The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 592 The Strength of the Base Camp

Chapter 592 The Strength of the Base Camp
He was amazed that Andreevich was willing to give up his greed for treasure.He knew that this didn't mean that Andreevich could control himself, but that the Chinese special forces who came this time were really terrible!

"Mr. Adolf," there is no doubt that Chloe respects this old man, but he also has the spirit of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, "Let Andreevich go! Without him Come and join us, we can do something good!"

Chloe and Mahmoud are both so-called wunderkinds. In fact, both of them are not too old now.

What's more special about Chloe's people is that they haven't really met the special forces from China. The force he brought has never suffered from the special forces from China like the people organized by Mahmoud. The team led by them also won many times in the Central Plains era in the initial competition in these mountains, and the people organized by Mahmoud always played happily when they did not encounter the special forces from China.

What's more, although Mahmoud's Islamic Liberation Organization has been frustrated, Mahmud is not as pessimistic as Andreyevich; he is so worried like Adolf!

Chloe and Mahmoud finally persuaded Adolf, who was too cautious, to prevent him from following in Andreevich's footsteps, causing their combined army camp to be cut off part of its strength.

And because of Adolf's special caution, and wanting to preserve his strength, Chloe and Mahmoud even generously said: Let them take the helicopter to patrol the mountains, and Adolf will be in the base camp and be responsible for some ground The war will do.

The combined power of their base camp is actually not only their three parties, but the overall strength of other vassal forces is much weaker than their three parties, so what big decisions here are mainly decided by the three leaders. .

They were going to usher in another powerful coalition force, that is the force of Andreevich who was run away by Ye Tianfeng. Adolf knew the strength of the Russian and his team well. When he was in the Chinese special forces, Adolf also knew afterwards that there were forces besieging the Chinese special forces in the southeast, northwest, and the strongest force was Andreevich's!

But now, Andreevich suddenly seems to be fleeing without a fight. Adolf, who has always been cautious, the kind of person who is known for sailing for thousands of years, seems to be frightened at once—if The special forces sent by Huaxia this time are not surprisingly powerful. Andreevich, who has always been a bit of a dick, will never be like this.

And even if you don't look at the sudden disappearance of Andreevich, just look at the fact that the encirclement that seemed to be a sure thing was smashed to pieces, the shadow area cast on the heart of Adolf, the old fox, is really extraordinary. Big.

Adolf was always thinking about it, even when he was eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom: Who is the leader of the special forces sent by Huaxia this time? Is it the legendary top ten masters in the world? One, or a rising star, what surpasses the original world's top ten master figures?

On the surface, Adolf was perfunctory to Chloe and Mahmoud, but in fact, he had already begun to feel that this effort might be hopeless, and he planned to run away if the situation was not good.Because if life is gone, what good is the best treasure in the world?

But then, what made Adolf feel lucky was that their camp ushered in another force that was not inferior to Andreevich's team in the next day-an arty named "Things" The faction of "Combination", the main force in this force is some masters from North America and Japan, not only the famous North American Hercules, who are known as the pioneers, but also the masters of ninjutsu and judo from Japan that have been passed down for thousands of years!
In the dense forest battles in the mountains, sometimes the role of guns is not as good as that of individuals, because there are too many things that can be used as cover. Even the cover of some animals touches your side without anyone noticing, and before your gun can be fired, he has already killed you.

There are two main leaders in this force called the combination of east and west: Perdovich and Masao Kosaka.

Perdowicz is in charge of the pioneers and sharpshooters from North America, mainly from the United States and Canada.Masao Kosaka is in charge of the ninjas and judo masters in the Eastern Kingdom, but naturally, in terms of firearms, they are not far behind those in North America, so Masao Kosaka can completely fight against Perdovich!

The combination of east and west naturally wanted to establish some kind of prestige when it first came, although it suddenly shocked the base camp with the marksmanship of sharpshooters; Most of the alliances, but specifically whether it is a mule or a horse, you have to really pull it out for a walk!What is empty talk on paper can easily make people feel arrogant.

Therefore, the shrewd ones who want to finally rule this base camp, and then call on Perdovich and Kosaka Masao in other base camps, plan to start "doing practical things for the people" on the second day of their stay!
They first showed their prowess, taught and recruited a few rebellious teams near the base camp, Chloe and Mahmoud because of playfulness; Adolf failed to win over the team in time because of senile syndrome, although some were considered stragglers , but the strength of all united is huge after all.

Even Adolf, an old fox, thinks this way: because he now deeply understands that what his group of people are going to deal with next is someone among the top ten powerhouses in the world, and that kind of person can be done by himself. One thousand, ten thousand characters!
It’s just that for three days in a row, the combination of East and West, although it has made some achievements and shocked many people in the base camp, but in the same way, when they go out to patrol, they are still the same as Chloe and Mahmoud who went out to patrol the mountains with helicopter fighters. I didn't even see a hair of the Chinese special forces.

They are all really strange: the Chinese special forces team that came last, after destroying the four-sided encirclement with shocking weeping and ghosts, suddenly disappeared in the mountains, and after that, almost no one could notice Obtaining their traces, it seems that they are all some gods and warriors themselves, and they came down to show that flash in the pan!

It may also be that someone with some influence still met those Chinese special forces unintentionally, but once they met, they would never be able to tell others about the encounter.

(End of this chapter)

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