Chapter 190 Perfume Team
During the dinner, I don't know who mentioned it first, and then, the three of them talked about Li Aoxue's affairs with those foreign guests today as if naturally.

Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing knew about it.

It turned out that recently Jincai Company wanted to develop a perfume project. This market is very large, covering all regions of the world, and even men, women and children in all regions.Now, even in China, the standard of living in most places has improved a lot compared to before.

Furthermore, perfume has not been a patented product for young women for a long time.Even some tasteful old men and men have naturally become regular consumers in the perfume market.

The manufacturers of perfumes are also mixed, and some of them have made customers sick.There was a time when sensible people only favored perfumes from Western Europe, and even began to dismiss North American perfumes.Among them, the more famous perfume brands in Western Europe, such as The Hometown of Lavender, Dream of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Tulip You and Me, Into the Fairy Tale, etc., are all the rage, not only for the tasteful people in the upper class, but also for the middle and lower classes. Some people in China also flock to it.

As Shicheng gradually became popular in China due to some special reasons, Jincai Company also quickly changed from a local company in Shicheng to a well-known large company in China. multinational corporations.

This time, the research on perfume will be a pioneering project for Li Aoxue to establish Jincai as a big company.

For this reason, her father, Ye Tianfeng's father-in-law, Li Muran, had already gone overseas first, and the company paid a lot of money to hire the world-renowned Brooke team from Western Europe who specializes in perfume.

The founder of the Brook team is a pair of sisters in Western Europe: Emily Brook and Euphemia Brook, the hometown of the world-renowned perfume lavender and brands such as Tulip You, Me and He are all masterpieces of this team.

Everyone didn't know how Li Muran was able to hire this team.

However, on the surface, they only agreed to investigate first, and did not say that they would definitely be willing to develop any perfume for Jincai Company.But even so, it can be regarded as big news in the whole of China, but the Jincai Company tried its best to block the news from the outside, otherwise some people who reported it would have turned upside down.

Even if Fang Qiang, Zhuang Yiqing and other high-level executives of the company know a little information, Li Aoxue still requires them to abide by some secret order not to disclose the matter casually. This matter is discussed at the banquet.

In fact, even if the Bruker team still hasn't made up their minds to develop new products for Jincai after this inspection, as long as they agree to let Jincai help them produce some old products in China, it will be a big piece of cake.

Therefore, this time, Li Aoxue planned to treat the team well.

However, some overseas people insist on a certain principle. What works in China is useless for these overseas people.

And even though it's an all-time favorite in China, Jincai Company still used it against these people at all costs, but the result was very ineffective. This was also one of the reasons for Li Aoxue's headache.However, she still has to accompany these people carefully from the beginning to the end. Some people who were engaged in public relations in her company felt that they were not qualified for such an important occasion, so they replaced them temporarily, and invited some more slick people from outside to help Be a lobbyist.

No wonder Zhuang Yiqing brought her here, because Li Aoxue had to put herself aside because she had to concentrate more on dealing with this team.

He is her husband, but his value is far less than that of this team.

Li Aoxue didn't even think about whether he would starve to death by waiting for her in the office.

Ye Tianfeng smiled wryly in his heart.

However, when he thought of the perfume formula, his heart trembled in another way.

Then what kind of perfume formula do you want to study, can it overwhelm the formula of your own improved medicine without tea?

It's not that I haven't touched any formulas, because of my own reasons, the formulas of any medicines I have made are not bad!

Ye Tianfeng suddenly had some inexplicable eagerness in his heart.

He just suddenly thought of the laboratory of the perfume formula to make some troubles.

Fang Qiang said: The Brook team may stay in Shicheng for a day or two.

"Where is our company's perfume research laboratory?" Ye Tianfeng suddenly asked Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing.

Laboratory is a very sensitive word for him.Because he needs a laboratory, that's all this time.He needs a laboratory to match the prescription that Wuming finally researched, that prescription is the prescription that dissolves his original South American Peruvian laboratory base, and the essence of Wuming's original prescription, the ultimate purpose of which is not only to suppress him The original strange things in the body are also to suppress the side effects of Yuanpan later.

If the laboratory owned by Jincai Company is satisfactory after reading it, it will be convenient for them to develop their own prescriptions.

Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing both looked at Ye Tianfeng in surprise after hearing Ye Tianfeng's words at this time, and they both thought in their hearts at this moment: Does he want to join in the fun again and add trouble?

However, in such a season, they were too embarrassed not to tell Ye Tianfeng.

Both of them said that they were in the suburb of Shicheng, not very far away.

"Let's go to the suburban laboratory in the afternoon! After lunch, you two should rest for a while, and let's go and have a look in the afternoon."

As for Ye Tianfeng's next proposal, Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing's faces were obviously troubled.

Now that the foreign guest team is here at such an important moment, the two of them don't dare to scold Li Aoxue casually.Although they now all know that Ye Tianfeng has some skills, but that's just for fighting. What's the use of his skills in the perfume experiment base in the suburbs?It's just more chaos!

Both of them then refused with ingenious excuses.

Because they refused so cleverly, Ye Tianfeng couldn't force others to be difficult for a while.

However, the two women didn't want to accompany him to go, but he had to go too.Ye Tianfeng thought to himself.

No matter how much we talk about the current fragrance project, and the fragrance team from Western Europe, the time for a meal has finally passed.

The three of them left the box full of wine and food, but in the lobby on the first floor of the International Hotel, they were all stunned as soon as they got out of the elevator.

What surprise did they see?
(End of this chapter)

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