The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 793 One more time to study the prescription

Chapter 793

Could it be Ye Tianfeng who was helped by the lady named Wuming, and with her help, Ye Tianfeng cured the patient of the West African strange disease?
"Where is Wuming?"

Because Dr. Chen Zhihua couldn't believe that Ye Tianfeng really had the ability to cure patients with that strange disease in West Africa, unless he was from the Wuming Gang. Now Dr. Chen Zhihua only saw that the leader of the ancient African warriors invited only Ye Tianfeng, not Wuming. , That's why Dr. Chen Zhihua couldn't help asking Ye Tianfeng where Wuming was.

How would Ye Tianfeng know where Wu Ming is now?The old man's disc world couldn't tell him because something happened to the old man, and his sixth sense didn't tell him before: Wu Ming and him are actually very close at hand, chasing after him.

But because the ancient African warrior organization didn't know the truth about Wuming, it is now blocking Wuming's arrival, almost making Ye Tianfeng and Wuming seem to be far away in the sky again!

In fact, Ye Tianfeng thinks it doesn't matter to him whether the African ancient warrior organization should cooperate with China to build Africa.

However, the people who come here from China can have fewer enemies, which he thinks is also good.

If he can help, he will try his best to help both sides, from now on.

And it seemed that without knowing it, Ye Tianfeng was a little surprised to realize: when did he complete the two missions in Africa in the future!
is not that right?One is to save Dr. Chen Zhihua, but he is here now!

Another thing is to find magical objects. I thought that I could only get magical objects with a miniature map of Africa when I came to the African continent, but I didn't expect to get two more!
It's just that this magical thing actually seems to be some kind of treasure of the African ancient warriors...

How can I say this?

The African ancient warrior organization, do they actually know that the magical thing is on their body?Logically, you should know, right?That……

However, what surprised Ye Tianfeng was: Next, no one from the African Ancient Warriors Organization mentioned anything magical to him!

Not even their five chiefs came to quietly make insinuations on Ye Tianfeng as if they didn't know what to do.

African ancient warrior organization, what happened to them?
Ye Tianfeng could hardly imagine: If they knew that they had taken the three magical items from their organization, it would be impossible for them to let them go just because they made friends with Huaxia now!
Ok!Ye Tianfeng finally planned this in his heart: it would be best if you deliberately pretend to be deaf and dumb, but I will also secretly guard against you!

These miraculous things, I am determined to get them!

Now this meeting is undoubtedly just talking about some specific cooperation matters between the two parties, Ye Tianfeng felt a little drowsy listening to it.

It was only when these people mentioned the XK organization that he was moved like that, because at this time someone told him that the Central African leader had brought him here from the XK organization.

It turned out that Ai Fuli and the others were organized by XK!Ye Tianfeng said in his heart for a moment.

He knew before that those people wanted to use him to do things, but he didn't expect that those people were actually members of the notorious XK organization.

And from this meeting, Ye Tianfeng also understood that the XK organization is supported by some Western groups who hate China and want to make a fortune in Africa without caring about the vital interests of the African people, and even formed a power organization here by himself.

It turns out that the XK organization is of this nature!

Ye Tianfeng sighed, and then Dr. Chen Zhihua told him: The joint investigation team of Huaxia and the African Ancient Warrior Organization investigated the strange disease in West Africa, which was created by the XK organization behind the scenes!

XK organization, so hateful!Ye Tianfeng clenched his fists.

Now that Ye Tianfeng is here, he will naturally live with Dr. Chen Zhihua in this authentic world of African ancient warrior forces.

There is a different cave here than outside, and Ye Tianfeng even thought that doing the meditation of the Great Heavenly Dragon Art here and capturing energy light spots might have a better effect than those places outside.

After the meeting, Dr. Chen Zhihua specially invited Ye Tianfeng to his laboratory here.

The African Ancient Warrior Organization specially set up a laboratory for Dr. Chen Zhihua to study medicine here, which is more well-equipped than many laboratories that Ye Tianfeng has seen outside.

There are also some assistants of Dr. Chen Zhihua and people who jointly research medicine. They are not only from China, but also from Africa.

Of course, here is a research team with Dr. Chen Zhihua as the core.

The African ancient warrior organization is also very troubled by the strange disease in West Africa, and they are also eager to find out some medicine to solve this problem.

Ye Tianfeng naturally saw a lot of medicinal materials of African exotic plants such as baobab tree, African egret flower, sea coconut, sausage tree, millennium orchid, quiver tree, and desert rose.

It is impossible to grow these exotic African plants in this authentic world, but the African Ancient Warrior Organization can send people to get all the medicinal materials Dr. Chen Zhihua needs from the land of Africa outside the authentic world.

Therefore, the raw materials of medicinal materials here are very sufficient.

At this time, Dr. Chen Zhihua wanted to ask Ye Tianfeng about his experience in dispensing medicine, how could Ye Tianfeng say anything?Because he didn't cure Zhong Xiaoling's father with medicine at all, although he also knew how to use exotic African plants such as baobab tree, African egret flower, sea coconut, sausage tree, millennium orchid, quiver tree, and desert rose as raw materials for medicinal materials. The strange medicine that came out should be able to cure the strange disease in West Africa, but he really couldn't research it.Even if he could research it, he had to rely on Yuanpan, but Yuanpan would never tell him this because he blamed the old man.

Moreover, Ye Tianfeng can't tell anyone about the Datian Shenlong Jue now!It's not because he cares about the old man's warnings and threats, sometimes Ye Tianfeng completely treats the old man's warnings and threats as bullshit.

Ye Tianfeng couldn't tell the truth because of the Great Heavenly God Dragon Art, even things like Yuanpan and the strange old man, he knew that even if he said it, it would not be understood by ordinary people, and some people would even think that Ye Tianfeng was lying on purpose.

But now that Dr. Chen Zhihua is here to concentrate on research with him, it's no joke. Even if Ye Tianfeng thinks that it's okay to say anything, it's okay if he doesn't say anything, but he still has to talk!

Therefore, Ye Tianfeng had to make up a set of arguments for Dr. Chen Zhihua that he didn't think would go against his conscience.

Ye Tianfeng said that it was a coincidence that he followed some of the methods he and Wuming discussed about medicine, but now he can't seem to get it right. He doesn't know how the prescription is actually composed of medicinal materials, but he thinks that if he thinks carefully, he should be able to mix it up again. get it out.

(End of this chapter)

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