Chapter 211 Wei Li
The impression of avoiding the world given to the world by Buddhists may have originated from this.However, no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that the act of thinking has been passed on and promoted.

We stand on the coordinates of another century to look up and look back at the good intentions of the Buddha.

So we began to know: Thinking is not simply thinking power.After the Buddha insisted on thinking, more and more people began to believe in thinking and joined the ranks of this seemingly most illusory behavior in the process of preaching his teachings.Not many people realize how rational and powerful this society has exploded after quiet thinking.It is this kind of power that is reshaping all aspects of society and pushing the wheel of history forward.

Now, we may be able to see, like the tip of the iceberg, why Buddhists worship the power of Buddha.It is not only an affirmation of one's own strength, but also a tribute to the highest wisdom of man.Ordinary wisdom comes from thinking.The Buddha, on the other hand, uses thinking as a means to continuously promote social progress.The effectiveness of progress is clear: we are better off than our ancestors.This comparison may also serve as a footnote to the grand ambition of "pursuing all sentient beings".

In the face of such supreme wisdom, it is not unreasonable to worship.It is believed that Ji Feng Bian Zen will contribute to the Qi Zhi Ming Sutra.What is more important may not be these three debate questions, but a Zen mind.The Zen mind teaches us to continue thinking about this behavior, and teaches us to go further on the unfinished road of the Buddha.


This is something taught in the class of Ji Feng Lun Zen, revisiting these Ji Feng Zen Taoism, Wu Ming felt like falling into a dream for a moment.

But in the dream, Ye Tianfeng's face was infinitely magnified in her dream world.

She saw Ye Tianfeng suddenly smiled and said to her: "Come with me!"I will take you to the very southern end of the other half of the earth, to see another world that is very different from ours.

Wu Ming couldn't help but say, "Okay!"

At this time, she saw Ye Tianfeng smiling at her.She didn't expect Ye Tianfeng to suddenly become so handsome when he laughed.

But suddenly, at a certain moment, Ye Tianfeng disappeared inexplicably.

"Tianfeng, Tianfeng—"

Wu Ming began to wake up screaming.

"Don't move!"

Suddenly, a woman's voice beside her said to her coldly.

Wu Ming turned her head, but saw that there was an extra nun beside her at some point.

"Wei Li, what are you... doing?"

Wu Ming recognized this nun as his fellow apprentice.

"Hmph! What are you doing? Today, I am going to abolish you as the host on behalf of the master, because you are no longer worthy to be the host of this Jingxin nunnery!" Wei Li pressed a gleaming dagger on the back of Wu Ming's heart, with a smug look on her face. proud.

"What are you messing around with?"

Wu Ming wanted to get up while speaking, but Wei Li held her down.

At this moment, Wei Liren said a little sullenly: "You'd better not move, I have poured cartilage powder into your tea in advance, as long as you dare to be lucky now, you will be as limp as mud!"

"Junior Sister, how dare you plot against Senior Sister in such a rebellious manner, you know that it violates the nunnery rules..."

Wei Li interrupted Wu Ming honestly and bluntly this time: "Don't change your name, Junior Sister and Junior Sister, okay? You still think of me as your Junior Sister? I think you and that old ghost, Master, were two people at the time. What did you do to me?"

"You dare to scold Master like that, you... ouch——

Wu Ming said that he raised his hand to hit Wei Li, but suddenly he felt weak and fell off the chair.

"Hahaha! I warned you just now! What if I called her an old ghost? She is biased. I lost to you in terms of talent and virtue? I should be the host of this Jingxin Nunnery!" Wei Li smiled angrily, For a moment, the voice was like a ghost, "You are not as good as me, and your morals are also corrupt. You still seduce a young man, and even let him come to this purple bamboo pavilion to have a tryst with you. Do you really think we are all blind?"

"He and I have no..." Wu Ming tried to argue.

But Wei Li immediately spat out as if she was serious, and she said at this moment: "Hmph! I'm usually so lofty, but I didn't expect that I couldn't stand it when I saw a man."

Wu Mingqiang struggled to stand up, but just as she tried to stand up, Wei Li violently pushed her down again, and Wei Li hummed in her nose: "You better save it!"

"He and I are innocent, than you and your adulterers are in the woods outside the meditation nunnery...

Wuming suddenly couldn't continue. Even if it was the word "adulter", she had to muster up a lot of courage to spit it out of her mouth. But to be honest, she herself caught it twice in the mountains. Wei Li and the wild man are secretly having sex.

Wei Li cried bitterly and knelt in front of her and begged her: At the beginning Wei Li said that she wanted a man!There is no way, I really want to, but because I swore a poisonous oath in front of the master before, she will never return to the vulgar marriage in her life.

When Wei Li said that she misses a man, misses it very much, Wu Ming's heart seemed to be hit hard by something: In countless nights, she was an ancient Buddha with a green lamp, counting copper coins until dawn!
Aren't nuns normal women?Nuns are not gods!

Wei Li's words hit her heart hard, and she couldn't help shedding tears for a moment. At that time, she forgave Wei Li, didn't enforce the nunnery rules, and even kept it a secret for her.

She didn't expect that not long later, she would meet Wei Li again stealing men in the mountains.And the man this time is not the man from last time!

She was angry, but after crying to no avail, Wei Li swears against her face: If she is punished by the nunnery, and everyone in the nunnery finds out, she will have no face to live again, and she will have to jump into the well and swallow gold Or if she hanged herself, then she must kill the whole family of the man who seduced her before she died, from her eighty-year-old mother to the newborn baby waiting to be fed.

Wu Ming was completely shocked that a woman could be so vicious and psychopathic when she was cornered.

She didn't even know how she forgave Wei Li in the end, a woman who didn't abide by the rules and regulations of the nunnery.

But later, although there were still rumors about Wei Li, she never met her again.

Wu Ming thought that Wei Li had changed her ways since then, but she didn't expect how Wei Li responded viciously to her accusation of herself and her adulterer at this moment——

"Okay! I'll tell you the whole truth! You're going to die anyway! I'm not just in the woods with them, we're still under the Buddha statue in the nunnery, under the Buddha statue, you know? It's exciting! I really He also took someone to the tomb of the old ghost of Master, and made it for her in front of her tomb, she should be so angry that she died again in the tomb! Hahaha!" Wei Li was hysterical and shameless for a moment!
(End of this chapter)

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