The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 708 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 708 The Unexpected Incident
Ye Tianfeng was comforting himself, why didn't Dr. Chen Zhihua understand?Things have come to this, so what can be done, plus opening the bow, there is no turning back.

The two of them entered the cave immediately, and found that the cave was not very narrow, but the depth of the cave was dark, so they couldn't see anything clearly.

But at this moment, Ye Tianfeng's ears perked up for a moment, not for the depth of the cave, but for the strange botanical garden outside the cave - he already had a sixth sense feeling that someone was entering this strange botanical garden!
"Someone is here!" Ye Tianfeng thought that Dr. Chen Zhihua definitely didn't have his own acumen.

"You go out first! To do the tasks of those medicine powders and potions, it doesn't matter if I stay here by myself for a while." Dr. Chen Zhihua said at this time.

Regarding those powders and potions, Ye Tianfeng naturally understands that he should put them in and cause the enemy's nest to be half-paralyzed. If he is lucky, a Chinese special operations team will rush in, and he will be able to cooperate and destroy the enemy's nest immediately. This stronghold is gone.

Now Ye Tianfeng feels that someone has entered this peculiar botanical garden, if he doesn't act quickly, he is afraid that he will lose the chance then.

At this time, Ye Tianfeng glanced into the dark and deep cave, but Dr. Chen Zhihua immediately said to him: "It's okay, you go quickly! Come back when you're done. I still have some powerful medicinal powders and potions here. There is nothing else that can hurt me."

Ye Tianfeng thought the same, besides, the outside seemed to be in a hurry.

In an instant, Ye Tianfeng's figure disappeared from Dr. Chen Zhihua's eyes, causing the latter to sigh again.

When Ye Tianfeng came out of those clumps of desert roses, it didn't take long for him to see a group of people, who obviously came in to search for something. He didn't know if these people had discovered the people he had hidden before, but now Ye Tianfeng also I don't have time to deal with this matter.

In an instant, his figure passed by like a ghost.

"What did I just see? My God!" But a sharp-eyed person still noticed something, and the person couldn't help but shouted, "What kind of animal is so fast? There are fast animals in this strange botanical garden that we don't know about? "

And he actually prefers to believe that it is his phantom!

All of a sudden, Ye Tianfeng disappeared.

Ye Tianfeng started to sprinkle the medicinal powder where many people might go, and poured the potion where there was a water source, but soon, he saw that many people from the manor were also rushing to that strange botanical garden.

Ye Tianfeng felt that he had no chance to continue administering the medicine. He even felt that if he didn't go back quickly, he would never see Dr. Chen Zhihua again.

In fact, he didn't inject much medicine, so he immediately rushed back to the strange botanical garden.

At this time, Hans led the people into the strange botanical garden.

Some of the people who were knocked down by Ye Tianfeng before had already been discovered.

This is where something has happened, because Hans has not been able to contact Samuel until now.

And soon, Samuel's body was also found.

Hans immediately ordered the entire Strange Botanical Garden to be completely sealed off.

He didn't believe that Dr. Chen Zhihua and Ye Tianfeng had left this strange botanical garden and escaped from this big manor, because it was almost impossible.But even so, Hans ordered some people around this peculiar botanical garden to immediately lead people to search around.

This big manor is huge, Hans doesn't believe that Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua can escape from the manor in such a short time, but things are not absolute, but he is not worried, he knows: if Ye Tianfeng and the others can really escape from the manor so quickly, Then his back will be even more powerful!The big manor is surrounded by a vast wilderness, and he can dispatch a helicopter here at that time. He thinks that Ye Tianfeng and Chen Zhihua will have to die sooner.

Because the Strange Botanical Garden is full of people now, Ye Tianfeng's chance of meeting people is really low, and Hans also knows the authentic one.Hans felt that if Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua hadn't escaped from the manor, most of them would have avoided the tunnel.

He has notified the helicopter team for the search around the manor, and now the main destination of the team he personally leads is the tunnel. If Ye Tianfeng and the others can't be found anywhere in the strange botanical garden, it is likely that they are already in the tunnel, because It's more like something easy to defend and hard to attack for combat.

At this moment, Hans was only amazed at the combined strength of Ye Tianfeng and Dr. Chen Zhihua.He really never thought that these two people had such a high force value.

Dr. Chen Zhihua has been here for a long time, and Hans already knows him very well.Hans absolutely didn't believe that Dr. Chen Zhihua's combat power and force value could be so high. Even if he used poison, Samuel and the others were not puppets who could be manipulated by others.

Then, the problem definitely lies with that Hao Ming!Of course Hans still doesn't know that Hao's name is actually Ye Tianfeng!

If he knew, people might break down.

But he doesn't know, but it doesn't mean that the intelligence line of the XK organization won't provide him with new information.

When Hans was leading a group of people to search the strange botanical garden in a carpet style, and then prepared to attack the tunnel he knew, suddenly he received a piece of information from elsewhere——

The intelligence personnel told him: the real Hao Ming is still in Jian Huanchao's Chinese-funded factory, and the Hao Ming who came to the manor before is definitely a counterfeit...

Hans didn't finish reading the information, so he immediately cursed something, and then he said as if he was talking to himself: "Did you get tricked? But it's okay, you threw yourself into the trap!"

Hans knew that there were more than one team sent by the Chinese military to confront his XK organization some time ago, so he believed that the person who came directly to this manor this time was definitely one of the people sent by the Chinese military. One, it's so powerful, he thought to himself, even Chen Zhihua, a nerd, might be powerless, and he can make such a big move?

I originally thought this matter was evil, but now such a pair of evidence, there is really nothing evil, it is possible that the single-handed horse sent by the Huaxia military this time is a bit too powerful.

Hans used this to save the power of the person sent by the Chinese military, but how did he know that this person is actually much more powerful than what he saved!
"Isn't it everywhere?"

Next, when a small group of people came back from all directions to report to him one after another, Hans was almost certain: Dr. Chen Zhihua and Ye Tianfeng were in the tunnel deep in this strange botanical garden, inside the desert rose.

And when he was about to concentrate his forces to encircle the place, suddenly there was a commotion from a certain direction in the Strange Botanical Garden.

(End of this chapter)

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