Chapter 585
Then the few people continued on their way, as if they didn't know where the road was!

And like in this seemingly endless mountain, in fact, it is the first choice to end the journey early.Anyway, Ye Tianfeng thinks so!He felt that if he waited longer to get what the state confessed, the group of people would undoubtedly be stuck in the quagmire here.

But gradually entering the deep mountains, Ye Tianfeng and the others began to see traces of battles in many places, and many simple tombs that were newly dug. Much better with some beast dragging.

Have many people died in these mountains now?
But Ye Tianfeng and the others are experienced in many battles, and they are used to dead people.

They continued on their way, following the guidance of the map, to the location where the treasure was hidden.

It was getting dark soon, and by the light of the stars, several people chose a campsite at night and took turns to stand guard.

Ye Tianfeng asked his teammates to sleep first and rest more.Shan Hu and the others were reluctant to make such an arrangement at first, but Ye Tianfeng forced Zixiao to give the order later, and Shan Hu and the others had no choice but to obey.

Even Black Panther, Flying Eagle, Jin Tong and Jiu Kong are now full of emotion, but even Shanhu doesn't know that the reason why Ye Tianfeng can be energetic without sleeping is because of his round mind. It has something to do with the fact that Ye Tianfeng has already mastered the Great Heavenly Dragon Art, but Ye Tianfeng himself still doesn't know about the latter point!

Hei Panther, Fei Diao, Jin Tong, and Jiu Kong all thought in their hearts: This new captain is not only iron-blooded, but also has a tender side!

About three or four o'clock in the middle of the night!When it was Fei Diao's turn to guard the post with Ye Tianfeng, suddenly there was a very subtle gunshot from the top of a mountain in the northeast corner of the group's camp.

And following the slight "bang", there was a loud "bang", this time, even the flying eagle beside Ye Tianfeng looked up that mountain.

"There are people fighting there." Ye Tianfeng said lightly.

Just as Ye Tianfeng finished speaking, suddenly there was another "bang bang" gunshot, followed by another loud "boom"!
It seemed that there were not just two people fighting, but there was also the sound of earth bombs or guns.

"Boss, it seems that someone is retreating from the top of the mountain, and a group of people are chasing after him." Fei Diao looked at it for a while and said.

Ye Tianfeng also saw it.

Moreover, he also felt that there seemed to be a lot of people in the back group.

The two were looking at the situation on the opposite mountain, and at some point Shanhu and the others had already got up.Up to now, Shan Hu and the others were also alarmed by the sound of the guns, and because the sound of the guns was getting closer.

The people who were being chased by what looked like a large army on the mountain came straight in their direction, and if they continued to sleep, when they opened their eyes later, the guns would be ringing around them.

"How is it? Boss, let's avoid it first?" Fei Diao asked Ye Tianfeng for instructions.

But at this time, not only did Ye Tianfeng, who had piercing eyes, seem to see something unusual, but he also had a strange feeling about the Great Heavenly Divine Dragon Art that he had stepped into without knowing it.

And when the person who had withdrawn from the mountain got closer, both Ye Tianfeng and Jin Tong who had woken up seemed to be able to see a face that was almost the same as his own.

Ye Tianfeng's heart flashed: He remembered that before leaving the country, the military had told them that the first group of their group should not have completely sacrificed.

At this moment, Ye Tianfeng saw a face suspected to be from Huaxia, so he immediately had some kind of guess in his heart.

"It seems to be our people," Ye Tianfeng said, "Everyone is ready to rescue!"

In the blink of an eye, the camping situation here disappeared.Like Ye Tianfeng, Shanhu, Heibao, Feidiao, Jintong and Jiukong all immediately found a favorable terrain for them.

There seemed to be three people retreating down the mountain in front, but the people chasing them were very powerful, with guns and guns.

Ye Tianfeng immediately recognized the sound of the two guns that chased down from the top of the mountain. This should be the [-]mm airborne gun.

At the beginning, Ye Tianfeng also saw that the three people who retreated down the mountain played very well. Often, as soon as they fired, one of them won the bid, and even the gun on the top was silenced. Maybe the person guarding the gun was killed by a single shot. , but the enemy then changed the control of the heavy firearm.

But then Ye Tianfeng saw that the situation was not optimistic at all - because he finally saw that the three people who retreated from the mountain seemed to be seriously injured, no matter whether they ran away or continued to fight, they couldn't even last long.

At this moment, Ye Tianfeng mistakenly thought it was Yuanpan, but in fact it was the induction brought to him by the Datian Shenlong Jue, he seemed to see a more tragic war scene after the mountain was overturned.

Did the three break out from there?The Huaxia team that came before my group seemed to have more than 20 people. Maybe they had already got the thing, but they were finally surrounded by a large force like the one I saw before?
At this time, Ye Tianfeng also seemed to understand that the mysterious camp he saw when he was about to enter the mountain was probably used for this purpose.It's also possible that my group didn't have to deliberately cover up the march before, even if they saw some spiders and horses, they would deliberately let them go. Of course, the people who went in died in the mountains, but if they can get some treasures, they want to go home Yes, then I'm sorry, now the road is blocked and I leave money to buy the road!

Really, Huaxia sent so many people back and forth, and Huaxia knew the location of the treasure, but none of these groups of people were able to see the treasure, so they all sacrificed. Ye Tianfeng really didn't believe in that of.

At this moment, he guessed that there might be a team sent by Huaxia to get the thing, but on the way home, they fell into the encirclement of the enemy!

It is also possible that the first few groups of special forces personnel from China did not sacrifice all of them. There was always one or two left by one group. Later, these people gathered together, Just like my group is now following the route guided by the map, isn't it finally about to meet up with my group? !

Ye Tianfeng concluded that the three retreating people he saw now were undoubtedly Chinese people, and they were the Chinese special forces who came to fetch treasures a few times ago.


Suddenly a person who was retreating was shot by a gun and immediately rolled down.


Immediately afterwards, another retreating person was bombarded by a bomb.

The enemy is condescending, and there are many people, and the firepower is very fierce!

(End of this chapter)

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