Chapter 782 Drinking Tea
Others thought that the God of Death was specially born to harvest human lives, and there was even an exaggerated legend of "When the God of Death was angry, the corpse floated for thousands of miles", which was too much of a myth.

Ye Tianfeng also knew: This is a rumor deliberately spread by some vicious villains who have no way of using him to harm him. The purpose is to make many people hate him and attack him together!
Ye Tianfeng was also furious at first, but after he got used to it, whenever he heard about it, he just smiled lightly.

Anyway, he can kill anyone who deserves to be killed in this world!

These young Africans invited Ye Tianfeng to a local courtyard for a while. There were other people in this courtyard, but not all of them were young people. Some of them were middle-aged or even elderly, but there were not many people. There were only a dozen of them, and some of them went on to do their own business after greeting him.

An elder said that he was the person in charge here, named Baragon, and they were a small local organization guild.

Ye Tianfeng thought to himself for a moment: It turns out that he really belongs to a certain power!From my previous observations, the young Africans were not just ordinary brothers and sisters.

But is there such a thing?Naturally, Ye Tianfeng still has the previous suspicion in his heart, which is the "story" told by the young man who paid for his breakfast: Did Chinese soldiers really save them?
There is no doubt that there are Chinese soldiers who have rescued many African people, but Ye Tianfeng is really skeptical whether there are any Chinese soldiers who have rescued people from this organization. This thing is to teach him not to doubt.

However, Balagon was still the young man who succeeded him, and he continued to express their gratitude, which made Ye Tianfeng seem - a little depressed.

Fortunately, Ye Tianfeng's depression didn't last long, because tea was served next, and there was a new turning point——

Since Balagon made tea, Ye Tianfeng, as a guest, naturally wanted to drink it.

While drinking tea, Ye Tianfeng had been secretly observing Balagon's expression.

Ye Tianfeng did notice the article in Baragon's expression.

But of course Ye Tianfeng remained calm!

After drinking the tea, Ye Tianfeng realized that the tea really had something to say——

Is it desert rose again?
He smiled inwardly.

At the same time, he also said to himself: It seems that the great value of the desert rose is not the invention patent of Dr. Chen Zhihua alone!

Ye Tianfeng still remembers to this day: Dr. Chen Zhihua once said to himself that Desert Rose is the ancestor of psychedelic drugs, and if he is given full play, he can concoct a miracle that is no less powerful than the most powerful psychedelic drugs on the land of Africa.

It's a pity that Dr. Chen Zhihua really doesn't bother to prepare any hallucinogenic drugs to deal with people. He came from China and came to this land of Africa just to relieve some sufferings of the people here, not to add any suffering to them.

As soon as the tea entered his stomach, Ye Tianfeng immediately concluded that there was actually a psychedelic drug whose main ingredient was desert rose!
It's a pity that he is naturally immune to many poisons. No matter how powerful this psychedelic drug is, it is impossible to knock him down, but...

Just when Baragon said "It's time to fall" in an almost silent voice, Ye Tianfeng suddenly slumped on the chair according to his voice, and then he gradually became like Into a world of dizziness.

Only then did Paragon stand up, but he did not show his true colors.

He only started to order people lightly: the psychedelic drug had taken effect, and asked them to take Ye Tianfeng to a pre-designated room.

Paragon had previously arranged it to be like a colorless and tasteless psychedelic drug in the tea. Its main ingredient is really desert rose, but no one here can prepare such a high-end psychedelic drug, and it is not from other places in Africa. Places are bought through some relationships.

The eyeliner information of people in his power is very powerful. Ever since Ye Tianfeng made a surprise move at Zhong Xiaoling's house, someone immediately reported to him, because communication technology is now advanced!Furthermore, Zhong Xiaoling's house also belongs to this town.

What's more, Balagon knew that Zhong Xiaoling's father's disease, like that disease, seemed to be incurable in this vast area, but he didn't expect that a young Chinese boy like Ye Tianfeng would have this ability. What a miracle, it can be seen from this!Baragon was super excited at the time!
But in fact, Balagon will start to plot against Ye Tianfeng. He not only wants to use Ye Tianfeng to treat some of his own people, but also because of a powerful backer behind him!
The powerful backer behind it once explained that if someone can cure the strange disease in West Africa, they should immediately take action according to their requirements.

Baragon's forces just met this time.

Compared to letting Ye Tianfeng treat people's diseases and using him to extract his surplus value, it is better to control him quickly, and then report to the backers behind him to let them deal with the important!

what!Why?Because the reason why the power of Paragon can dominate in this area is all because of the support of the power behind it!

It was that faction that helped them deal with the enemies from all directions. Otherwise, their faction would have been swallowed up here, and there wouldn't even be bones left.That force is very powerful!
After Ye Tianfeng passed out, he was brought into a room by someone, but after those people left, he opened his eyes.

It may be in his expectation that he drank tea like this this time.

But why was he willing to be poisoned?And with Balagon, naturally he didn't want to startle the snake.

Whether Baragon wants to use him to treat people or something next, he seems to be able to guess.

Naturally, if you want to escape recklessly now, it will never be as smooth as it was in that hotel at that time, because this hotel is not comparable to that hotel, there are too many people under Balagon here, and Ye Tianfeng can calculate how many there are. Success rate.

Naturally, he didn't want to do things he wasn't sure about.

While applauding this faction for its quick action and getting him so soon, he was suddenly a little happy in his heart——

Because, he can take the energy of the disc while these people are shutting him down.

He had come to that hotel to do this, but he didn't expect that people would not let him stay in that hotel, as if they wanted to provide him with a more ideal place.

People don't even seem to need to pretend to be in a daze anymore, they just close their eyes and go to that meditation.

Now, Ye Tianfeng remembered why he used to blame the old man for always asking him to meditate. Although he used to meditate often and couldn't think of anything, but now he can finally find the world of light spots just by meditating.

This, I'm afraid it's really the beginning of the Great Heavenly Dragon Art.

(End of this chapter)

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