Chapter 239
And he actually wants to give up everything and become a monk who has nothing?

Especially since the unknown old monk found out from his secret investigation that Xu Zhiqiang was disillusioned because of a woman, he felt that there was a real so-called fate between him and him!
He realized that now, he only believes in the word "Fate" in his life!

Because of the word "fate", he felt that Xu Zhiqiang was not only entitled to his mantle, but also entitled to know the secret that he could never let go of in his life!

At that time, the old monk showed the magical thing to Xu Zhiqiang. After touching it for a long time, Xu Zhiqiang couldn't tell what material it was made of.

With his high education, he murmured for a long time without knowing what he was murmuring.Although people know in their hearts that this material is definitely not gold, silver, or copper, nor is it made of diamonds, jade, obsidian, emerald, or agate.

He just affirmed that this magical thing is actually a composite.

The unknown old monk later told him that this magical thing is indeed a composite.

He also told him that this magical thing is actually a synthesis of titanium, chromium, zirconium, yttrium, platinum, iridium, and helium-3.

Xu Zhiqiang was extremely shocked by the words of the unknown old monk, not only because these things are the exclusive topic of scientists, and they really shouldn’t appear in the mouths of people who belong to the other side like the old monk, but also because these kinds of things are resistant to high temperatures and can withstand high temperatures. Corrosive and other exclusive manufacturing materials for spacecraft, especially titanium is the main material of spacecraft, and helium 3, a material that is abundant on the moon, can also realize interstellar travel for people on earth according to some legends.

Of course, this knowledge is the result of Xu Zhiqiang's study and listening to legends.

And although this magical object is not as big as a palm, Xu Zhiqiang looked like something familiar to him.

He then tentatively asked the unknown old monk: This is like a certain map.

The unknown old monk told him: This is part of the world map.

Xu Zhiqiang immediately took out the world map. After comparing it, he found that it resembled Asia very much. It was like a physical map of Asia. Although there was nothing specifically marked on it, the more Xu Zhiqiang looked at it, the more he felt that it was a map of Asia.

This is the front of this object, the reverse is actually the same as the front, and there is nothing marked on it, it just looks like a map of Asia.

This is not like a corner of a treasure map. Xu Zhiqiang knows that some magical objects can be pieced together, whether they are paper or real objects. In the end, they can be assembled into a complete treasure map to guide people. Where to find treasure.

But according to the magical object that the unknown old monk took out, the other party also said that it was only an incomplete piece, an incomplete piece, so what does it mean to collect it completely? This is one of the areas on the world map!Collecting and putting together a complete map is not just a complete world map, and it doesn't specifically tell you where to find treasures.

Seeing Xu Zhiqiang's bewildered look at that time, the unknown old monk laughed.

He said: This treasure is very strange. It does not refer to any great treasure in a specific place, but may imply a kind of great secret between heaven and earth.

The significance of this kind of secret is far greater than that of the great treasure.

The unknown old monk said that according to his estimate, the price of gathering all these magical things should be 11 yuan, because there are seven continents and four oceans on the earth, and one piece of Asia, so the other continents and oceans should also have one piece each.

These miraculous things, if you gather them together, you don’t even need to gather them together, as long as you gather three or five yuan together, on a certain day, at a certain time, in a certain place, you may be able to open the gate of heaven.

What is Tianmen?It is a god, and it can create miracles like a god. For example, in layman's terms: it can come to the earth like an alien and travel among the stars.

The words of the unknown old monk were spoken to Xu Zhiqiang with the thinking of modern people, so Xu Zhiqiang can understand.

He fell into deep thought all of a sudden.This stuff is incredible!
At that time, he asked the unknown old monk: I don't know who made this magical thing.

The unknown old monk said: If a mortal can't control it, it is naturally a god!

Xu Zhiqiang understood the words of the unknown old monk with the consciousness of modern people: this god may be an alien.

Xu Zhiqiang is a talented person. He knew that the ancient Mayans in Mi Country were related to aliens, and the mysterious and magical Nazca paintings in Mi Country were also related to aliens.

But in fact, this time the nameless old monk was willing to come to South America with Xu Zhiqiang and the others because of a legend about the opening of the gate of heaven related to the magical object in his hand.

On a certain day, in a certain place, holding a certain fetish may open the gate of heaven in an instant.

There are different opinions on what Tianmen is, but generally speaking, you are just aligned with some mysterious secrets in the universe, so miracles can happen in an instant.

There are many kinds of such miracles, among which the most understandable to ordinary people is that you suddenly acquire some supernatural power, such as becoming a god-man with infinite power; or being able to see through the eyes of the sky; or suddenly becoming Become a miracle doctor who can cure people of any disease; or be able to predict the past, present and future at once, and become a fortune teller... Wait for the good luck to make your life extremely exciting and brilliant!

Because the wonderful and infinite universe gave you magical power in an instant, and you changed from a mortal to a fairy in an instant!
Xu Zhiqiang is a person of modern scientific theory, so he is naturally dubious about these mysterious and mysterious things.

However, although the nameless old monk was mainly due to his own purpose, Xu Zhiqiang felt that he was willing to accompany him to come to South America this time, which really made him ecstatic.

This career journey is difficult and dangerous, and it is full of endless variables, but the godlike power of the unknown old monk makes Xu Zhiqiang full of confidence in his journey.

During this trip to South America, not to mention exploring the legendary ancient Mayans and searching for the endless treasures left behind by them. Although Xu Zhiqiang is a young man full of ambitions, he still feels a little powerless. Just talking about dealing with Ye Tianfeng, even a master like him still rationally feels that it is difficult for him to deal with.

In Huaxia, Xu Zhiqiang has used all the connections he can use to secretly check Ye Tianfeng's files——

Name: Ye Tianfeng
Gender: Top Secret

Nationality: top secret

ID: top secret
Date of Birth: Top Secret
Household Registration: Top Secret

Education: top secret

Occupation: Top Secret

Insufficient permissions to query this person's profile.

Not only is Xu Zhiqiang not a fool, but he is also very smart. A file like this shows that the owner of this file is very scary, and there is definitely some background in China that ordinary people can't afford to mess with.

Now that he has left Huaxia, Ye Tianfeng may not be able to rely on some powerful relationships, but - all signs show that Ye Tianfeng is a person with unique skills!

It's really difficult to deal with him, unless there is some power or ability that can absolutely overwhelm him!
(End of this chapter)

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