The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 91 Purple Bamboo Pavilion

Chapter 91 Purple Bamboo Pavilion

"The secret must not be leaked!" Ye Tianfeng acted like a Zen lecturer.

A place like a nunnery is a good place to teach Zen.

However, looking at his appearance at this moment, Yan Yu, who was so anxious to eat hot tofu, wanted to punch him on the spot.

Of course, Yan Yu didn't dare to play big swords in front of Guan Gong anymore, she knew that if she really punched Ye Tianfeng, she would be the one who would suffer.

She was furious, but helpless.

Just brag!I'm waiting to see your cowhide blown!
Yan Yu was thinking in his heart that he was about to vent his anger on some bamboos in front of him, when suddenly one of the two nuns who had just left came hurriedly.

"Teacher, please two, come with me!"

When she finished speaking, Yan Yu couldn't help but glance at Ye Tianfeng, staring a little.

Ye Tianfeng shrugged Yan Yu with a "huh-huh", and didn't care if this was considered a show of coercion.

Ye Tianfeng and Yan Yu followed the nun into the back door of the Jingxin Nunnery. After walking in, they found that the inside was quite wide, and there were courtyards interspersed with each other, seemingly endless.

"Master is waiting for the two in Zizhu Pavilion."

As the nun said, she brought Ye Tianfeng and Yan Yu to a place where a large clump of purple bamboo was planted.

Ye Tianfeng was secretly amazed that these purple bamboos were growing more vigorously than the emerald bamboos he saw outside.

There is a small pavilion next to this large clump of purple bamboo, which is probably the so-called Zizhu Pavilion.

This beautiful small pavilion was built specifically to appreciate this large clump of purple bamboos, right?

Even when it is rainy, you can listen to it at close range, although it is not plantain, but you can also enjoy the leisurely feeling of "beautiful in the morning and quaint in the evening".

At this time, there was a Taoist nun with extraordinary temperament in Zizhu Pavilion. Although her clothes were different from that night, Ye Tianfeng recognized her as Wuming.

But in fact, before Ye Tianfeng and the others arrived at the Jingxin Nunnery, Wuming was already here.

She was alone in this pavilion, staring blankly at the clump of purple bamboos.

She is thinking about someone.

Ye Tianfeng!
Although after that night, she still doesn't know the young man's name until now, but she feels that she can't forget him anymore.

Because of that young man who took away her first kiss.

How unforgettable is the first kiss for a woman!

And she is even worse, because she is a monk.

This should be calculated according to the clear rules and precepts of the monks, and she has already broken the precepts.In some temples or nunneries, punishment is required to forgive sins.

She didn't accept the formal punishment, not because she was the person in charge of Qingxin Nunnery, and she was above the rules and regulations or lenient.No, that's not the case. Wuming is especially strict with himself.

But how could she have the courage to say to the crowd in the nunnery: She kissed a young man?
She felt that she would faint in that case.

And even though she suppressed this secret in her heart, she was under some kind of huge psychological pressure.

Nie Yuan!Nie Yuan!

Wuming said to himself.

What was even more difficult for her was: she found that she began to miss that strange young man unknowingly.

Just because he kissed me, did he steal my heart from now on?
Wu Ming has never really been in love in her life. Once, she wanted to become a monk, but she didn't understand those loves that were sworn by each other. She thought it was just people getting crazy!

But this time...

Why do I keep thinking of him?

Zizhu!you tell me.

Usually, when Wu Ming encounters some major events, she will come to Zizhu Pavilion alone to meditate.

Facing Zizhu who looked like a god, it seemed that Zizhu would point out the direction for her after talking to her, and she was very smart, so many things could be solved easily.

But today, she said so many things in her heart to the God of Zizhu, but the God of Zizhu still didn't give her a clear answer.

When the second nun who had conveyed the message for Ye Tianfeng brought Ye Tianfeng's words, Wu Ming was so surprised that the teacup in his hand fell to the ground for a moment, which attracted the second nun's incredulous gaze.

But at that time, Wu Ming quickly forced himself to calm down, and ordered the nun to bring Ye Tianfeng and the others over.

what!he came!
what happened?God of Purple Bamboo, tell me, did you bring him here?

Wu Ming wanted to quickly forget Ye Tianfeng, but he couldn't.

And when people start to miss him uncontrollably, he suddenly comes.


Wuming believes in God very much.

She didn't know whether this was God's will.

At this time, she turned her back to the way she came from, and she had already heard the footsteps of that person.It was just a one-night relationship, she didn't know how she had remembered the footsteps of that person.

Wuming could have turned his back to that person and said quietly in the Zizhu Pavilion: "You are here", as if expressing some kind of sadness in a love story.

But she was determined not to let herself do this.

She is no longer the kind of little girl who just fell in love, and she is already the host of a Jingxin Nunnery. In fact, it's not just that, secretly her identity is still...

Not many people in this world know about this.

"Welcome both of you!" Mo Ming turned around and said in an instant.

Ye Tianfeng and Yan Yu also immediately gave her some kind of respectful salute together, because the other party is the host of the Jingxin Nunnery, and even a genius doctor, and the latter title alone is enough for the two of them to salute.

Both Ye Tianfeng and Wu Ming knew each other from that night, but at this time, because of some scruples, it was impossible to mention that night in front of Yan Yu.

For the two of them, what happened that night seemed to be enough for the heavens to know and the world to know you and me to know.

"Sit whatever you want! I don't have so many rules here like other nunneries." Wu Ming made a gesture of invitation.

And Ye Tianfeng and Yan Yu are not pedantic people, they are actually more like the kind of bold and informal people in the world, of course they can't wait to do whatever they want!

"This purple bamboo looks really good!"

Ye Tianfeng admired him, and he spoke the truth, but he also seemed to be looking for something to say.

"Isn't it?" It can be seen that Wuming loves this clump of vibrant purple bamboo very much, she said at this time, "When I am free, I love to come here to see this bamboo!"

Ye Tianfeng followed Wuming's eyes again, and looked at the clump of vibrant purple bamboos.Suddenly, he felt his heart beat unexpectedly.

what happened?He felt something incredible.

But when people carefully observe this clump of purple bamboos, they can't find what their sixth sense thinks.

Could it be my nervousness or something?But why do you think this clump of purple bamboo is extraordinary?
(End of this chapter)

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