Chapter 177 Trouble!
"So it's really Master Ling!"

At this time, Chen Juetian saw Ling Feng getting off the car, with a look of surprise on his face.

Quickly greeted: "Master Ling, I was really sorry just now, I didn't know you were inside."

Chen Juetian had an apologetic look on his face, but it was fake no matter how you looked at it.

Ling Feng shook his head.

Is this the attitude towards Master Ling?
Ling Feng's backhand was a slap.

Chen Juetian is only one star, how could he avoid Ling Feng's slap.

On the spot, Chen Juetian turned around three times on the spot, his face was swollen visibly with the naked eye.

The scene was quiet.

The young man behind Chen Juetian, Wang Yang, all looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

They really didn't expect that Ling Feng would attack Chen Juetian at this time.

This master Ling is really as the legend says, he has a very bad temper, and he will strike at the slightest disagreement.

In fact, from Wang Yang's point of view, if he were Ling Feng, Chen Juetian would feel very uncomfortable if he did this.

However, Ling Feng hit someone directly...

Chen Juetian is Chen Juewu's son, the sect master loves this son very much.

As soon as he came out like this, Wang Yang knew he was in trouble.

This matter will not be left alone.

Even he himself cannot escape the relationship.

But at this moment, Chen Juetian was really dumbfounded.

He looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, unable to speak for a long time.

I was beaten.

And it was the most humiliating slap.

Chen Juetian is crazy!
"Master Ling! No! Ling Feng, you bastard, if you dare to hit me, I won't let you go, my father will kill you."

After reacting, Chen Juetian's eyes turned red instantly, and he stared at Ling Feng murderously.

He was still talking, but his mouth just moved.

Ling Feng called Chen Juetian again.

Even if Chen Juetian was prepared, he couldn't hide if he wanted to.

Ling Feng's strength is terrifying now, and the one-star realm is not much different from ordinary people in front of him.

"Hand hurts!"

Ling Feng rubbed his hands together and said with a smile:
"Ling'er, I'm also the 'Master Ling' in everyone's mouth now. I speak freely and my strength is stronger than me. That's easy to say. I treat them equally, but my strength is weak. I still pretend to be big in front of me. Isn't this just looking for a fight? It's a pity. , hurt my hand."

At this time, Chen Juetian's face was swollen into a pig's head, and he covered his face with his hands.

He didn't speak now.

Even the young man behind him was extremely nervous and wanted to say a few words for Chen Juetian, but he dared not say that.

Chen Juetian gave Ling Feng a resentful look, not only Ling Feng, but also Wang Yang and others.


Wang Yang looked at the Ferrari that disappeared at the end of the road, and didn't know what to say.

As for Li Shen, Yang Yu regretted it in his heart at the moment.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in this muddy water.

Now Chen Juetian is also eyeing them, and he might kill them if he gets angry in the future.

"Master Ling, let's get in the car."

Wang Yang felt a little bit bitter in his heart, but his face soon regained his composure, with a hint of a smile on his face.

In fact, the best thing to do now is to get rid of Ling Feng and let him go to the star gate by himself, then this matter has nothing to do with him.

But Wang Yang knows that even if the relationship is separated, he and Chen Juetian have conflicts. You must know that the other party came to intercept this time, and Chen Juetian just wanted to disgust him. The grievance between the two has lasted for more than ten years. It's been [-] years, and it's useless to get rid of the relationship now, what should come will still come, it's better to grab what is in front of you, he doesn't want to offend Master Ling at this time.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng smiled lightly.


In the Ferrari.

Chen Juetian's face was distorted, seeing his face swollen like a pig's head from the mirror, his heart was raging with anger.

"Damn it, that bastard, I won't let him go, I'll tear him to pieces."

Chen Juetian was furious, bang!The window glass was blown away by his punch.

"Master Tian, ​​that kid is too crazy, go back and let the sect master kill him."

The young man followed up.

Chen Juetian glanced at him: "Xiao Mu, you are fine too, why didn't you say anything just now, how did you show your loyalty in front of me before, and now you forget?"

The young man named Xiaomu trembled in his heart, and stammered: "Young Master Tian, ​​it's not like this, Xiaomu is naturally loyal, but Master Ling, he is strong, I... It's useless if I say it, and he... ...he could kill me!"

"Oh, it's when you're in danger that you can tell whether a person is loyal or not. Xiaomu, if you don't want to be beaten to death by that beast, then I'll beat you to death."

Speaking of the latter, Chen Juetian looked at Xiaomu with a vicious expression.

Under Xiaomu's horrified and disbelieving eyes.

Xiaomu's temple was blown out by Chen Juetian's punch.

Chen Juetian took Xiaomu's body and threw it to the side of the road.

He drove back to the stargate by himself.

At the first moment when he saw his father Chen Juewu, before Chen Juewu could speak, Chen Juetian shouted: "Dad, you have to make the decision for me!"

Chen Juetian's eyes were red and he almost cried.

Chen Juewu, the master of the star gate, is tall and tall, with wolves and eagles around him. This appearance looks a little scary, but he doesn't look like this son. At this moment, Chen Juewu also saw his son's face swollen into a pig's head. At that time, it sank, and even the temperature in the whole room dropped.

"Tian'er, who moved the hand?"

"That bastard Ling Feng!"

Chen Juetian gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"You mean Master Jiang Cheng Ling?"

Chen Juewu frowned:
"Didn't I ask you to pick him up? How could he do anything to you?"

"Dad, I didn't provoke that bastard. I just couldn't bear Wang Yang's humble appearance. After saying a few words, the bastard beat me and didn't give me any face. Dad, you want to avenge me. At that time So many people are watching, if this beast is released, what face will my Star Gate face?"

"Tell me about this in detail, don't hide it!"

Chen Juewu did not take his son's words.


Seeing his father staring at him, Chen Juetian felt a little apprehensive, he knew that his father would investigate this matter himself, it was useless to tell lies, he had to tell the truth, but he felt that he was not too serious about this matter. Big mistake, after thinking about it, I still tell what happened one by one.

After hearing what his son said, Chen Juewu frowned and remained silent.

"Dad, that bastard is horrible. I have heard that this person is arrogant and domineering. Now it seems that this is the case. This kind of person is looking for death. Dad, this time he came to our star gate, you killed him. Isn't this person Do you have the blood of the dragon? If Dad kills him and refines his blood, maybe Dad can also have the blood of the dragon, and it will be more than enough to step into the heavenly realm by then, and our star gate will grow accordingly."

Chen Juetian's face was ferocious, but his face turned red again as he spoke.

Divine Dragon Bloodline!
If my father killed this kid, drained his blood, and even his body could be used for alchemy, he would definitely get a share.

(End of this chapter)

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