Chapter 192
Ye Tianfeng was thinking, but he didn't plan to show up right away.

He wanted to see what Li Aoxue and his party would do next.


Suddenly he heard a long and helpless sigh.

And the one who sighed turned out to be Li Aoxue.

what happened?
Ye Tianfeng suddenly felt a surge of concern: because she is his wife!
If the wife suddenly has something upset, shouldn't the husband care about it?
"I didn't expect these foreigners to be so ruthless!" one of the group suddenly said angrily.

Unfeeling foreigners?What's the meaning?Could it be...

No wonder the foreigners didn't show up at the laboratory base at this time, it turned out to be like this.

With Li Aoxue's sigh, and this person's words at this moment, Ye Tianfeng has already guessed one thing very closely in an instant: So the cooperation between Jincai Company and Brooke's team has failed, but I just don't know what it is reason.

But Ye Tianfeng also knows: foreigners are always very principled, and many things that work in China usually don't work for them. If they firmly believe that the time for cooperation is not ripe yet, then they won't withdraw if they don't withdraw.

Li Aoxue didn't say anything, but sighed again.

Listening to her voice, Ye Tianfeng felt that he was really exhausted physically and mentally at this time.

"Yao Fan, you have seen some of their team's experiments before, and you are not sure that they can get [-]% of the quality of their formula this time?" At this time, the vice president who was in charge of the project asked the director of the laboratory.

This time, the Brooke team came to Stone City to come up with a new perfume formula, which was designed according to the local needs of China. Even if they took it away mercilessly, if the people here can research [-]% of their formula Quality, Li Aoxue and other Jincai executives believe that even if it is sold in Huaxia, there will be a huge profit. As long as the quality of the perfume produced by other Huaxia companies is better, is it afraid that it will not sell?

Ye Tianfeng peeked at this time, and also noticed that Li Aoxue's eyes staring at Yao Fan were full of anticipation and hope.

The way Ye Tianfeng looked at her for a moment made him feel a little distressed, and at the same time, he felt a sour feeling in his heart: My wife, when did you look at me with this kind of eyes?
Perhaps Yao Fan couldn't bear too many heavy eyes looking at him at this moment!Next, others said helplessly and ashamedly: "The Brooke team is considered the top existence in the world in terms of perfume research! Well! If Mr. Li is not afraid of spending a lot of money and material resources, I can also organize people to try it out test."

No one could tell how sure Yao Fan's words were, but the matter had come to this point, and Li Aoxue had no other choice.Could it be that after investing so much in this project, is it really necessary to give up halfway?Could it be that her eagle wings are just about to break because of this episode?

"Okay, Yao Fan, I'll give you a [-]% approval rating, and I hope you won't disappoint me too much in the end." Li Aoxue then said firmly, with the image of a strong woman.

It made Ye Tianfeng, who was hiding in the corner at the moment, couldn't help but sigh with emotion: My wife, if you are so strong, I will be stronger, otherwise how can I be your husband in the future!
It may also be due to the high confidence under the high expectations; or it may be the unwillingness to be abandoned by the Brook team, Yao Fan immediately worked hard and wanted to give it a try immediately.

This time, the people who were transferred by Li Aoxue to be in charge of the perfume project were almost all her confidantes, and everyone's enthusiasm was ignited for a while.

Even Ye Tianfeng, who was hiding in the dark, was a little excited for them.

Suddenly, a group of people moved to a super-large-scale laboratory that had been prepared long ago.

Ye Tianfeng went with them, but he still hasn't shown up.

At this time, in the laboratory of that university, Yao Fan began to direct three or four assistants under him to work.

At this moment, Ye Tianfeng moved his position, and Ye Tianfeng could see clearly that this group of people was very different from the group of people he met at the International Hotel at noon: the foreigners who belonged to Brooke's team were gone, and the people who were hired with high salaries were very different. The slick public relations personnel of Jincai Company are gone, and those public relations personnel will naturally be useless if the foreigners leave, so what good is it to keep them!However, several high-level executives in Jincai Company who had lunch at the International Hotel at noon are still there, and these three or four assistants under Yao Fan were at the International Hotel at noon, but Ye Tianfeng did not see them.

After the assistants had prepared some bottles and cans, Yao Fan went to battle in person, but he fiddled with it left and right. After a while, he was already sweating profusely, but he still had a bitter face.

He sniffed and poured out the prepared potion time and time again. Although he seemed to be taking the trouble, in fact he was already a little anxious that his nerves would break down.

"Is it still not enough?" Li Aoxue's tone was not heavy at this time, "Otherwise, let's take a rest first!"

"Wife, here I come!"

Yao Fan was about to listen to Li Aoxue's words and stop for a while, when suddenly a voice came from behind the crowd.

Everyone suddenly turned around and saw Ye Tianfeng with a silly expression, adding his silly words.

Some high-level executives of Jincai Company do know that Li Aoxue has a husband named Ye Tianfeng, but in fact, not many people in the company really know Ye Tianfeng. Low-key drivers work, and they don't last too long.

Even the current vice president Zhang who is in charge of the perfume project, he can't match Ye Tianfeng's name with the person.Yao Fan, the laboratory director of the perfume project, didn't know Ye Tianfeng, let alone his assistants.

And this douchebag that popped up all of a sudden is the husband of the legendary CEO Li Aoxue?God!

At this time, Ye Tianfeng's sudden appearance really caused strong emotional fluctuations in everyone present.

However, Ye Tianfeng seemed very calm when they were overly emotional.

"Why did you come here, hurry up!" Li Aoxue was obviously angry.

"I'll make this perfume for you! My lord!"

However, what Ye Tianfeng said next shocked everyone even more.

At this time, many of the people present began to look at this ordinary-looking young man with an almost terrifying tone of voice with incredible eyes.

"Are you really going to mess around?"

Li Aoxue was really furious for a while, and it was also mixed with shame and anger: like this kind of top-notch husband, he just added embarrassment to himself.

"Who said I was messing around?" But at this moment, Ye Tianfeng strode forward.

That Yao Fan seemed to be intimidated by his aura for a while, and inadvertently stepped back two steps, just giving up his original position to Ye Tianfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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