The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 224 The Highly Skilled Robber

Chapter 224 The Highly Skilled Robber

The new laboratory base is surrounded by enemies?
How can this be?

Where did the enemy come from this time?
But Ye Tianfeng couldn't guess it for a while, and once he was successful, his bones would be exhausted.The title of "Death God" was achieved that day, and it is unknown how many lives were stacked up.

Because he killed so many people, Ye Tianfeng couldn't tell how many forces he had grievances with.But he has never regretted it, because there are too many damn people in this world.He has never regretted his ruthless shots, because being kind to the enemy is cruel to himself!

But no matter where the enemies came from this time, they themselves committed the crime of Tai Sui!It's been a long time since Ye Tianfeng started killing, and for a moment he missed the kind of hearty killing before.What's more, the pleasure of picking up that submachine gun is simply as enjoyable as it needs to be.

Ye Tianfeng especially likes that very manly feeling.

It's a pity that I was in Huaxia some time ago, where even guns were not allowed to be used casually.

I have to rush to the new laboratory base, but what should I do here?
Ye Tianfeng looked at the time and it seemed that it was still early, because lunch opened early today, and it was only two o'clock in the afternoon.

This time, the new laboratory base is not very far from Lima. At that time, Jenny established a good relationship with some departments here through some local people. Besides, the laboratory did not produce some ammunition or poison that would harm people. At that time, the local Some drug regulatory departments have also come to see it, and it is indeed a medicine that some people can take.Otherwise, this new laboratory near Lima would not be possible anyway.

Ye Tianfeng was able to find the valley where the laboratory base was located from the local map, and he even calculated that if the drive is fast, it would only take two hours at most from downtown Lima.

In any case, he had to put this place aside for the time being, and go over to see if he could solve the other side, but if there were too many enemies after seeing Jenny, the laboratory base should be given up.

Because now that he has the prescription made by Wu Ming, if the prescription is really better than the previous medicines, he plans to give up the laboratory base here.Because he found a new prescription with better effect, and it is much easier to mix than here.

Although the later Wuming's prescription uses purple bamboo and flame grass king that are not available here, as long as there are those two things, in a small laboratory in the suburban perfume base of Li Aoxueshi City, even with his own labor force, it will be enough. It is worth the human and financial resources of dozens of people in several houses in the laboratory base here.

In the past, I didn't know about Zizhu and Flame Grass King, and I was greedy for the cheapness of Jinji Nagan here, and I always relied on the geographical location here to make medicines.

For a moment, Ye Tianfeng really wanted to go over and tell the Jenny brothers and sisters, forget it, give up!Now there is no need to refine this medicine anymore, they can do what they like.

Because Ye Tianfeng decided to give up on going to the laboratory base even if he couldn't win the enemy, so he reckoned that he would be able to return to Lima before dawn tomorrow morning at the latest.

Tomorrow morning, from now to tomorrow morning, as long as there is nothing wrong here, just wait for me to come back.

Because Li Aoxue explained to the hotel restaurant after lunch, everyone doesn't have to eat dinner together, and everyone can sleep as late as they like, or sleep until dawn without eating.Whoever wakes up at what time, asks the waiter to bring something if he wants to eat, and there is also fast food for one person in the restaurant.

When Ye Tianfeng left this room, he took one last look at the male business elite who was already sound asleep, and then he made a sudden decision: let Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti sleep peacefully until the next morning.

After Ye Tianfeng changed his clothes, he left the room and walked towards the room of Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti.

He came to the door of Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti's room, and made a gesture of ringing the bell to show the surveillance camera in the corridor.

But how to forcibly enter the hotel room was too simple for him.

The moment Ye Tianfeng opened the door of the room, he entered and closed the door behind him.

But when Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti, who seemed to be plotting something, realized that someone had forcibly entered their room, what they must have seen was a masked man.

Ye Tianfeng covered his face and closed the door with his backhand the moment they could see the person clearly. He was proud that few people in this world could do such a thunderous speed.But he did it, because he is the famous "Death God" Ye Tianfeng in the world!

Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti couldn't recognize the masked man as Ye Tianfeng for a moment.

They were about to ask something, but Ye Tianfeng shot without saying anything to them.

When Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti saw each other like this, they immediately became excited.They thought in their hearts that this person might not come here for money, but to kill them. They really didn't know for a while, and they were a little panicked, so they couldn't figure out who was going to kill them as soon as they arrived in this strange place.

As soon as Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti fought, Ye Tianfeng immediately saw that the two of them were masters.

However, such a master, under the nourishment of Ye Tianfeng's disc nutrient essence, and Ye Tianfeng's full strength at once, using his most powerful kill in the special forces, within two rounds, Ye Tianfeng Knock these two guys unconscious one by one in a thunderous manner.

After knocking Xie Baoguo and Wu Gengti unconscious, Ye Tianfeng moved the two of them to the bed, and then set them to wake up at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning in a bed like a high-end hotel that automatically sleeps and adjusts the time to wake up.

Ha ha!If Li Aoxue wanted to go to the mountainous mining area early tomorrow, she would definitely be dissatisfied with these two guys for staying up late!Some people even wondered in their hearts whether these two guys went to the red light district of Lima to have sex last night, it's too shameful!
After Ye Tianfeng finished helping the two of them to sleep, he was sure that these two guys never recognized him just now.

So, all of a sudden, that unique and slightly naughty smile appeared on his face again.

Ye Tianfeng began to rummage through the pockets and travel of these two guys, acting like a thief, and took away the cash they had prepared to spend here in advance, which Li Deqiang had exchanged for them for the secret national currency long before coming here of.

Why did you exchange so many secret country coins beforehand?

For a moment, Ye Tianfeng became suspicious again, and his thoughts turned quickly, and he immediately scolded that old guy Li Deqiang: It's just that it's done early, no matter what happens or not, these two guys have enough money to spend in secret. How long have you been in the country?Old fox, you are so thoughtful about everything!
(End of this chapter)

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