Chapter 737

The current leader of this force is the masked woman who took advantage of the mountain tiger to go hunting and took a few of her capable generals to take the opportunity to rob Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua.

Her name is Amelia, and she is an authentic western woman, but she belongs to the very capable and capable type of woman, not the type of noble enjoyment, even though her ancestral family is also of western aristocratic origin.

Amelia is also very beautiful, and after the veil is torn off, she is as gorgeous as a desert rose!

The beauty of both her and the Black Widow can be compared to the beauty of a desert rose.Black Widow is a desert rose in its prime, and Amelia is a desert rose in its prime.

As soon as the black widow received the news of Amelia's success, she not only dropped her wine glass with joy, but she even pushed down a face leader who was specially called to drink with her, and she ran out of her residence quickly, leading a group of People, hurried to meet outside Heifengzhai.

Amelia's status in this Black Wind Village is almost second only to her, the boss.

The relationship between the two of them is actually like sisters now, and the men who rule a large group of bandit-like Heifengzhai are more than capable.

How many men, not only on the outside, but also from Heifengzhai, secretly coveted the beauty of the two of them.

Last time, not long ago, there was a high-ranking guard in Heifengzhai who was so daring that he planned a coup d'état in an attempt to take down Black Widow and Amelia and become his own woman , Unfortunately, he failed later.Although this guy is also very smart, but Black Widow and Amelia are beyond his imagination.Of course, things failed in the end, and the cowardly guy was also captured, and was subjected to a kind of capital punishment, making life worse than death. It is also called killing chickens to scare monkeys, in order to deter some criminals who are still lurking in this Black Wind Stronghold.

Soon, the black widow saw the spoils that Amelia had gained from this expedition - Dr. Chen Zhihua and Ye Tianfeng.

Ye Tianfeng, the Black Widow naturally wouldn't recognize her.But Dr. Chen Zhihua, the black widow confirmed through some video photos, concluded that it is undoubtedly the hot medical talent on the land of Africa.

Amelia's ability to handle affairs is really not covered, and the black widow appreciates it in her heart.However, how can she be an ordinary person to be able to achieve the position of her black widow's deputy in the prosperous business of Heifengzhai?

Soon, the Black Widow arranged to put Dr. Chen Zhihua under house arrest and put him in a coma. Dr. Chen Zhihua's coma was actually Amelia's masterpiece.

In fact, Amelia was also using drugs at the time, and it was not violence that caused Dr. Chen Zhihua to faint.But Amelia's shot was so fast that Dr. Chen Zhihua himself didn't understand how he passed out all of a sudden.

If Amelia used slow motion at that time, Dr. Chen Zhihua would definitely be able to identify the raw material formula of the medicine used by the other party, but it turned out to be a combination of those strange plants in Africa——

Baobab tree, African egret flower, sea coconut, sausage tree, millet orchid, quiver tree, desert rose!
God!If Dr. Chen Zhihua was sober at that time, he would have sighed like this. Why are people in Africa, including those who came to Africa, all fascinated by these strange plants? Is this also a fashion?
Baobab tree, African egret flower, sea coconut, sausage tree, millennium orchid, quiver tree, desert rose, these strange plants are really stars!
As for Ye Tianfeng, both Black Widow and Amelia regarded him as Dr. Chen Zhihua's assistant.

Anyway, Black Widow and Amelia now think: Dr. Chen Zhihua and Ye Tianfeng are both meat on the board now.

The layers of protection around Heifengzhai are solid, and the Black Widow and Amelia are not afraid that Dr. Chen Zhihua and Ye Tianfeng will be able to fly together, so they safely put Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua under house arrest.

In fact, no matter how wide and powerful Amelia's eyeliner is, it is impossible for her to know Ye Tianfeng's amazing performance against the ancient African warrior organization in that authentic world for a while, otherwise she and the Black Widow will have a good fight against Ye Tianfeng. Dealing with it will be another arrangement.

But Amelia is indeed powerful enough. Before that, she detected Dr. Chen Zhihua's stronghold in the manor organized by XK. Later, she also got the information that Ye Tianfeng took Dr. Chen Zhihua to escape into the tunnel world with many exits in the distance. .It may also be more luck!Later, Amelia waited in some places where there were possible exits, and even got her the news that Dr. Chen Zhihua had come out of the tunnel world, and she herself rushed there immediately, and successfully hijacked Chen Zhuhua. The doctor and Ye Tianfeng.

The black widow said that she would clean up Amelia overnight. As for the awakening of Dr. Chen Zhihua and Ye Tianfeng, the two unconscious people, the two of them did not need to carry out it themselves. The lobbyist who communicated with the people under house arrest was gone.

Now, both Black Widow and Amelia are in charge of relaxing and celebrating.

In a celebration room in Heifengzhai that usually belonged to the private space of the two of them, some wine was now placed on the table.

In China, summer is a good season to drink beer; in Africa, it is a good season to drink beer all year round.Africans love to drink beer, not only the black widow who was born and raised in Africa, but also Amelia, who came from the West and has already immigrated to the local village to do as the Romans do.

The two of them usually drink these two beers: Savanna, which is the lady's favorite, and Mosi, the beer designated by Her Majesty the Queen.

Savanna is from Tanzania.It means a prairie without trees, and hearing this name makes people feel quite unrestrained.It is a high-grade apple beer with a strong fruity aroma and an alcohol content of 6%. It tastes like a drink, and the most important thing is that people will not get fat when drinking this kind of wine!Really won't get fat belly!No belly fat!So Savanna is a lady's favorite beer.

Mosi is from Zambia. Mosi is the aboriginal name of Victoria Falls (full name: Mosi-oa-tunya, Mosi Otunya). European explorer David Livingstone discovered it during his journey in 1855 and named it after the Queen of England. Its name, Victoria Falls was included in the "World Heritage List" in 1989. Together with Niagara Falls and Iguazu Falls, it is collectively known as the "Three Great Waterfalls in the World".The beer named after the Queen is acclaimed in Zambia and enjoyed by both men and women.

In addition to beer, at the celebration banquet for Amelia, the Black Widow also specially arranged several famous Western wines: French champagne; British whiskey and Dutch gin.

(End of this chapter)

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