The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 308 The Extremely Poisonous Bullet

Chapter 308 The Extremely Poisonous Bullet

Shanhu said to Mingzai for a moment: "Don't worry, Mingzai, this kind of poison can only be stimulated by the gunpowder of the gun. Boss, if you don't like it after using it this time, I will wash the gun for you."

Mingzai was indeed a little worried that this overbearing poison would ruin his beloved Desert Eagle, but thinking that the boss needed to use it for his work this time, he felt embarrassed to say anything.

But Shanhu has insight into his heart, so Shanhu comforts Mingzai in time.

Next, Shan Hu gave Ye Tianfeng a few pills to take first, saying that they were the antidote to the poison, because when the bullet was fired, the poisonous gas would permeate Ye Tianfeng himself, but if he took the antidote first, he would be killed. never mind.

When Ye Tianfeng was in his prime, many poisons in the world could not poison him, but now he is like an ordinary person, and he swallowed Shanhu's antidote without saying anything.

At this time, Ming Zai, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but be dumbfounded: This Tang Sect's ancestral poison really deserves its reputation!Look at Shanhu's cautious appearance.

After taking Shanhu's antidote, Ye Tianfeng confidently took Mingzai's Desert Eagle to the place where the Wanlingcao was. Mingzai and Shanhu watched with concern from behind.

Ye Tianfeng didn't know how many golden snakes there were. After he approached the plants that blocked Shanhu and Mingzai's sight, he first observed these plants from a distance: Maybe those golden snakes have already hidden in these plants?
Although his strength is gone now, his rich experience is still there.

But all of a sudden, he didn't find any dangerous creatures hiding in these plants.

Ye Tianfeng looked past the [-]-meter white flower and looked at several Wanling grasses.

At this time, a golden snake swam past the Wanling Grass.

Ye Tianfeng said in his heart at this moment: I wonder how many golden snakes are there?I'll give it a try.

Ye Tianbian said in his heart while picking up a stone beside him, aiming at the open space near the golden snake and throwing it viciously.


The sound of the stone falling to the ground alarmed the golden snake in an instant. Immediately, not only the golden snake that had just appeared, immediately swam towards the place where the stone fell, but two golden snakes crawled out near it, as if facing the sudden arrival. Stones falling from the sky are of general interest.

They are put here by someone to guard the elixir grass, but it is possible that no one can come here for many years, and they may be too lonely to panic, so if there is something troublesome, they will not be able to bear the loneliness ?

However, Ye Tianfeng, who seemed to be extremely experienced in everything, had another question in his mind for a moment: Are there only these three golden snakes here?
He didn't believe it, so he threw another stone for the second time.

This time the sound drew out another snake.

But Ye Tianfeng instantly felt that he could no longer throw stones, because the seemingly vigilant golden snakes had already suspected that they were coming in his direction, and they might swim towards him immediately and attack him!

Is this the time?
Ye Tianfeng stopped hesitating immediately, and pulled the trigger on one of the golden snakes that were almost gathered together. He used to hit one of the opponent's vital points, but now he is lucky that the desert eagle also has a sight, but at this time He is not confident that he can hit the seven inches of the golden snake.

When the bullet flew out, there seemed to be some black mist, and Ye Tianfeng felt a little uncomfortable immediately.

What a powerful poison!At this time, he was talking in his heart, but he didn't know whether he was praising or frowning for a while.

But immediately, it seemed that something in his body cleared away some of the poisonous mist he had inhaled.Ye Tianfeng immediately thought of the antidote that Shanhu had given him in advance just now.For a moment, he sighed a little in his heart.

And looking at the opposite side in the past, people can't control their own shock——

The golden snake on the opposite side who was shot had already collapsed motionless at this time, and the other three golden snakes who had not been shot also seemed to have completely lost their previous spontaneity, and began to lie listlessly on the ground, as if they could not swim. , a little bit.

"What a powerful poison, the legendary Tang Sect is really amazing!" Ye Tianfeng couldn't help but say it.

At the same time, he turned his head and made an "OK" gesture to Shanhu and Mingzai who were far behind. He was so happy that he didn't care about the reaction of the people behind him. He didn't even bother to look behind. At this moment, Shanhu and Mingzai had the same excited expressions as him.

The so-called "beating a snake with a stick" is talking about the current truth!

Ye Tianfeng walked forward and fired a second shot.

Now is not the time to play, so I have to quickly pick the Wanling grass and leave, who knows what troubles will be here after removing the golden snake.

The second shot hit another golden snake, and this time it was closer, Ye Tianfeng smashed the head of the second golden snake with one shot, making it really die.

The second shot was fired again, and the poisonous mist filled the air, and the four golden snakes seemed to have fainted instantly, paralyzed on the ground, motionless.

Ye Tianfeng was thinking about the Wanlingcao, and didn't pay attention to them for a while, but when he was approaching the Wanlingcao, a big golden snake suddenly drilled out of a hole on the left side of the Wanlingcao.

This golden snake is as big as the sum of the previous four golden snakes. It turns out that there is also a snake king!

The big golden snake might have been more vigilant before, but it was forced to hide in the cave as soon as it was forced by the poisonous mist.

But now that Ye Tianfeng was going to pick Wanlingcao, it had to come out to attack Ye Tianfeng again.

Ye Tianfeng stopped hesitating immediately, raised his gun and blasted towards the entrance of the cave with a few shots.

Amidst the poisonous mist, the snake's cave entrance was also blown away by the power of the Desert Eagle, causing dust to fly everywhere.

In an instant, the terrifying Tang Sect poison caused the big golden snake to turn white in the cave!

Ye Tianfeng couldn't help laughing triumphantly when he saw it.

He saw that there were about a dozen elixir plants here.

"I want it all!"

For a moment, Ye Tianfeng's greed flourished. People have this weakness. What can he do?
He thought that even if he couldn't use it up, he might be able to sell it for a high price if he kept it. Seeing that the panacea is priceless even in South America, who would think it's too much money?

Ye Tianfeng ate the special elixir for a while, because at this time he didn't feel any other threats around here.

It's just that Ye Tianfeng, who was focusing on picking the myriad spirit grass, seemed to have neglected for a moment——

For a moment, Yuanpan seemed to sneak into his mind.

In an instant, Yuanpan began to absorb wisps of black poisonous mist.

Yuanpan sucked in the poisonous mist, and gradually, the golden snakes who hadn't been hit by a single shot seemed to come back to life, because the poison of Tangmen in them was being slowly detoxified by something.

And once these poisons are removed, they can immediately return to their original state of life and vitality!

(End of this chapter)

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