Chapter 194 Iron Cock!
Ling Feng shook his head.

He knew what Luo Yixuan was thinking, but alchemy was not as easy as what they just saw.

Not to mention that there are many details in it, it cannot be mastered in a day or two.

Another more important reason is that he just slapped Yao Ding nine times.

This is the key.

Under this beat, the pure and high-quality dragon energy in the body was injected into the medicine cauldron.

With the cooperation of his high-quality dragon energy, it is only in this way that the middle-grade human yuan pill can be refined.

Of course, he did this intentionally to refine the middle-grade person Yuan Dan, otherwise, he could also refine the top-grade and top-grade person Yuan Dan, but it's just unnecessary.

Ling Feng would not take the initiative to talk about these things.

"Okay, Brother Luo, your affairs are also fine."

Ling Feng clapped his hands, he should go too.

This time helping Luo Yixuan to refine alchemy was incidental, and beheading Li Shenglong was the real thing.

However, he did not give these people the medium-grade man Yuan Dan he refined.

Originally, there would be no reward for coming here to make alchemy for Luo Yixuan, and the elixir he made would definitely be taken away. Although he looked down upon it somewhat, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

And after this time, he returned Luo Yixuan's favor, and it will not be so easy to please himself in the future.

Ling Feng's time is still precious.

"Little girl, you ate one of my middle-grade Renyuan Pills, now pay me back the same value."

Ling Feng turned his eyes and landed on Sisi, looking at the girl with a half-smile.

"I'm not a little girl, and you're not much older than me."

Sisi's mouth bulged, and then she pitied Xixi and said:
"Little brother, you are so stingy. It's just a middle-grade human pill. I ate it as soon as I ate it, and even asked me for it. I just cheered you up. Otherwise, you might not be able to refine the middle-grade pill." Pinren Yuandan, speaking of which, you should thank me."

As Sisi said, two small dimples piled up again, and she justified herself:

"Little brother, you have to give me another Human Yuan Pill!"

Ling Feng was funny: "Girl, it's not okay to be cute in front of me. My Ling Feng's things are not that easy to get, so I will make compensation now, otherwise, hehe!"

There was an evil look in Ling Feng's eyes, and he swept Sisi back and forth.

"Bah, bah, bah! Little brother, your heart is so dark!"

Ling Feng's eyes looked really scary, Sisi took two steps back, hid behind Cai'er, revealed one eye and secretly looked at Ling Feng.

Cai'er was also a little helpless, and was about to speak, but Luo Yixuan said first: "Cai'er, I went to Kunlun Mountain with Rong'er before, and brought back a Five Elements Crystal, are you still here now?"

Luo Yixuan asked.

"Five elements crystal?"

Caier showed a trace of doubt on her face, but she nodded quickly:

"Uncle Luo, it seems to be here."

"That's great!"

Luo Yixuan was overjoyed:
"That's right, Cai'er, can you give me the Five Elements Crystal? Today, Master Ling is concocting alchemy here. It's also an eye-opener for me. I have learned a lot of experience in alchemy. I want to give the Five Elements Crystal to Master Ling. Cai'er, look..."

Luo Yixuan looked at Cai'er, asking for her opinion.

"Okay, Uncle Luo, I'm going to check the warehouse now."

Cai'er didn't hesitate when she heard this, she turned and went to the warehouse.

Originally, Lu Zhen was going to stop and refuse, but he didn't say it in the end.

Although Luo Yixuan didn't deal with him, what the other party said made sense. Ling Feng's alchemy opened their eyes. After today, they will go back to refine the human pill and learn some of Ling Feng's alchemy techniques. It is possible to improve the level of alchemy.

Lu Zhen also has his own pride, and he will not say annoying things in this regard.

Soon, Cai'er came out holding a box.

Inside the box is a five-element crystal, which is also about the size of a human head.

"Brother, I'm sorry to trouble you today, I heard that my brother is looking for the Five Elements Crystal..."

Luo Yixuan picked up the Five Elements Crystal and handed it to Ling Feng.

In fact, this matter should have been mentioned when Ling Feng agreed to help him in the alchemy competition, but he was not sure whether the Five Elements Crystal was still in Caier's house at that time, and the Five Elements Crystal was given to Rong'er, and it was not his own, so he said at that time Such words are not good, if the Five Elements Crystal is gone, then it will make people unhappy.

"Then I take it."

Ling Feng nodded, but he did not refuse.

The Five Elements Crystal is indeed what he needs.

It seems that the trip here was not in vain.

However, now that he has accepted Luo Yixuan's Five Elements Crystal, if he doesn't make it up to the other party, he will owe the other party another favor.

After thinking for a while, he also threw sixteen Chinese pills into the porcelain plate: "The last time you went to see Ling'er in the hospital, I haven't thanked you yet. I'll put these pills here."

Luo Yixuan was startled, and soon understood what Ling Feng meant.

Sometimes debts of favor are not easy to repay.

Luo Yixuan nodded, he had to take this elixir, and it wasn't his. He looked at Ling'er's favor, Ling Feng helped him make alchemy and returned it, now Cai'er's Five Elements Crystal, Ling Feng used middle-grade Yuan Ling Dan came to exchange, speaking of it, Cai Er got more benefits.

Only a very few people can use things like five elements crystals, otherwise they are just for decoration and useless.

Ling Feng put away the Five Elements Crystal, it was not easy for him to absorb someone here at the moment.

At this time, he turned his attention to Sisi again.

Sisi pursed her lips: "Stingy ghost, then you go back with me to get it, and I will return you ten low-ranking Yuan Pills!"

"Whoever runs so far with you, bring it now!"

Ling Feng was dissatisfied.

"Iron cock, cheapskate, miser, you are old man Gao!"

Sisi is not happy:
"My home is not far away. It's in Hongyiwan. Come with me. We'll be there in a few minutes."


Cai'er took La Sisi's hand, and looked at Ling Feng: "I'll take that middle-grade Yuandan for her..."

Before Cai'er finished speaking, Sisi interrupted, "Cai'er, this is your thing."

Sisi shook her head and looked at Ling Feng: "Iron Rooster, do you want it? If you want it, come back with me to get it. If you don't want it, I won't give it!"

Ling Feng laughed when he heard Sisi's words, he was actually from Hongyiwan, originally he planned to go to Hongyiwan, he was afraid that it would be troublesome to go in, but now it seems that this trouble has been solved, judging by Sisi's words and deeds , the status in Hongyiwan is not low, so it is no problem at all to follow this girl in.

"Of course I do!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said:
"Let's go."

"You really want it!"

Sisi opened her eyes wide, with an unhappy expression on her face, she lowered her head and walked forward:

"let's go."

"Let's talk later."

Ling Feng followed Sisi, and when he saw Luo Yixuan and the other three coming out, he waved his hand, signaling that they don't need to pay any attention, and he was busy.

"Uncle Luo, Sisi should be okay, right?"

Cai'er asked worriedly.

Although Ling Feng didn't look like a bad person, she still had to ask, and she also felt that Ling Feng seemed a little stingy.

But when he thought that the other party had left all sixteen middle-grade human yuan pills behind, it didn't look like it.

"It should be fine."

Luo Yixuan had a pensive look on his face.

He knew that Ling Feng had also come to Binghu City this time, but he didn't know what Ling Feng was doing in Binghu City.

"Could it be that you want to go to Hongyiwan?"

Luo Yixuan shook his head, no longer thinking about these things, he has no way to manage these things.

The alchemy method that Ling Feng showed today is really shocking. He can refine the middle-grade Yuandan at a young age, and it looks very easy. The other party has the blood of the dragon. This kind of person, some geniuses can't compare , then how stalwart his own master is!
(End of this chapter)

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