The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 282 The Road to the Parchment Map - Armadillo

Chapter 282 The Road to the Parchment Map - Armadillo

Why does the map to the temple have nine bends and eighteen turns?Although the area of ​​the Amazon jungle is large, those who know a specific location and have the ability to cross directly will be able to reach the destination very quickly.

However, if you don’t walk in the direction indicated by the map, if you don’t follow the direction indicated by the map, you will turn around and turn around. In this Amazon jungle, where the scenery is almost the same everywhere, the average person will really lose the direction of the temple. of.

Next, Ye Tianfeng was with Charlie, and he found that although Charlie didn't seem to have much force value, his physical fitness was not bad, he seemed to be much better than ordinary people, and he was very talkative, even astronomical. , down to the customs of South American countries, he can speak wittily.

Ye Tianfeng originally felt that he was carrying a burden, but later he felt that this journey would not be so lonely.Charlie talked a lot, from astronomy to geography, one of which was the fact that you can't see stars on the moon, which aroused Ye Tianfeng's interest.

He didn't understand why the beautiful starry sky could be seen on the earth but not on the moon.Charlie said that the blue earth could be seen from the moon, but not a single star.

Besides the little surprise brought by Charlie, Ye Tianfeng gradually became aware of another kind of surprise during this journey.

It stands to reason that walking in this Amazon jungle is full of dangers, and sometimes it can be said to be frightening at every step: not to mention all kinds of animals that endanger human life, even some plants can hurt people, except In addition, there are cannibals who are threatening to people, and they also include some bad guys who seek money and kill in the jungle.

However, Ye Tianfeng and Charlie followed the map Clara provided him, and followed the directions to the temple. The two of them have been walking for two or three days. Not to mention that they haven't encountered any harmful plants, even some plants that may endanger people. Animals in human life will not take the initiative to attack them.Ye Tianfeng felt the existence of those animals from afar, but he and Charlie walked and bent according to the directions indicated by the map, and those animals disappeared.

What a wicked way!And if he decided not to follow the direction indicated by the map, Ye Tianfeng was afraid that he would not be able to reach the temple in the end, and he was afraid that he would not be able to find the panacea, so he did not dare to act willfully.

I didn't encounter any animals, plants, or even bad guys that would come to hurt people, and there were no cannibals like Clara and the others before.

I met some people on the road, but no one took the initiative to embarrass them.Some Charlies took the initiative to strike up a conversation with them, but the answers they got were all tourists or those who came to hunt wild animals in the jungle, not bad people.

I really didn't expect that this road leading to the temple would be so beautiful. Afterwards, it was not only Ye Tianfeng who sighed in his heart, but even Charlie, an atheist, began to waver in his heart.

Charlie was afraid in his heart: Will there be a day when he, like Clara and Chesterton, will regard Ye Tianfeng as a god from the jungle sky who came down to this world to deal with the catastrophe? One day I was finally forced to do this?God!my God!Is the world not normal after all, or is my own mind deranged?

One day, Ye Tianfeng and Charlie met a beautiful and iconic animal in South America—the armadillo.

Seeing that Ye Tianfeng is from the east, he may not know this kind of beautiful animal, Charlie was in a hurry to introduce this kind of beautiful animal to Ye Tianfeng——

Armadillo (pronounced: qiú yú), also known as "armored rat".Armadillo is an endangered species that lives in tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flatlands and forests in Central and South America. There are 9 genera and 21 species in the Armadillo family (1 genera and 1 species are extinct): Naked-tailed Armadillo , Round-headed Armadillo, Hairy Armadillo, Pygmy Armadillo, Armadillo, Six-Banded Armadillo, Large Armadillo, Three-Banded Armadillo, Small Armadillo.It is the only animal other than humans to carry bacillus leprae...

Although Ye Tianfeng thought for a moment: If Charlie's mouth is sealed and he is not allowed to speak, it will only take a day, but he doesn't know if others will go crazy because of it.

Ye Tianfeng has traveled to countless places in the world, but he has met someone who loves to talk like Charlie, and he can count on one hand, which is really rare.

And for a moment, when Ye Tianfeng was looking intently at the very distinctive and beautiful animal not far away, he was suddenly shocked!Because at this time he suddenly felt the disk in his mind rising up.

How could the disk suddenly rise up at this moment?strangeness!What Ye Tianfeng still remembers deeply is: when Yuanpan focused on looking at field potatoes and wild chrysanthemums, a lot of knowledge related to them came to him like a flow of information, and even the flame grass could not No, I originally thought that only plants could be given scientific knowledge automatically by Yuanpan like this, but now I didn't expect that even animals could do it, but it's not like any animal or plant can let Yuanpan give me like this Popular science knowledge, at least now I have more impressions, since the disc was derived, only these three items are more impressive: field potatoes, wild chrysanthemums and this armadillo.

Armadillos, small mammals closely related to anteaters and sloths, protect themselves with armor-like bony armor.In most species of armadillos, bony armor covers the head, body, tail, and outside of the legs; the bony armor penetrates deep into the skin and is covered by thin keratinous tissue.The bony carapace is separate on the head, anterior and posterior halves.The bony armor in the middle of the body is band-shaped and can move flexibly.Sparse hair grows on areas of the body without a pelvis.Armadillos have small ears and a long, pointed snout.Powerful claws on the front feet for digging...

The flow of information came again.

Ye Tianfeng was in a state of astonishment, but he heard Charlie's discouraged voice instantly: "I almost caught it, but I didn't expect it to dig a hole so fast, and it disappeared from my eyes all at once."

And Ye Tianfeng didn't pay attention to what Charlie was saying at this time, his mind was full of thinking about why Yuanpan had any contact with some animals and plants, and he immediately gave himself scientific knowledge when he saw it, while the general Animals and plants are not favored by it.

Ye Tianfeng ignored Charlie for a while, and let him talk to himself, because at this moment he felt that his mind seemed to be drifting away, until at a certain moment, Charlie suddenly screamed, "Oh my god! Snake——"

Charlie suddenly rushed to Ye Tianfeng's side as if he was running in a race. Ye Tianfeng fixed his eyes and saw a poisonous snake chasing Charlie, but when he wanted to use the silver needle, the poisonous snake turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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