Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 174 Isn't it him?

Chapter 174 Isn't it him?
"Beauty, you are so beautiful, with long hair and milky skin, like an elf among flowers."

The short-haired youth laughed and praised:

"Girl, please leave a WeChat message, and I will treat you to dinner next time."

The short-haired young man turned on his phone while talking, looked at Qian Linger, and kept smiling.

"Ling'er, look, someone invited you to dinner. Unfortunately, I have never encountered such a good thing."

Ling Feng laughed.

Ling Feng didn't get angry when he heard the short-haired young man's words. He had seen many such people, and it was unnecessary.

"Brother Lingfeng, that means your spirit is pretty."

Ling'er smiled and said, looking at the short-haired youth:
"Thank you for the compliment, but I don't have time."

Ling'er took Ling Feng's hand and was about to walk into the elevator.

The short-haired young man still kept smiling, and stopped in front of Ling Feng and the two of them. This time, he looked at Ling Feng: "Brother, leave a WeChat message, and come out to have dinner together some other day."

Ling Feng was a little funny, he was using a roundabout tactic.

"I don't like men, you go."

Ling Feng said.

"Brother, I'm a disciple of Star Gate, you're too disrespectful, I, Li Shen, can't even treat you to a meal?"

Li Shen, a young man with short hair, frowned.


Ling Feng was taken aback, but he didn't expect to meet the disciples of the Star Gate when he first came to Jiangming City.

"That's right, it seems that you also know about Stargate, are you a martial artist?"

Li Shen smiled, but he pulled Ling Feng's hand like lightning, as if he wanted to shake hands.

Ling Feng smiled and held Li Shen's hand.

"Boy, it's bad luck for you to meet me this time, who told me to fall in love with your girlfriend, so, if you don't know how to do business, then I have no choice but to abolish you first."

Li Shen grinned secretly, but his face was still smiling like before, but he tried hard, but found that Ling Feng's hand was as hard as steel, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless, instead, a sudden force came, Ow!A scream like killing a pig came from Li Shen's mouth. In such an instant, the bones in Li Shen's hand were broken.

"you you you……"

Li Shen looked at Ling Feng in horror.

Ling Feng is really a martial artist, and his strength is stronger than him.

He, Li Shen, is also a four-star human realm martial artist, not weak in strength, but also somewhat talented, but this fifteen or sixteen-year-old young man in front of him is actually more terrifying than him, five-star human realm?No!Five-star human realm is not so strong.

"You trash talking on the lower body, get out, I'm in a good mood this time, and next time, you don't have to live."

Ling Feng said something, and said:

"You bring someone who can talk to your star gate tomorrow, and I will go to your place."

Ling Feng waved his hand, not giving Li Shen a chance to speak. With a wave of his hand, Li Shen couldn't control his body and flew directly to the outside of the hotel, smashed hard on the electric pole by the roadside, and slid down.

Li Shen was dizzy and dizzy.

It took him a while to wake up.

A look of astonishment flashed in Li Shen's eyes: "This person's strength is so strong, I underestimated, six-star human realm, no, seven-star human realm!?"

He knew that he had kicked the iron plate, and he was in a lingering fear.

Although he, Li Shen, is a disciple of the Star Gate, he is just an ordinary person in the Star Gate, without a deep background. When he meets weaker martial practitioners, he can use his status to bully them, but he is more powerful than him. He was strong, but he didn't dare to go too far, otherwise he would die in vain if he was beaten to death, even if Stargate would avenge him, it would be useless.

"He said that tomorrow he wants me to find someone to bring him to my star gate."

Li Shen thought of Ling Feng's words just now, and shook his head:

"Who does he think he is? Our star gate can enter whenever we want, and we need someone to lead us?"

Li Shen smiled.

However, this kid didn't seem to be joking when he said just now, and thinking about it, Ling Feng is so young and powerful, he might not be some unknown person, but might be a powerful figure from other places, Li Shen thought for a moment and secretly said : "Forget it, you actually said that. When I go back, I will ask if there is someone like you. If there is, I will send someone to come. If not, I will not care about this matter."

For Li Shen, this is not a waste of effort, and he really hopes that someone can bring Ling Feng to the star gate.

In his opinion, if Ling Feng actually said those words, it means that this person has never been to the star gate, and he has no acquaintances in the star gate.

But the other party still wants to go to his star gate, which means that there must be something. If someone can bring him to the star gate, if something can happen, it is best to have some conflicts. Let the people from the star gate teach this kid a lesson. I am very happy, my hand bones are almost crushed, if I can't find a good medicine in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult, this is not a small grudge.

Li Shen returned to the star gate, found one of his senior brothers, Yang Yu, and told the story, but he didn't hide it.

"Sooner or later, you will be killed by a woman."

Yang Yu shook his head: "You said that someone from my Star Gate would bring him here, a mere kid, where did he come from..."

"I think so too. That kid doesn't have such a big face. He wants to come by himself. Let him come by himself. It may be his suffering."

Li Shen suddenly thought, in fact, it’s okay if he doesn’t talk about this matter. It’s fine if Ling Feng doesn’t come, but if he comes, he will definitely be rejected. Conflicts are inevitable, and this sentence confirmed to him that Star Gate doesn’t know Ling Feng. , I don’t need to pay too much attention to the other party.

"Brother, why don't you speak?"

Li Shen said suddenly.

"What does that young man you speak of look like?"

But Yang Yu asked, his tone a little nervous, and he thought to himself, it couldn't be him, could it?
Yang Yu is an inner disciple of the Star Gate, and he knows some things. There was a man named Wang Meng who came to the Star Gate to buy the Five Elements Crystal, and their sect master said, let Ling Feng come to the Star Gate in person. Not an ordinary person, recently in Jiangcheng City, Jianghu City has been making a lot of noise, and their strength is very strong.

"Is it this person?"

Yang Yu turned on his phone and found a photo, which was Ling Feng's, but there were many people around him, among them Hei Lang was beside him.

The photo was obviously taken secretly by Ling Feng and Hei Lang when they went to Shenglongwu Dojo.

"Hey, brother, how do you know it's him?"

Li Shen said in surprise.

"It's really him!"

Yang Yu said in surprise.

"Brother, who is this person?"

Li Shen had a bad feeling that he himself seemed to have guessed wrong.

"Junior Brother Li Shen, I have to admire your courage. Even Master Ling's woman dares to think. You should be glad that Master Ling didn't beat you to death on the spot!"

Yang Yu took a deep breath, looked at this junior, and shook his head repeatedly.

There is a knife on the head of Sezi, which is really courting death.

(End of this chapter)

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