Chapter 580 Team Up
Ye Tianfeng and Shanhu stayed in Nandu for a few days without knowing it. Over there, the old chief actually called to remind them skillfully.

And Ye Tianfeng was still worried about Xiao Hua.

"Just hand over Xiao Hua's affairs to the old chief and the others!" Shan Hu was originally an impatient man.

"It's a deal, haha!" Ye Tianfeng is not polite anymore.

He was originally reluctant to be as direct as Shanhu because of his self-esteem, but the superiors began to urge him to leave, and here the matter of Zhuo Lan and Xiao Hua seems to have fallen into some kind of quagmire, and he and Shanhu are like heroes for a while. Powerful.

After getting the consent of the old chief, Ye Tianfeng said to Xiao Hua: "You just wait to show your skills! Haha!"

Even with the ability of the old chief, Xiao Hua couldn't let Xiao Hua take charge of the case again, and with the ability of Nine Heavens Fox, he couldn't find Zhuo Lan, Ye Tianfeng didn't believe it either.

But after getting on the plane with Shanhu, Ye Tianfeng looked back at Nandu who was gradually leaving behind him, and said in his heart: Nandu, I will definitely come back again!

And because of the strangeness of the dream, Ye Tianfeng firmly believed that there must be some mystery between Nandu and Yuanpan in his mind that he couldn't solve now.

It's just that now, he can't stay here and slowly wait for him to find the opportunity that the so-called Yuanpan can bring to him.

Naturally, Ye Tianfeng also remembers that his soul learned about Xiao Hua and Zhuo Lan's situation in the fantasy dream, and he also remembers that his soul visited Yuanpan's inner world and heard the strange old man's voice again.The strange old man told himself that he had really stepped into the beginning of the Great Heavenly Dragon Art, and he remembered it very clearly.

But where is the entry?Do you know what method to use to practice this Great Heavenly Divine Dragon Art that may eventually shake the world?
It's just that the matter of Xiao Hua and Zhuo Lan in the fantasy dream has become a fact, why should I be fooled again about the matter of the Great Heavenly Dragon Art?Ye Tianfeng couldn't understand this question.

He was puzzled all the way on the plane, and he didn't figure out why until he finally met the old chief in the capital.

Ye Tianfeng decided to put this aside for now.Naturally, he didn't tell the old chief about this problem and ask him for help.Ye Tianfeng felt that this problem already belonged to superhumans, so he shouldn't treat it with human thinking.

After Ye Tianfeng and Shanhu met the old chief, the latter told him about the mission and gave him and Shanhu a map.

Ye Tianfeng knew roughly where he was going with just a casual glance - a land where several countries bordered each other, and it was a stretch of mountains stretching on all sides, with a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

A place like this is usually inaccessible, but it is said that since the news was accidentally leaked abroad by spies, this previously deserted place is now very lively.

But this kind of bustle is naturally not the kind of bustle that suddenly became a tourist attraction and tourists from all over the world flocked to it.This kind of excitement is a kind of flames of war accompanied by blood and life!
Ye Tianfeng had heard about it before: there were already several groups sent out to fetch that thing, and all of them died in the end.

What about other foreign forces?The mercenary teams sent out from various countries and various forces should not be able to send out hundreds of mercenaries, right?

But it is impossible for these people to fill up that area, because they are fighting each other, it should be a natural graveyard now.

This time the appointee was chosen by the old chief himself. The previous few times were some other leaders of the same level as him, but almost all the people they sent were sacrificed, and there is still one that is said to have been damaged so that a few people are trapped. In that deep mountain, no one has gotten that thing yet.

There were a lot of people in the first few dials, and there was even a team of more than [-] people. It was because the first two teams sacrificed quickly, and this side only knew that there were spies leaking news abroad, which attracted many people there. What the first two teams thought was a surefire thing was ruined, and the third team added so many people.

This side has finally paid full attention to it now, but it failed to send people two times in a row. In the end, someone finally strongly demanded that the trump card of the old chief's side be played.

But the trump card under the old chief's hand is not what it used to be, especially Ye Tianfeng, the top character in the trump card, has also left.

The old chief held the momentum that the previous group of people still failed, and he seemed to suddenly think of this matter as if he had to be alone.

That's why the old chief found out about Ye Tianfeng.

On this day, the old chief also wanted Ye Tianfeng's opinion on the personnel arrangement, and even let him make the decision!

Because Shan Hu obviously wanted to go with Ye Tianfeng, so there were two of them now.Like going to that kind of place, Ye Tianfeng also knew: It would be unrealistic to go alone, it would be a mountain stretching for hundreds of kilometers!It's not like some chic Spiderman in the city, who can come and go alone without any ties.To survive in the wild, you need teammates to take care of each other when necessary.

But now because the situation there is extremely dangerous, and there are more and more foreign forces acting on the news, in fact, Ye Tianfeng feels that in that kind of messy forest field battle: the number of people is not in the number, but in the spirit!

This time the main purpose is not to kill the enemy, the main purpose is to get something, less people but less target for people!
However, the people selected are definitely one in a million.

Originally, Ye Tianfeng thought that besides himself and Shanhu, it would be fine to choose another person, but the old chief was still worried: What if someone sacrificed first?It's just that it's hard for him to say this, people just want to have one or two more substitutes.

Because at that time, if there is only one person left at the sacrifice, it will be really difficult to complete the task.

Later, after discussions between Ye Tianfeng and the old chief, it was decided to increase the number to six.

In this way, in addition to the original Ye Tianfeng and Shanhu, four more selected people were added, and their code names were Black Panther, Feidiao, Jintong and Jiukong.

On the eve of flying abroad, Ye Tianfeng received a call from Xiao Hua: the other party was overjoyed and told him that not only was he reinstated, but he also had greater power than before.

Xiao Hua asked Ye Tianfeng mysteriously on the phone, did Ye Tianfeng help her secretly?

(End of this chapter)

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