Chapter 293 Back to the original path
Although Zhou Yong had tampered with him, but now he took the initiative to find Wanlingcao for him, that's fine!Let's see if the Ten Thousand Spirit Grass can restore himself, maybe the Ten Thousand Spirit Grass can not only restore himself, but also break Zhou Yong's secret trick for himself, so that he can no longer exert any force. of.

Where is the panacea?Ye Tianfeng didn't know, and he expected Zhou Yong didn't know either.

Now the only clue about the elixir is the distant temple.

Ye Tianfeng thought of the road to the temple again for a moment.

That way is really evil.

Can I doubt that path?At this moment, Ye Tianfeng thought in his heart, it was after he and Charlie left the range of that road that they met Zhou Yong and the others and caused danger?And is this a coincidence?
"Zhou Yong, let's go back the same way!" Ye Tianfeng said at this time.

Zhou Yong was taken aback: "What is the original route?"

Ye Tianfeng glanced at him and said, "That's the place you came after me! Near the river where there are piranhas, I know that if you go there, you can find the elixir."

Zhou Yong himself really didn't know where the Wanlingcao was. Since Ye Tianfeng said so, naturally he would do as Ye Tianfeng wanted.

From the original high hill, it was easy to come down but difficult to go up, and now Ye Tianfeng couldn't fly over the wall at all.

Zhou Yong looked at the direction, and immediately knew where to detour to return to the original river beach.

Next, although it was difficult for Ye Tianfeng to walk in a difficult place like the Amazon jungle like an ordinary person, but because Zhou Yong was by his side, everything that could threaten the two of them was immediately resolved by Zhou Yong.

Even so, it took them quite a while to return to the river beach where they ate grilled piranhas.

Those people who followed Zhou Yong to look for Ye Tianfeng at that time are all gone now.Some of them waited here for a day or two, but they left without waiting for anything.

But after they left, Zhou Yong and Ye Tianfeng came back.

Now, without Zhou Yong's help to find the directions on the parchment map, Ye Tianfeng can also identify the range that he and Charlie walked before.

Ye Tianfeng didn't want to stay longer on the river beach, because he seemed to have lost all his skills. It's true that Zhou Yong won't hurt him now, but it's not guaranteed that when the enemy's brigade comes again, no one will shoot indiscriminately.

He had always been an atheist, but he didn't know why he suddenly became superstitious about the legend of the temple.

But no matter what, saving your life is the most important thing.At least the road to the temple seems to have been verified by myself and Charlie before, and indeed nothing happened for a few days.

"Zhou Yong, lend me your universal power bank."

Ye Tianfeng found that his mobile phone was not working again.

After borrowing Zhou Yong's universal power bank, Ye Tianfeng immediately determined the route to the distant temple.

However, at a certain moment, there was a certain smile in his heart: he was about to start living the life of an ascetic monk who was a vegetarian most of the time, and he didn't know if Zhou Yong was used to it.

Ye Tianfeng concluded that Zhou Yong didn't dare to go far away from him to hunt wild animals. He was definitely worried about when he would suddenly disappear or have an accident.

Because the map on the parchment had many turns and turns, Ye Tianfeng didn't know how many days it would take to reach the distant temple.At that time, it was Charlie who couldn't go fast, but now he has become himself, so he has to go as slowly as when he and Charlie were on the road.

Ye Tianfeng thought in his heart: If Zhou Yong made him do this, then he is walking slowly with him now, which means he is torturing himself, haha!

During the first day and night when Ye Tianfeng and Zhou Yong walked the road to the temple, nothing happened.

Ye Tianfeng wasn't sure if Zhou Yong really fell asleep at night, he once pretended to run away alone, but Zhou Yong soon found out.

Zhou Yong didn't arrest him right away, but said to him: There are many dangers in this Amazon jungle, and it will be very dangerous if you run far away in your current health.

So Ye Tianfeng didn't withdraw, indeed, he knew this needless to say: Leaving Zhou Yong away from the range indicated by the parchment arrow on the road leading to the temple, he guessed that he could not deal with this situation in the Amazon jungle by himself. All crisis.

It's just that such a day is a bit boring!Ye Tianfeng thought to himself, it would be great if Zhou Yong who escorted him was a beautiful woman.

At that time in China, there were always beauties around me. In other places abroad, there were always beauties around me. Now that I am in the Amazon jungle, I feel like I have entered a corner that has been forgotten by love.

On this day, when Ye Tianfeng was looking at Zhou Yong helplessly, he was also thinking wildly in his mind: He still couldn't figure out how Zhou Yong would suddenly become so gentle to him later, he himself was also a very rude man What's more, especially if he doesn't hurry to get himself out of the Amazon jungle to get a sky-high bounty, but he still wants to accompany him to find the magic grass?

Is there any way for Zhou Yong to quickly get himself out of the Amazon jungle?The easiest one is to faint yourself immediately, and then just carry it on your shoulders and leave the Amazon jungle, wouldn't that be enough?
Could it be that Zhou Yong was actually injured during the sparring with himself, and his brain was broken?

impossible!Ye Tianfeng still clearly remembers that it was Zhou Yong who fell to the ground by pouring poison from a hundred meters before he could touch him.Zhou Yong didn't even hit him, so naturally he couldn't hit him either.

Is it a disc...

Ye Tianfeng's heart skipped a beat at this moment, and he almost forgot about the magical disk in his mind.


what!Does this mean that Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive?
Ye Tianfeng saw Yuanpan suddenly rise above his mind in an instant.

This is……?
Ye Tianfeng was wondering why Yuanpan suddenly rose from his mind for no reason, when suddenly he heard Zhou Yong shouting in his ear——

"It's... oh! Armadillo, what a big armadillo!"


Ye Tianfeng's eyes followed Zhou Yong's voice reflexively and looked towards a certain place, but at this moment, on a grassy field not far from the two of them, a beautiful animal was embellishing the scenery there.

At this moment, the disk in Ye Tianfeng's mind suddenly flickered, and a lot of information about armadillos was thrown at him again——

The giant armadillo (Giant Armadillo) has a body length of 1 meter and a tail of 51 cm.It can sit on its buttocks using its tail for support.The Pink Fairy Armadillo, or Pichiciego, is the smallest species of armadillo.About 6 inches (15 cm) long, pinkish white.Its armor differs from other breeds in that it only covers the top of the head and torso.

(End of this chapter)

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