Chapter 573 Absorbing Energy
Beads of sweat finally appeared on the forehead of the human demon, at first they were almost invisible, then they were fine, and finally turned into bean-sized beads, dripping down one by one.

And at this time, Ye Tianfeng, who was lying five steps away from him, suddenly moved his lips for the first time since spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Ye Tianfeng's lips fluttered gently like the wings of a butterfly.

He seemed to be thirsty, so thirsty that he couldn't bear it, because the weather is so dry now, people may be dried out.

And then, it's not just air-dried, but it seems to be almost dried, or even dried.

Because the fire is getting closer and closer!

Now, the entire large grassland is full of fire, burning fire!This is a true proof that a single spark can start a prairie fire!

But the demon was just sweating profusely, and Ye Tianfeng was just moving his mouth, neither of them got up.

This is a kind of state, that kind of state awareness called unawareness.

When a ball of fire spit towards the demon, the clothes on the demon immediately caught fire.

"Ah—I made it—

Suddenly the demon opened his eyes, and his pupils were full of light!

The human demon finally stood up, yelling loudly at the dry grassland that had become a sea of ​​flames, announcing!

Next, the demon even clearly saw strands of pure energy flying from Ye Tianfeng's body to his body!

The demon finally couldn't control himself and laughed wildly.

Now, all the tongues of flame flying to him are automatically extinguished, not only that, all the tongues of flame flying a few steps away from the circle of him and Ye Tianfeng are all extinguished now.

No matter how raging the fire outside, it seemed like another world to them.

At this time, there were no beads of sweat on the face of the human devil, and he seemed to be in the state of "calm and naturally cool".

Ye Tianfeng's lips also stopped fluttering like a butterfly flapping its wings, and Ye Tianfeng returned to its original stillness, but his body—— seemed to be drying out.

The demon just glanced at Ye Tianfeng inadvertently, he didn't need to think about it, maybe after a while, Ye Tianfeng's body would completely turn into that kind of dried up mummy!
When the time comes, he will receive his work here, and he only needs to wave his sleeves lightly, and Ye Tianfeng's body will be buried in the sea of ​​flames.

But the other person demon himself, from now on, he will leave here as if the calamity is over, and go to his original world.

The huge energy in Ye Tianfeng's body can be estimated by the demon himself. After absorbing it this time, he will definitely be able to get rid of the shackles of this other world, and go to the other world that he thought was more pleasing to the eye.This time he came to this plane that was still in the era of gun technology, it was really painful for him.

The demon used his unique kung fu to continue sucking and sucking violently on Ye Tianfeng, hoping that the others would almost be overwhelmed with pride, but at a certain moment he suddenly heard a voice that seemed to come from far away——

"Where did the thief come from, stealing things recklessly like this...

Oops!The voice seemed a little familiar, and the human demon's heart seemed to be beating for a moment, and the human immediately felt that the energy he was absorbing seemed to have stagnated.

what happened?
"It's you..." At this time, the human demon saw that he could see through the energy bands of these energies, and saw a world at the end of the energy that was different from the current world of blazing flames—there was a vast and boundless fog inside. World, he vaguely saw a familiar figure in the world like endless fog. A long time ago, when he was not in this alternative plane of the earth, he had an intersection with that person.

In fact, Ye Tianfeng has not woken up at this time, and if Ye Tianfeng wakes up at this time, if he also looks at the energy belt with the eyes of the demon, he will also see the world of fog that is completely different from the sky full of fire now. At that time, he will definitely feel that he is very familiar, because he has been to the world of fog many times!

Ye Tianfeng was even more familiar with the voice of the old man who was talking to the demon now - it belonged to that strange old man!
"That's right! It's me!" The strange old head was naughty and eccentric.

"Why are you here?" The demon was still surprised.

"Then why are you here?" The strange old man asked back.

"Hmph!" The demon snorted and shouted, "Get out of the way—"

"Ha! Let's see if you have the ability!" The strange old man said.

There is no doubt that the strange old man is now preventing the demon from absorbing the energy in the disk.

The demon remembered that when he met this strange old man before, he couldn't talk to him at all.Now, without saying a word, he just started directly.

However, he seemed to forget one thing for a moment: he forgot why he came to this plane of the earth in the first place.When he came to the plane of the earth, he encountered a catastrophe, and almost lost his original strength.

And the strange old man who lived in the disk world, although he also experienced a catastrophe like him, and was finally forced to live in seclusion in this world of the disk, but he got some kind of adventure—— At least the situation is much better than his current one!
After the man and the demon attacked the strange old man in the misty world in the disk, he was a little horrified to find that all his attacking power disappeared when it reached the foggy monster in the disk world. It's like hitting a kind of void, and it's still the kind that never returns.

"what's up--

And then, the human demon screamed even more, because the next thing he found was even more shocking: the power he punched out seemed to be absorbed by others.

And not only that, he also saw that some of the energy he had absorbed from Ye Tianfeng before was also flowing backwards, back into the mysterious world of fog.

"What the hell are you doing? How did this happen?" The demon finally began to yell at the strange old man in the foggy world.

"Do you want to know? Don't worry, you'll find out soon!" The strange old man still had his usual teasing voice.

It seems that he has this voice for everyone, but isn't he the same for Ye Tianfeng?

The human demon watched the energy that he had sucked before keep passing away, the more he watched, the more anxious he became, and the more he watched, the more scared he became!
The demon decided to suspend his attack on the fog world, and even interrupt this energy belt that was still flowing backwards.

But immediately, he seemed to be in despair——

Because he found that he seemed to be powerless against everything, not only was he unable to interrupt that energy band at all, even his own attack seemed to be restrained by others!

(End of this chapter)

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