Chapter 201 Promised

"Oh! Mama Zhang!"

Ye Tianfeng suddenly looked up and saw that it was Mama Zhang who had finished her work in the kitchen.

For a moment, he realized his gaffe just now.

However, he was originally a free and easy person.Even if he really lost his composure, he could immediately smile and turn that embarrassment into happiness.

Mama Zhang also seems to like this the most.

At that time, when this young man entered the house for the first time, she was shocked: because Ye Tianfeng's outfit of a migrant worker was so different from every guest who had entered this villa before. !It's even more because this person... is the husband of a young lady who has always regarded men as dung in his eyes!

Moreover, the fluctuations in her heart at that time were continuous, and there were turns, and it was because—although this young man didn't seem to be very rich, at least, the respect he gave her eyes since he entered the door was true. , unlike those people before, they didn't even look at themselves when they came here.

And after getting in touch with him, she gradually developed a kind of disbelief towards herself: she likes this young man more and more, really!She dared not tell anyone.

"What was my uncle thinking just now... what happened?"

Zhang Ma originally wanted to say, "Young master was thinking about something happy just now", but when she suddenly woke up to what happened to Li Aoxue today, she forced the word "happy" back out of her mouth.

"Mother Zhang," Ye Tianfeng raised his face completely, "I'm thinking, I'm going to take Aoxue on a trip to South America!"

Zhang Ma's eyes seemed to open wide when she heard it, and in an instant, a kind of tears rolled in her eyes.She didn't know why, but when she heard Ye Tianfeng say that she would take Li Aoxue on a trip, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

She still remembered that when Li Aoxue brought Ye Tianfeng to this villa for the first time, she couldn't stand some of Li Aoxue's actions.She still remembers what she said to Li Aoxue because of this: Miss, although I have always hoped that you would meet a man who can help you in business, but what I want most in my heart is that Miss can get a man who is sincere to you. Good husband, I have noticed the hard work of the young lady all these years, but I can't help you much, and I can only take care of your daily life.But now, since the two of you are married, why can't you get along well together and have to separate rooms?From my perspective of decades, my uncle's character is definitely not bad, and he will be considerate...

Although Li Aoxue still dismissed her words at that time, but now she feels that she really saw the right person!
"Mum Zhang, what's wrong with you? Why do you seem to be crying?"

Ye Tianfeng would be a ghost if he couldn't see such obvious tears.

"Yes, I cried," Zhang Ma actually admitted, "It's because I heard you said that you would take Aoxue to travel to South America. I don't know why I couldn't control myself and wanted to cry, but, I I am very happy in my heart, I am really happy, I am so happy that you said such words, I am so happy that you took Aoxue to travel!"

"Okay, Mama Zhang," Ye Tianfeng helped Zhang Mama to sit down on the sofa, "You are tired from doing housework, take a rest too! Come on, let me make you a cup of coffee, didn't you say that you have always loved it the most? Is it coffee?"

You want to make me coffee?God!All this time, never has a young man ever said to me: make me a cup of coffee!
For a while, Mama Zhang stared blankly at Ye Tianfeng who suddenly got up to make coffee, as if she was looking at a first love.

She has been used to serving others all her life, but she is willing to stay in Li's house.She never thought of asking others to serve her, but today...

"Mother Zhang, when we go to South America, you should go too!" Ye Tianfeng came over and sat beside her and said.

"Really?" Zhang Ma pretended to be an innocent and cute little girl and opened her eyes wide.

But no matter what, even if she wants to dream this night, it will be sweet.

After all, she might never forget this day.

Mama Zhang also went to bed later.It is actually quite hard for her to take care of the house by herself.Li Aoxue originally wanted to invite one or two more people over, but she declined them all with various excuses.Zhang's mother just said: When she is too old to do any work one day, the Li family just don't ignore her all of a sudden.

After Mama Zhang also went to bed, Ye Tianfeng couldn't fall asleep anyway.

At first, he was worried about Li Aoxue's assassination today, and then he was a little excited about Li Aoxue's going to South America.

He finally turned on WeChat on his mobile phone in boredom.

During dinner, the two beauties Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing were indeed frightened by his words for a long time and dared not speak anymore.

However, a few hours later, Ye Tianfeng received another message from Fang Qiang: Are you asleep?
It was sent a few minutes ago.

Ye Tianfeng replied confidently: I can't sleep!
In his imagination, the other side seemed to be smiling and replied like this: I knew you were too excited to fall asleep with such a great record today!
Such a big record today?Which one did she say?Was it the perfume of Brooke's team or did he save Li Aoxue from the sniper?

Oh!Obviously it was the former, Fang Qiang probably didn't know the latter, and the former was also told to her by herself.So, did she believe it?
Not at all!Ye Tianfeng returned.

no?what is that?The other party was in hot pursuit.

It seems that it really has nothing to do with perfume, Ye Tianfeng said it in his heart for a moment, but he didn't send it in text on WeChat.

He was speechless for a moment.Whether Fang Qiang should tell Fang Qiang about the things that happened later, he was not sure at the moment.

The other party waited for him to reply, and then sent another message: Since I can't sleep, do you want to go out for a walk?
Huh?Seeing the words sent by the other party, Ye Tianfeng's eyes seemed to light up for a moment, and at the same time there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Are you dating the CEO's husband?You are so courageous!
But I didn't expect the other party to send this sentence right away!

it is good!Girl with character!

I like.

Ye Tianfeng stood up all of a sudden.

In fact, he also knew that it was not very good to go out with women at such a time.However, he suddenly remembered that Fang Qiang was in charge of the business department now.Now, in terms of business, Fang Qiang should have full authority over the company's large and small matters.

Even if there are still some that have not been handled by her, but as the head of the business department, she should know a little bit.

Mama Zhang told herself one piece of information, how could she know that Fang Qiang would not provide another, more important piece of information?
What's more, since the Yuanpan incident, even if he only rests for a while at noon today, he still feels full of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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