Chapter 217

Ye Tianfeng strode back to the second campus, Yan Yu and others walked towards him.

"How?" Yan Yu asked immediately.

"It's done, he was severely repaired, and the forces behind him were warned, the goddess Yuyin in everyone's mind." Ye Tianfeng said casually.

"What?" Yan Yu opened her eyes wide for a moment, "You said the power behind him is the goddess Yuyin in everyone's mind?"

Ye Tianfeng glanced at her and said: "So you don't know? No, the power behind Zheng Abin is more precisely the power behind Yuyin!"'

Yan Yu and the group of people who came to greet Ye Tianfeng were all stunned.For a while, it was even harder for them to imagine: the beating in the second campus was actually instigated by Yuyin, the idol in the hearts of all the teachers and students in the school?
She is the goddess in the hearts of almost all the teachers and students in Advance School!To do such a thing?Isn't this subverting their three views?

Ye Tianfeng was about to explain to them: Maybe Yuyin didn't know about this beforehand, it was just Zheng Abin's personal behavior.

But at this time, the radio of Qianjin School suddenly rang.

There was a clear rule in Qianjin School that once the school broadcast sounded, it was to announce important matters. At this time, no matter whether the students were in class or doing other things, everyone on the campus must immediately stop making noise and listen to the broadcast content, otherwise Just follow the school rules, in a sense, this is really stricter than the law!

Through modern technology, this broadcast can be connected to the three campuses of Jinjin School, and it can't affect the residents outside the campus.

Previously, after Ye Tianfeng came back, Yan Yu and a large group of people came to welcome the returning hero, so their place was a bit noisy.But because some people were expelled for disobeying the school's broadcasting order before, this is often used by the teachers in some student meetings, so the place has to be quiet for a while. .

Although Ye Tianfeng is free and easy, but as the boss, he has to think about his younger brothers and sisters. Some of them even came to this progressive school after untold hardships, such as Gao Zhuang is one of them. One, if he is expelled and loses his future, even if he can help others later, he will feel a little bit sorry for him for a while!

Ye Tianfeng followed everyone and began to listen attentively to the school's broadcast.At this time, many people were wondering: the school has never broadcast at this time!What happened today?Suddenly there is something important to notify?
You know, because the broadcasting of Qianjin School has a regulation that many people hate behind it, the school leaders also know it, so under normal circumstances, this kind of broadcasting will not be used casually, and the school should notify everyone if there is anything It is also through the head teachers of each class, through tools such as QQ groups and WeChat groups.

Because when this kind of broadcast was broadcast, the whole school seemed to be under martial law suddenly. Not to mention many students complained in private, even some teachers were very upset in their hearts. They were quite critical in secret, although no one publicly raised be opposed to.To put it a little more exaggeratedly, the other half of the staff who lived in the two places just happened to come, and the love in the dormitory couldn't help it for a while, but at a certain critical moment, the goddamn broadcast sounded, and suddenly everything was silent, don't say To make the hero lose the chain on the spot, a certain sound had to be forcibly stopped here.

And as the broadcast sounded, Ye Tianfeng and his group were all Spartans again, and all of them suddenly looked at Ye Tianfeng again, and their eyes were more exciting than the other!
"Please come to the school's main broadcasting room, Ye Tianfeng! Please come to the school's main broadcasting room, Ye Tianfeng, class 2 ([-]) of the second campus, there is something important here...

Then, with these words, after a very sweet voice finished speaking once, it paused for a while, and the original words continued for the second time.

However, after this incomparably sweet voice was heard once, many students and teachers in the school could recognize whose voice it was.More especially the students who have taken super music class.

This incomparably sweet voice was naturally not from the original announcers, but from Yuyin, the idol of teachers and students in the whole school!
Ye Tianfeng had just returned from beating Yuyin's person, and the latter immediately summoned him through the school's authoritative broadcast. What's going on?
No wonder at this moment Ye Tianfeng and his group of people all look brilliant.And don't talk about his younger brothers and sisters at this moment, even if Ye Tianfeng himself can become a top figure in the king of soldiers, what battle has he never seen overseas?
But it happened that he had never experienced this kind of unusual battle today.

In the past, no matter how vicious the enemy group was, he would have dared to kill them single-handedly.

But today, his enemy is not that kind of vicious gang of evil forces, but an idol of the whole school teachers and students!In terms of beauty, she is the first in Quanjin School; in terms of temperament, no one here seems to be able to match her!

Under such circumstances, Ye Tianfeng felt that it was naturally impossible to charge forward like before.

However, it was broadcast so that the whole school knew about it, so it was impossible for him to ignore it all at once and leave the school directly.Even if many people don't know that he has actually graduated early, they don't need to pay attention to this kind of broadcast.

"Don't go, that Yuyin is not a simple person."

By this time, Yan Yu felt that Yuyin's idol aura had completely dimmed in the sky of his own world.

"I know," Ye Tianfeng admitted at this time, but he said, "But no matter what tricks she has, I'm not afraid, and I firmly believe that I will defeat her!"

Hearing what Ye Tianfeng said, Yan Yu smiled.

"Okay," she immediately changed her previous worries to cheerfully blessing the heroes who are about to go out, "I believe that no matter what the enemy is, they will automatically throw away their armor when they meet you!"

They seem to have ignored the broadcast at this time.

At this time, because Ye Tianfeng hadn't arrived at the school's main broadcasting room, the broadcast was still rebroadcasting over and over again: "Please come to the school's main broadcasting room, Ye Tianfeng! Classmate, come to the main broadcasting room of the school immediately, there is an important matter here..."

Ye Tianfeng's figure disappeared from the sight of Yan Yu and his group in an instant.

And when he arrived at the school's main broadcasting room, Yuyin was still there as if announcing to the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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