This time it was Ji Yingying's turn to be surprised:
"You are also the province of Yundu..."

Seeing Ling Feng nodding his head, Ji Yingying felt even more strange. Is there such a person in Yundu Province?Why hasn't she heard of it? Could it be some ancient families in the province? She has heard of this. In fact, some well-known martial arts forces are all on the surface, and generally belong to new forces. Compared with the ancient family in the dark, which is not visible, it is not worth mentioning.

Ji Yingying confirmed Ling Feng's background in her heart, and the other party was from the same province as her, so she had a taste of a fellow countryman, and she became a little closer inadvertently.

"The people of Ji's family are not bad, not bad."

Ling Feng laughed and said:

"In that case, you will wait for me in Tacheng in three days, and I will go with you then."

The Qi of the Five Elements has been more than half completed, and the Dragon Palace will be formed when it reaches [-] points. He is also looking forward to it in his heart. He doesn't know what the Dragon Palace will look like by then.

"Three days is too short, at least seven days are needed."

Ji Yingying shook her head:
"It's hard to come in at a huge risk. It's not worthwhile to go out too early."

"Seven days?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly.

He didn't intend to stay for such a long time. This time, he came to the Devil's Lair just to have a look. Although there are some treasures in the spiritual realm, he doesn't need them too much.

For Ling Feng, what is needed is the endless sea beast life like that in the ocean, which can be devoured by him madly, so that it can evolve.


Ling Feng suddenly realized that there are quite a lot of monsters in this spiritual realm. He felt a lot of powerful auras while running just now, which is much more than the monsters in Wuyin Mountain. As long as he devours them Well, I'm afraid I can get enough dragon energy value of 1000 million deniers:
"Okay, see you in Tacheng in seven days."

Ling Feng agreed to come down and exchanged mobile phone numbers, but now in Lingyu, there is no signal.

"By the way, I forgot to call Linger, Teacher, in Tacheng!"

Thinking of this, Ling Feng felt dizzy.

But there is no other way now, only to talk about it when we get out of the devil's lair.

After Ji Yingying left, Ling Feng also found a random direction to go forward. His goal was very clear, which was to find monsters, a large number of monsters, and devour them!

(End of this chapter)

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