The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 25 Inexplicable Spring Love

Chapter 25 Inexplicable Spring Love

Next, Ye Tianfeng went to the company as if rushing to reincarnate.

At this moment, he was still laughing at himself: If he is so active at work, Li Aoxue will give him less winks, right?

Of course, Ye Tianfeng didn't want to rush to that lonely driver's cab, he wanted to be in Jincai, where the entire company was full of beauties.

To offset some kind of Gu poison from Zhang Mama, or ask the beauties in the company to help him undo the Gu poison accidentally planted by Zhang Mama.

is not that right?Of these beauties in Jincai Company, which one is not younger and more beautiful than Mama Zhang's half-aged mistress?

Not to mention the top beauties headed by Li Aoxue, Zhuang Yiqing, Fang Qiang and others.

Ye Tianfeng was thinking, he had already walked in the building of Jincai Company at some point.

He suddenly felt that the place is fragrant, the reason for the country's beauty and heavenly fragrance!

Suddenly Ye Tianfeng's eyes lit up.

There is a beautiful woman in front of me!
Zhuang Yiqing.

Thinking of Zhuang Yiqing being angry with her that day, Ye Tianfeng was instantly happy.

Zhuang Yiqing seemed to be thinking about something at first, but when she realized that someone was approaching in front of her, Ye Tianfeng's unique naughty smile had become all the scenery in her vision at that moment.

Zhuang Yiqing's face immediately darkened.

And at this moment, the distance between her and Ye Tianfeng is already close at hand.

It seemed too late to turn around and turn away from Ye Tianfeng to go another way, and with Zhuang Yiqing's character, she was unwilling to show weakness.

Although she couldn't understand why Li Aoxue actually seemed to be deliberately protecting Ye Tianfeng that day.Because afterwards, Li Aoxue was only perfunctory about what happened to Ye Tianfeng that day.

However, Zhuang Yiqing already planned to make Ye Tianfeng look good whenever she had the chance!
It's not that people like her are easy to hold grudges, on the contrary, she doesn't hold grudges better than ordinary women.

But what!It is still necessary for her to give Ye Tianfeng a little pain, just like at this moment——

When the two were about to pass each other, suddenly, Zhuang Yiqing moved in an instant!

"Ouch! Why is this trick of flying legs and flirting, why are you so ruthless, are you really the most poisonous woman?"

Ye Tianfeng suddenly screamed strangely, and the figure seemed to fall to the side.

Kicked him?However, I clearly felt that I was empty!

Zhuang Yiqing is not an ordinary woman, she has practiced some self-defense skills.Kicking empty is kicking empty, she can't think it's an illusion.

And in an instant, she jumped up as if bitten by a snake!

She found that the bra under her underwear had been ripped off, just now!

Who moved me here just now?But apart from Ye Tianfeng, is it possible for ghosts to appear in broad daylight?

Zhuang Yiqing squinted her eyes, and immediately met Ye Tianfeng's unique, slightly wicked smile.

"Boshen, you really deserve your reputation!"

It's really invincible to be a humble person, how dare he dare to speak so brazenly at this time?

"I kill you--

Zhuang Yiqing felt like a volcanic eruption in an instant, and those words seemed to penetrate the entire Jincai Company building up to the sky.

But seeing her flying towards Ye Tianfeng with her teeth and claws open, her left hand flying claws to dig out her eyes;

Zhuang Yiqing followed closely.

For a moment, the figures of the two passed by many departments, attracting the eyes of many people.

In fact, with Ye Tianfeng's speed and the combined strength of ten Zhuang Yiqing, it is impossible to keep up with him!However, today he was on a whim and determined to tease this wave god.

Ye Tianfeng turned his head frequently to instigate, seduce, and tease, while admiring the thrilling wave of Boshen's chest shaking from time to time while running.Coupled with the deliberate dishonesty on his lips, all the anger in Zhuang Yiqing's body was ignited. She swore that even if she ran to every corner of the Jincai Company today, she would still catch Ye Tianfeng and torture him You have to die!
Ye Tianfeng ran and ran!Just outside the business department, he bumped into the arms of a beautiful woman on purpose.

It happened to be Fang Qiang.

"Ah You……

Just as Fang Qiang was about to scold who was being so reckless, she must have seen clearly that it was Ye Tianfeng, when suddenly, a burst of electricity flashed through her most beautiful buttocks in the company.

Why are you touching my ass?These words were swallowed by her abruptly.

Because at this time, Zhuang Yiqing came to kill him.

Before Fang Qiang understood what was going on, those two people chased after me like a whirlwind.

"What's the matter?"

Fang Qiang was puzzled, and while talking to herself, she seemed to be reminiscing about the electric current on her beautiful buttocks.

Although the electric current just now was fleeting, like the light tail of a meteor across the sky, it was forever engraved in her heart.

To be honest, Fang Qiang felt that she was just so comfortable there!
Ye Tianfeng bumped into another beautiful woman's arms for the second time.

Li Aoxue!
As soon as he bumped into Li Aoxue's arms, he suddenly started to play tricks.

"Oh! I'm exhausted! Stop playing!"

Just at this moment, Zhuang Yiqing hurried over.

"Enough!" Li Aoxue suddenly said seriously.

When Zhuang Yiqing came over to see that Ye Tianfeng was hugging Li Aoxue, her eyes widened!

When Ye Tianfeng rushed towards her, Li Aoxue wanted to push him away, but as soon as Ye Tianfeng touched her, he hugged her tightly until Zhuang Yiqing rushed over and saw her clearly.

With the posture of the two of them at this moment, it's no wonder that Zhuang Yiqing's eyes were straightened.

For a while, the two women didn't know what it was like in their hearts, but Ye Tianfeng was secretly happy.

"What's the matter with the two of you?"

Finally pushed Ye Tianfeng away, Li Aoxue was really angry at this moment.

To be deliberately taken advantage of by Ye Tianfeng like this, and Ye Tianfeng and Zhuang Yiqing are two people who are full of the company, one running and the other chasing, how decent is this?

"He He……

Zhuang Yiqing was usually known for her boldness in the company, but at the moment she was embarrassed to say that Ye Tianfeng touched her..., let alone in front of Li Aoxue's face.

And Ye Tianfeng won't be twitchy like she was suddenly.

"Reporting to the president, in the aisle earlier, she saw that I was handsome and wanted to play a hooligan. After being reprimanded by me, she became angry and chased me!"


Zhuang Yiqing was very angry.

How could Li Aoxue not know who Ye Tianfeng was?She wanted to laugh when she first heard it, but immediately became serious.

"Both of you come to my office!"

As Li Aoxue said, she turned her head and looked around, and some people who were about to watch the fun dispersed in a hurry.

Zhuang Yiqing and Ye Tianfeng obediently followed Li Aoxue into the CEO's office.

At this time, although Zhuang Yiqing was extremely angry, seeing Li Aoxue's face suddenly turned ugly, she didn't dare to do anything to Ye Tianfeng again.

After entering the office, Li Aoxue suddenly said to Ye Tianfeng: "What you said just now was very watery!"

"What?" Ye Tianfeng called out dissatisfied on the spot.

When he was about to refute Li Aoxue eloquently and eloquently, he suddenly poured cold water on him: "You say you are handsome and others want to play hooligans on you? Huh! Go and take a look in front of the mirror, just your ordinary dick Your appearance, if you add the job you just came to the company, you say you look like a migrant worker, and others are molesting you, do you think you are a male publicist?"

(End of this chapter)

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