The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 776 Like an Adult Child Chapter

Chapter 776 Like an Adult Fairy Tale

"That green spot of light, of course you know it's energy." The strange old man continued, as if he was trying to be persuasive.

Ye Tianfeng was just a little abrupt, and this strange old man was starting to look like a mother-in-law.

Ye Tianfeng blamed the old man in his heart: That's nonsense!

But Ye Tianfeng still nodded on the surface, agreeing with the strange old man.

This strange old man didn't know whether he had sunk into the world he was going to describe, or was already intoxicated by the so-called alien continent. He didn't come to argue with Ye Tianfeng about duplicity.

Otherwise, like before, Ye Tianfeng's mouth and heart seem to be inconsistent, and the old man will definitely scold him.

But this strange old man is not like that!

"Actually, the colorful light spots that you can see when you are meditating now, that is, the colorful energies, are also found in that foreign continent," the strange old man said as if he was immersed in the world he described. In that alien continent, these energies are called divine power."

"Divine power?" Ye Tianfeng seemed to be chewing for a moment.

The strange old man smiled inexplicably at this moment: "In fact, the same thing has different names in different worlds. In the vast universe, it is also called star power."

"Xingli?" Ye Tianfeng seemed to be chewing again.

"That's right!" said the strange old man, "The colorful energies you see are actually the same thing in different planes, and they are all magical substances."

Mysterious substance...mysterious substance...just this time, Ye Tianfeng didn't want to chew it anymore.

He didn't dare to think about it for a while, because he was afraid that this kind of thing would be too convoluted.

Some things, the more you regard it as simple, the less you should think about it, so that people will not become confused.

"I'm talking about this with you here now. We seem to have a tacit understanding to call it energy, okay! Let's call it energy, which seems more natural," the old man continued to chatter like something, "you get these now Energy, for the time being, is absorbed by the disk for you, absorbing the essence of something that can become energy, on this earth."

"However, in that foreign continent, this kind of thing is obtained through practice. In that world, it is very different from the earth you are in now."

"It's not the age of technology for this kind of guns. There are no such guns there, but most of the people there, and even the creatures there, can show more powerful abilities than the guns here."

It's strange that the old man is really telling a fairy tale, Ye Tianfeng thinks so at this moment.

The strange old man continued to talk about him: "The green light spot energy you caught earlier, there are two kinds of divine power in that world that are of that color."

"Oh!" Ye Tianfeng nodded.

"That's water-type divine power and wood-type divine power." The strange old man seemed to explain Ye Tianfeng's doubts. "Wood-type divine power is usually of this color, and water-type divine power is also blue."

This kind of image is just as the name suggests, Ye Tianfeng suddenly thought that trees are generally green, and water is also green, green mountains and green waters!But still the sea is blue.The wood system and water system are not difficult to understand.

"Wood-type divine power and water-type divine power, in addition to attacking, they also have a great use to save lives and heal the wounded. They have a very good function of replacing your medicine here."

Hearing this, Ye Tianfeng suddenly felt a little enlightened in his heart - could it be that the strange old man wanted to guide himself to get those green light spots of energy to cure Zhong Xiaoling's father, instead of teaching himself to crack the monkey? Bread tree, African egret flower, sea coconut, sausage tree, millennium orchid, quiver tree, desert rose, and the mystery of these exotic plants in Africa.

But it's strange that the old head didn't notice Ye Tianfeng's desertion at this moment, he was still talking about what he said to himself: "Actually, those who can heal people's diseases and wounds like the wood-type divine power and water-type divine power, there is also a series of supernatural powers." Divine power, that is the divine power of the light system, and the divine power of the light system has two colors, white and gold."

white and gold? !At this moment, Ye Tianfeng's heart skipped a beat - white and gold!I have seen it myself!Among those colorful energy light spots, there are two kinds of white and gold!
Now it's all right, Ye Tianfeng cheered in his heart immediately, it's not easier to catch the blue, gold, and white light spots than to simply catch the green light spots, and the chances of choice are even greater. too much!Because the blue, golden and white light point energy can also save lives and heal the wounded.

And when the strange old man said this, Ye Tianfeng wanted to meditate immediately and start to capture the energy of those colored light spots to treat Zhong Xiaoling and her father's illness.

It's just strange that the old man seems to be talking in the middle of it, and he hasn't finished yet. If he wants to continue talking, Ye Tianfeng can't help but not listen.

"Ha! Like the Light Healing Technique and Earth Rejuvenation in the Light Department of the Foreign Continent; the Dream Back to Tides in the Water Department's Divine Power, etc., any divine power technique, as long as you have a little practice, you can heal it immediately. Well, the one who is currently lying down looks like a dying earthling.”

The strange old man speaks miraculously, and Ye Tianfeng is a bit like a duck listening to thunder, because the foreign land that the strange old man talked about is really strange to him now.Even though his other identity a long time ago used to be all-powerful there, but now he has forgotten it.

And the strange old man didn't finish yet, he continued to chatter like Yuanpan used to pay Ye Tianfeng for popular science knowledge, as if he would feel unhappy if he didn't finish telling Ye Tianfeng some things about the foreign land.

"The divine power exercises I just mentioned are mainly for the purpose of saving lives and healing the wounded, but of course, the main purpose of practicing these divine powers is for fighting, and fighting is naturally much more exciting and interesting than these things of saving lives and healing the wounded," the strange old man said. Said, "Here on the earth, the power of guns is very powerful, but do you know? Then every series of divine powers, even the most common ones, are more powerful than the power of guns here on earth. Some divine power taboo exercises can even destroy the world."

Ye Tianfeng stuck out his tongue deliberately in front of the strange old man, expressing his shock at hearing his words.

In fact, this is more like stimulating the strange old man to talk endlessly——

The strange old man said: "In that foreign land where the cultivation of divine power is special, there are some small skills in each department of divine power, which can surpass bullets."

"Such as the wind blade, wind wall, whirlwind, tornado, wind erosion, etc. of the wind-type divine power technique; like the fire bomb, fireball, flying fire circle, chain fireball, fire wall, meteor tail, and fire snake dance of the fire-type divine power technique. etc.; such as the earth-type supernatural power method, also called the earth-type supernatural power method, such as earth spear, earth shield, earthquake technique, etc...

(End of this chapter)

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