Chapter 231 Mutation
Five or six people directly used their hands to dig the soil, and did not dare to use tools to dig, fearing that Ye Tianfeng would be killed by a single hoe, and the group's idea of ​​catching him alive would come to naught, and the direct economic loss would be tens of millions.

And Abraham, Christensen and other leaders of the instigators watched intently from the side, as if they were afraid that Ye Tianfeng would suddenly rise from the soil and fly away with wings.

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the movements of the five or six young and middle-aged men who were digging up the soil became slower and slower.

They are like some workers who want to sabotage and start to grind their jobs.

Christensen couldn't see that he was going to curse because these were his people, but suddenly his eyes widened.

Five or six young and middle-aged men who were digging the dirt suddenly fell back and forth, and they fell asleep after digging the dirt.

Surprise was on everyone's face.

Some leaders looked at Dr. Abraham here with puzzled eyes, waiting for him to express his opinion.

"It's the effect of the [-]-meter pour, it's strange——"

While the Abraham was speaking, he unconsciously took two steps back.Someone in the field followed him back.

"Why do I feel a little dizzy, as if I really want to fall asleep." A person who was closest to the few young and middle-aged men who had just fallen asleep said.

After he spoke, people ran away quickly.

For a moment, everyone, including Abraham, began to move further away from the accident point.

How to do?
Everyone looked at each other.

And at this time, even Abraham, who is very familiar with the [-]-meter pour, seemed puzzled.

After a while, he immediately ordered his assistant: Spray a [-]-meter pour of antidote liquid in this space.

"Put on the gas masks and continue digging up that piece of soil. Ye Tianfeng must be buried there!"

Christensen then went on to arrange some people to work.

Ye Tianfeng was indeed in this piece of soil, and he was not buried too deep. Of course, he couldn't really escape like Tu Xingsun.

Moreover, at this time, he was really as expected by the guys outside the soil: he was buried there unconscious with his eyes closed.

However, one of his souls is alive.

The disc in my mind is also hanging high, and one corner of the disc is gray, the color of dead gray.

At this moment, wisps of that dead gray color are flowing out, no one knows that the six people who scraped the soil before fell asleep after inhaling this dead gray gas.

People outside don't know, and neither does Ye Tianfeng himself.

The dead air continued to escape outside.

But at this time, Abraham ordered an assistant to spray the detoxification solution of [-] meters.

It’s just that for some reason, when the antidote liquid poured [-] meters touched this dead gray, it seemed like it couldn’t resist this dead gray. This dead gray passed through the antidote immediately, and the dead gray gas behind it kept A steady stream.

"I got a hand!" Suddenly, one of the second batch of people who picked up the soil shouted excitedly.

"Pull it out, quick!" Christensen yelled as excitedly as he did.

He even ran forward, and some of the people behind him were ready to move.

At this time, another person also grabbed a hand.

The two of them pulled at the same time, and Ye Tianfeng's face was immediately revealed.

But at this moment, one of the two people who grabbed Ye Tianfeng's hand and pulled him out of the ground seemed to suddenly shout: "So sleepy!"

A few wisps of dead gray invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people penetrated into the mouths and noses of these two people instantly.

Just halfway through the run, Christensen's body was instantly fixed as if he had been immobilized.

At this moment, Ye Tianfeng opened his eyes.

And the moment Ye Tianfeng opened his eyes, the rest of the second batch of diggers suddenly fell down just like the first batch of people at that time.

Abraham was still far away, staring unblinkingly at Ye Tianfeng who had opened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? Is it a mutation?" He muttered to himself, like an old woman who has committed evil.

And just when Ye Tianfeng turned over, Abraham ran away suddenly, and his assistant started to run after him in a panic when he saw him like this.

"Uh! You..."

The person who seemed to have a higher status here than Christensen just called out to Abraham, but the other person suddenly felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

I don't know why, but a sense of danger that he has experienced for many years suddenly drives him to turn around and run away.

"What? You... don't want this person anymore?" One of the leaders still thought about Ye Tianfeng's value.

Christensen also felt dizzy at this moment, and when he saw Ye Tianfeng about to move his right hand, he hurriedly ran behind a broken wall.

"Silver Needle—"

A group of people ran around suddenly, and someone among them shouted, and those who ran slowly were already caught in Ye Tianfeng's hidden weapon.

There was no one left in the field.

Ye Tianfeng can now see the disk in his mind.

At the same time, he also felt that the dead gray in the corner of the disc was also affecting him.

What's going on here!
Suddenly, Ye Tianfeng jumped up.

The Death Scythe drew an arc in the night, just in time to miss a shot from someone hiding in the dark.

After Ye Tianfeng woke up, all his original consciousness also recovered.

He understood: Those guys before were not expecting these sudden occurrences, and they would definitely not give up after panicking.They will hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity to deal with themselves.

Even in the end, if you can't get it alive, it's better to die.

In the light and shadow of the death scythe, Ye Tianfeng blocked two more bullets, and then he disappeared into a shadow all of a sudden.

He hadn't used the death scythe for a long time, and he felt that tonight was a very difficult night, and he almost died.

Is the "street fighting" starting now?
Ye Tianfeng just felt that even those who ran away because of a moment of panic, must now come back because of greed.

For people like them, they may really be priceless.

Ye Tianfeng was hidden in a dark collapsed wall, he thought of the old guy named Abraham who seemed to say "mutation" or something.Have you really changed yourself?

is not that right?What is that dead gray thing in the small corner of the disk?It's like attacking people, I didn't know this kind of situation before.

This dead gray thing, by the way, seems to be caused by Yuanpan absorbing the [-]-meter-poured explosive after he passed out!

how?The disc can even suck this kind of thing?This kind of thing is also a tonic for Yuanpan?
However, the Purple Bamboo King Essence, the Field Potato King Essence, the Flame Grass King Essence that I had sucked before, and I even fantasized about sucking the Cinchona King Essence. into an attack?

I even mutated because of taking this poison, as the old man named Abraham said?

(End of this chapter)

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