Chapter 521
Yu Shunshun's quick reaction may be due to her previous experience of facing those bad guys together with Ye Tianfeng. In short, she is closer to Ye Tianfeng than Zhang Qing and Xiaoya who are in the mist. that's it.

Yu Shunshun quickly went to fetch a set of men's laundry pants for Ye Tianfeng.

In fact, although they have never met the real landlord of this villa, the middleman who rented the villa to them has a good relationship with them, and has given them the keys of almost every room. In fact, if they want to use the room, they still have to report it, but now Ye Tianfeng is in an emergency, not to mention Ye Tianfeng is the new landlord, Yu Shunshun can also deal with this matter first.

Ye Tianfeng put on the clothes of the original owner or someone else. Although it didn't fit well, he could only make do with it first.

When Ye Tianfeng went into the shower room to change clothes, he still looked like Zhang Qing and Xiaoya who were dubious, and Lianhe also looked like Yu Shunshun who was not completely sure. The three of them took this opportunity to quickly contact the middleman.

Although the intermediary was also entrusted by Xiao Hua's relationship, and she had never met Ye Tianfeng, she told the three girls that there was such a thing, and roughly shared the information about Ye Tianfeng that she had obtained from Xiao Hua, including Ye Tianfeng's general information. Check the height, body shape and length with the three girls.

As for Ye Tianfeng's body, from the personal inspection of the three girls just now, it is roughly in line with what the middleman introduced. Because of what happened just now, imagine: Is there anyone in this world who is more familiar with Ye Tianfeng's body structure than the three of them?

Besides, this man is the only one who came to Villa No. [-] today, so why not him?

After Ye Tianfeng came out of the shower room, he happened to see the policewoman, stewardess and little nurse discussing in private.He didn't need to listen to understand what they were discussing. For a moment, with a hearty smile, the words of the beauties stopped abruptly, but facing him, they seemed to be at a loss for a moment or something.

Yu Shunshun was quite natural, after all, she had really known Ye Tianfeng, and because of the previous episodes of bad security guards, she had a general understanding of Ye Tianfeng.

But Zhang Qing and Xiaoya were a little embarrassed, especially Zhang Qing, she was afraid to think about how she treated Ye Tianfeng just now.

Zhang Qing, the renter of this villa, is very satisfied!In fact, the three beauties were able to rent here more because of their personal connections in Nandu, and because the middleman of the villa has a good impression of them, the rent is also cheaper than other places.

Good quality and low price, it’s no wonder it’s not popular!

They don't want to move, even if there is an extra Ye Tianfeng now.

Moreover, Zhang Qing and Xiaoya seemed to respect Yu Shunshun's attitude towards Ye Tianfeng. Later, Zhang Qing and Xiaoya also thought: It was a misunderstanding that they happened to meet Ye Tianfeng before, and Ye Tianfeng had just arrived. It shouldn't be like this anymore.

And when Ye Tianfeng went upstairs as if he had something to do, Yu Shunshun could not wait to tell Zhang Qing and Xiaoya about the security incident that happened before.What Yu Shunshun wanted more was to let the two of them change their bad impression of Ye Tianfeng as soon as possible.

After Zhang Qing and Xiaoya heard Ye Tianfeng's story, they naturally had another very big mood swing.The more important thing is that Ye Tianfeng helped Yu Shunshun get rid of those bad security guards, which really moved Zhang Qing and Xiaoya.

Zhang Qing also encountered Gong Yihua and his fellow security guards when he was in casual clothes at first, and then he also had friction with them.

But after some action, Gong Yihua and the others finally knew that Zhang Qing was a policeman, and they finally didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

And Xiaoya was also molested by Tu Yanfeng and Lin Yongsheng, but because Zhang Qing and Xiaoya lived close to each other, they could often go home together after renting together. Since Xiaoya was protected by Zhang Qing, Tu Yanfeng and Lin Yongsheng Yongsheng and the others didn't dare to think about Xiaoya anymore.

Just the stewardess Yu Shunshun, because of the flight, she couldn't travel with Zhang Qing and the others at all. Fortunately, before she really suffered from those perverts, she met Ye Tianfeng, who solved this trouble for her completely. It made her love her temporary home even more.

Regarding the matter of Gong Yihua and others, it's not that Zhang Qing has never thought about pulling out this fang, but because the other party's backstage is too big, she is simply not something that a little policeman like her can shake.

Today, she didn't expect that Ye Tianfeng would even help her pull out this fang. Now, the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that she was really too rude to Ye Tianfeng before.

She wanted a way to make Ye Tianfeng forget her previous suspicions.

Together, the sisters decided to treat Ye Tianfeng to a meal tonight, in order to cultivate the relationship between the tenants and the landlord.

Knowing that the new landlord is such a person, they seem to want to move even less.Only a silly woman would run away from a man like this.

"The clothes he was wearing just now didn't seem to fit well, or we can buy him another set of clothes by the way!" Xiaoya continued to propose like this.

Yu Shunshun and Zhang Qing naturally agreed immediately.

"By the way, each of the three of us sisters can cook one or two good dishes, or else we will cook together tonight and invite him to a sumptuous banquet!" Yu Shunshun said afterward.

Zhang Qing and Xiaoya naturally also cheered.

Don't say that there are distinguished guests tonight, in fact, it is the three of them, who seem to have not had a dinner together for a long time.

Everyone's job is different, especially the stewardess, it is difficult to spend time with Zhang Qing and Xiaoya, and the latter two, sometimes because of a day's work, sometimes tired, who would like to host a big table when they go home ?Often instead of ordering takeout, just order noodles, rice noodles or a simple game of porridge.

"Hey! What are the beauties talking about, so excited?" Suddenly, Ye Tianfeng came down from the stairs and looked at them with a smile.

Originally, in the eyes of Zhang Qing and Xiaoya, Ye Tianfeng's smile was definitely a lewd look, but now, they feel very warm.

Yu Shunshun met Ye Tianfeng's smiling face, and said honestly: "We plan to hold a table for you tonight! You should be fine and not go out, right?"

Ye Tianfeng was naturally happy, who wouldn't want a treat?He hurriedly said: "Of course it's okay, I won't go out!"He's going to sleep here tonight!

It's just that when he heard the word "sleep", there was a kind of meaningful tremor in the ears of all the girls.

The girls hurriedly said that they had to go out to buy vegetables to prepare the ingredients for tonight, and for a while, the three of them fled away from Ye Tianfeng like a quick smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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