Chapter 778 Quietly leaving
Ye Tianfeng was about to use heart language to communicate with the strange old man, but the latter suddenly seemed to disappear again, so he just threw him a sentence: "You can figure it out yourself!"

The old man's reminder really can't be completely ignored!Ye Tianfeng understood in his heart.

But facing a large group of people who suddenly changed their views on him, he just said to Zhong Xiaoling first: He suddenly felt very tired and wanted to take a rest first.

And this point, not only Zhong Xiaoling, but everyone present can understand.

Some people originally wanted to say something, but when they heard what Ye Tianfeng said, they immediately stopped talking.

Zhong Xiaoling and her mother hurriedly asked Ye Tianfeng to take a rest. Although they didn't know the principle of the cure, but seeing what Ye Tianfeng did before, many people could think of some kind of side-door transmission of true energy. If he sent true energy, he might collapse if he didn't take a quick rest and recuperate.

There are very few people who can convey true energy, but not completely, even Zhong Xiaoling and her mother have heard of such legends.

Zhong Xiaoling sent Ye Tianfeng back to his original room to rest with a kind of inner shock.Then she turned back to her father.

Ye Tianfeng actually didn't feel very tired at this time.He didn't quite understand what the old man said, because according to this reasoning, he felt that he seemed to be able to meditate continuously, and then capture the energy of those light spots for use.

And those light points of energy, now stored for him in the disk, seem to be inexhaustible for centuries.

Is this the secret of being able to crack the strange disease in West Africa?Is this... also a trick of the Great Heavenly Dragon Technique?
is not that right?These energy light spots are not only able to save people, but can also be used to transform into strength to fight!
But just now, what did the strange old man want to pay attention to?Are you afraid that these people will spread the word and bring all kinds of patients to treat yourself?
Yes!Even if the energy pool in the disc is inexhaustible, but do I have time to waste like this?

It seems that there is something wrong here, so I went to find Dr. Chen Zhihua and the others, and quickly rescued Dr. Chen Zhihua.At that time, relying on Dr. Chen Zhihua, Wu Ming, and even helping them a little bit, the prescription may be developed, and a large number of baobab trees, African egret flowers, sea coconuts, sausage trees, millet orchids, quiver trees, desert Mixing exotic African plants like roses, a large number of prescriptions can be formulated to solve the problem of strange diseases in West Africa at once. Otherwise, how inefficient would it be to deliver energy light spots to them individually?Some people even waited in line to save themselves and died.

Ye Tianfeng wanted to tell the strange old man about his next plan, but the strange old man seemed to disappear suddenly for some reason, and never returned to him.

Ye Tianfeng didn't know what happened to the old man.

He wanted to capture the energy of those light spots again, to see if this trick would suddenly fail as the strange old man disappeared?

Ye Tianfeng meditated immediately, and after meditating for a while, he was really dumbfounded.

This time, he could barely see the colorful dots, but their number was much less.Moreover, when Ye Tianfeng started to capture, the difficulty was countless times greater than before.He captured it for most of the day, but failed to capture a speck of light energy.

It seems that the blame old man helped me before, there is no doubt about it.It's just that when he left, he felt like hitting a wall.

Ye Tianfeng was really a little frustrated, he thought that if those people outside brought someone with that West African disease to call him for treatment, he might really be powerless, and he couldn't even create the idea that he could cure Zhong Xiaoling and her by himself. Father's kind of a miracle too.

What should I do then?Staying here now will not only take time, but may even cause embarrassment for a while.

What happened to this strange old man?Suddenly he walked away without making a sound. Could it be that he...had another accident?
That's all, I'd better go with 36 plans!Anyway, I also saved Zhong Xiaoling's father, and finally gave her family an explanation.

If I have the opportunity to meet in the future, I will tell her about my difficulties today!
Ye Tianfeng was about to get up, when he suddenly heard the sound of someone coming into the room, he quickly lay down on the bed again, pretending to be resting.

The attendant squinted and saw that it was Zhong Xiaoling who came, but Ye Tianfeng didn't really open his eyes to talk to him.

Zhong Xiaoling didn't realize that Ye Tianfeng was pretending to be asleep.She really thought that Ye Tianfeng was too old and tired and fell asleep now. Really, treating people like that is the most mentally exhausting.Although she can't feel it personally, has she never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

Zhong Xiaoling then quietly withdrew because it would not affect Ye Tianfeng's rest.She planned to prepare some delicious food for Ye Tianfeng, and after he woke up and rested, he would give him a good tonic, as if she still remembered the pheasant stewed with herbs for Ye Tianfeng.

Zhong Xiaoling seemed to be playing Ye Tianfeng's hands like this.Ye Tianfeng immediately chose to sneak away at this moment, it's really not too late!If he had cured Zhong Xiaoling's father's illness and publicized it, then a sea of ​​people would come and surround the place, and he would really be so hard to fly.

Ye Tianfeng still has almost no force value now, and the sudden "power failure" of the strange old man made him very depressed for a while.

Originally, I thought that relying on those light spots of energy, I could recover all of a sudden, but I didn't expect the benefits of those light spots of energy to be just a flash in the pan, and the previous glory was like a dream.

Although Ye Tianfeng lost his strength, it was impossible for him to lose some skills and experience.

People, finally left Zhong Xiaoling's house without anyone noticing.

When he left, he secretly left a note for Zhong Xiaoling on the bed, so as not to miss him.

Then, as soon as he was outside, he picked up his pace and slipped away.

He thought in his heart that he had to leave quickly, and those people would even chase him after they found out.

Ye Tianfeng saw that there was a town in front of him, and he thought that he would soon melt into the crowd, and then the people behind would not be able to find him.

He has this kind of calculation in his heart, first find a place, and then see how much energy light he can get out to serve himself.My body hasn't fully recovered yet, and it has recovered, so it would be good if I could improve my strength a little. It would come in handy in case of any critical situation.

Ye Tianfeng began to look for hotels in this town to see if there were any hotels or the like, because it would be easy for people to be disturbed if they lived in ordinary people's homes. Once they entered the hotel accommodation, as long as they closed the door like that, no one would disturb them naturally. .

After Ye Tianfeng searched for a while, he really let him find a hotel on a street corner.

(End of this chapter)

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