The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 711 The Stunning Forked Road

Chapter 711 The Stunning Forked Road
Ye Tianfeng was optimistic while exploring the front, and then he found two or three forked roads ahead.

This time, it seems to be in line with his own previous speculation.

Hans knew about the situation in this tunnel, but Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua were not high-level officials in the XK organization, so they naturally didn't know about the situation in this tunnel beforehand.

They can only understand as they go.

Ye Tianfeng seemed to understand now.

It's great that there is a fork in front of him. Next, he can use some special methods so that the enemy may not know which fork road he and Dr. Chen Zhihua took. The strength of the enemy will be weakened, and if there are many forked roads behind, the enemy's strength will be reduced, which is ultimately beneficial to the two of them.

Over there, Dr. Chen Zhihua said that the enemy hadn't attacked yet, but here, Ye Tianfeng had already made some preparations on several forked roads.


There was a sudden sound, and Dr. Chen Zhihua was startled as soon as he stretched his head out. A huge fire bomb almost missed him, but it really scared him when the fire bomb hit the stones around him.

And with that "bang", the enemy's bullets began to become denser.

The enemy is attacking!They no longer use soil bombs this time, and they understand that they may not be able to get any benefits after using them. Now they are using powerful guns, and they are focusing on this place. They probably want Ye Tianfeng. It's hard to fight back.

Ye Tianfeng returned to the place where Dr. Chen Zhihua was defending and fought back a few times, then he took Dr. Chen Zhihua and retreated.

The two of them withdrew to those forks, and then disappeared into one of the forks before the pursuers attacked the place where Dr. Chen Zhihua was staying.

The pursuers behind did not attack all of a sudden, because Hans was cautious: Although Ye Tianfeng didn't fight back for a while, maybe he just wanted to wait until the people behind swarmed up before attacking head-on, so that he could kill a few more!

Although Hans is one of the top executives of XK, he is not the only one who has the final say on the affairs in XK.

If he loses too much in the process of hunting down Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua this time, it will be somewhat detrimental to his own position in the top management of XK. I'm afraid that in the future, others will use this matter to attack him and say that he is for Dafa. For personal purposes, regardless of the lives of XK brothers.

So even though it was urgent to hunt down Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua, he couldn't just use the lives of people from the XK organization as a stepping stone.

But even though Hans had a lot of worries, after Ye Tianfeng didn't fight back for a long time, he became suspicious after all.

Afterwards, Hans organized people to take down this "fortress" in a way to minimize casualties, but afterwards he was a little frustrated to see: this place is actually already a "fortress". "People go to the empty building"!

It seemed that he had been tricked by Ye Tianfeng and the others before.

Hans seemed furious for a while, and immediately started swearing a lot of swear words from various countries. No one knew exactly who he was scolding, maybe the people running in front; Scolding himself, even he can't tell the difference.

Hans then ordered to charge, but when a group of people rushed to the intersections that Ye Tianfeng and the others had discovered earlier, some of them were dumbfounded again!

For a while, almost everyone stopped, because no one knew which fork road Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua actually took.

What if you blindly chase after the wrong one?
This matter has to be left to the "Commander-in-Chief" Hans to decide.

Because Ye Tianfeng used some special methods of throwing off the enemy, Hans naturally felt a little overwhelmed when he got here.

To be honest, at this moment, not only him, but even some of his subordinates who are usually good at tracking, couldn't tell which fork road Ye Tianfeng took Dr. Chen Zhihua through.Because Ye Tianfeng did it too cleverly!

But a large group of people couldn't stay here all the time. If Ye Tianfeng really ran away with Dr. Chen Zhihua, all their troubles would be in vain.

Hans only thought about it for a few minutes. In desperation, he had no choice but to choose how many teams to divide into, and told the people on which side to notify the other people immediately once they saw the traces of Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua.

Although Hans knew that many tunnels would lead in all directions, what if some tunnels had to go far away to connect with other tunnels?It would be difficult for the branches under one's own to join together to chase the enemy at that time!

But what can be done about this?Hans was also helpless, so he had to call Jia Bing outside the cave again.

He really didn't know that it was not enough to dispatch so many people to chase the two people, and whether he would be criticized by someone in the end.

Besides, Ye Tianfeng led Dr. Chen Zhihua to use those branch roads to successfully confuse the enemy. Neither Ye Tianfeng nor Dr. Chen Zhihua expected that something more surprising would happen again——

After the forked road at the back, they cleverly chose a forked road and ran down, without even thinking that they would encounter another forked road next!

Be obedient!This time the forked road unexpectedly has the most of six.

If the enemies behind couldn't really tell where the two of them went from next, it would make them divide their forces again nicely.

Faced with so many forked roads, Ye Tianfeng almost wanted to laugh or something for a moment.

Is it really God helping us? !

Are there all these forked roads in this cave?

But for a while, Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua only stopped here to rest for a while. Although the bifurcated road seemed to help the two of them escape in a sense, this tunnel belongs to the enemy after all, and the enemy really ended up like this Bewitched to death?

What if the enemy has a trick to identify the way?What's more, the people in their manor finally came out in full force, and XK can also transfer people from other places to surround them!
Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua naturally didn't know that this tunnel could actually lead to many exits.

Soon, Ye Tianfeng repeated his old tricks on these six forked roads, and then used his ability to confuse and chase the enemy!
Then, he took Dr. Chen Zhihua to choose one of the forked roads again, and disappeared.

Ye Tianfeng took Dr. Chen Zhihua with him. When the two of them reached the end of this forked road, the scene in front of them made them feel dumbfounded——

Another six forked roads came out!
God!Is this burrow full of forks?
Ye Tianfeng has been to the world of underground passages of the ancient Mayans in South America, and has seen that kind of more breathtaking scene, but where did Dr. Chen Zhihua have that kind of fortune?All of a sudden, Dr. Chen Zhihua was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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