The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 305 A Big Botanical Garden

Chapter 305 A Big Botanical Garden

Ye Tianfeng's explanation made Shanhu and Mingzai stunned for a while, but they couldn't refute it immediately!
But then, Ye Tianfeng smiled again, as if he said earnestly: "I've seen the hundred meters, can the road to Wanlingcao be far?"

For a moment, he seemed to remember that someone had said to him before: the Wanlingcao sometimes grows in the same area as Baimidao!
At this moment, Ye Tianfeng firmly believed in his heart: the Wanlingcao might be around here.

A few days ago, he had already passed on the appearance of the Wanlingcao to Shanhu and Mingzai respectively.

"Let's avoid these [-]-meter pours first, so as not to be poisoned by them, and then look for Wanlingcao in this area!" Ye Tianfeng announced next.

Both Shanhu and Mingzai made that kind of oath for a while, as if they had received a mission in the special forces.

While Ye Tianfeng was carefully looking for the Wanlingcao, he was also thinking about the legend about the distant temple: before, Clara, the patriarch of the cannibals, told him that one of their ancestors had brought it back from here. Those who have passed the Ten Thousand Spirit Grass just don't know if he has actually been to the legendary temple.

If there is a temple, it should not be far from here.

People usually have a sense of curiosity, not to mention the temple has even caused the vibration of the disc in my head!Ye Tianfeng firmly believes that if there is a temple, the vibration of the disc in his mind is definitely caused by the temple!
Ye Tianfeng is now thinking this way: if the Wanlingcao has cured the poison of the hundred-meter pour on his body this time, then he might as well look for this temple again, since they have already come to this place.

I don't expect the temple to bring any gold, silver and treasures to the three of us, just take a look at the true face of the temple!
Furthermore, since it is revered as a temple, you don't need to think about it: there must be something extraordinary in the temple!

"Boss, the [-]-meter bush seems to be very wide!"

Shan Hu was not complaining at this time, but had a kind of exclamation mixed in his tone.

Ye Tianfeng said: "Let's go around a little farther, avoid them to find the Wanlingcao, be careful, you may be hit by a hundred meters down, stay away, don't come within a hundred meters of them!"

Ye Tianfeng thought: No matter how overbearing the poison poured from a hundred meters away, if the three of us were a hundred meters away from them, at most they would feel a little discomfort.

The three of them were careful, not only to guard against the poison of the hundred meters, but also to find the panacea. For a while, they were like thieves in this huge area.

"Boss, look, someone—" At a certain moment, Ming Zai suddenly called Ye Tianfeng and said.

For a while, he made a gesture of silence to Ye Tianfeng and Shanhu with his hands!
At this time, Shanhu, who was some distance away from them, also rushed to Ye Tianfeng and Mingzai's side.

At this time, the three of them immediately hid in an unknown bush with a little conditioned reflex, just like they used to do missions in the special forces.

At this time, it was a little far away from them, about 100 meters away!They saw that there were some Indians dressed up, about seven or eight, carrying some tools that seemed to be used by gardeners, and walking among some plants.

"Strange! Is this a large artificial plantation?" The mountain tiger whispered at this time, "I thought it was a natural plant bank in the Amazon jungle!"

"Huh!" Mingzai said at this moment, "Look, these Indian gardeners don't seem to be afraid of the poison of a hundred meters!"

Sure enough, under the gaze of their eyes, those gardener-like Indians are now walking directly towards the 100-meter bushes. The distance between them and the [-]-meter-high plants is more than [-] meters. I'm afraid it's not even ten meters?
But when they looked at it from a distance, they didn't feel any discomfort at all, even the previous phenomena such as Mingzi's frowning and Shanhu's sneezing didn't appear!As members of the special forces, Shanhu and Mingzai's eyes are very sharp!
Ye Tianfeng said at this time: "I think, they must have taken the pills made of Wanlingcao beforehand, and there must be Wanlingcao in this area!"

The voice behind Ye Tianfeng was obviously excited.

"Let's continue looking for the panacea!" Ye Tianfeng said next, "But it's better not to alarm those Indians, so as not to cause complications."

Ye Tianfeng is now thinking in his heart: It is estimated that this huge botanical garden may no longer be a natural treasure house of nature, but has an owner!

The owner of this botanical garden does not know who it is, and it seems that they planted [-]-meter-long plants on purpose.

Thinking about it this way, even if there is a panacea here, he won't let people pick it casually.

Considering his own situation, Ye Tianfeng decided not to scare the snake away. He thought that the next few people would find the Wanlingcao and secretly pick the Wanlingcao before leaving. But now he is not what he used to be, and he wants to be more chic It is not so easy to come and go without a trace!It's easy to hide from ordinary gardeners and the like, but if there are dedicated and skilled guards here, doing things here will not be so smooth.

"Shanhu, Mingzi, I feel that Wanlingcao is not so good here, be careful, don't disturb anyone here!" Ye Tianfeng explained.

Shanhu and Mingzai also saw that the environment was not simple.

Naturally, the previous Indian gardeners did not notice them.

Ye Tianfeng followed Shanhu and Mingzai to avoid those [-]-meter inverted flowers, and went deeper in a certain direction.

"I suddenly feel very dizzy, how are you?" Ming Zai said suddenly at some point in the next moment.

"I, want to sneeze again—yawn—" Shan Hu also said at this time.

But Ye Tianfeng was a little surprised at this moment, because he saw the disc in his head seemed to rise——

That's right, the disk really rose!Just above the head.

In a certain kind of meditation, he seemed to see the disc shining during this time, as if absorbing something, as if something invisible to his naked eyes was being absorbed by the disc bit by bit with.

But at this season, I didn't have any reactions like those of Mingzai and Shanhu at this moment.

Is it a disc...

Ye Tianfeng was shocked for a moment!Could it be that the disc is absorbing something?Like before, absorb the purple essence of purple bamboo; the green essence of field potato king; the red essence of flame grass king!
And at this time, the only thing that can make Shanhu and Mingzai react like this is the flower that fell [-] meters down.But it seems that there is no flower that falls within a hundred meters!And if there happened to be [-]-meter-long flowers in some places [-] meters away, which were main flowers and not auxiliary flowers, then it would not be surprising that Shanhu and Mingzai would suddenly have such a reaction.

So, what Yuanpan is absorbing now is the energy of a hundred-meter-poor Zhenghua?
(End of this chapter)

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