Chapter 159 Take a Bath
However, at this moment, she thought that Ye Tianfeng's body should be immersed in water as soon as possible, especially in the cold pool in the cave that has not seen the sun for many years.

Isn't this a cave?

There seems to be the sound of running water near the left. Although there may not be any cold pools nearby, it is okay if there are pools that have not seen the sun for many years.

Wu Ming once read in an ancient book: If a person who is poisoned by fire is not treated in time, the person will even burn his flesh and bones to ashes suddenly, just like the human body spontaneously combusts.

"Quick, immerse Ye Tianfeng's body in the water, quick!"

She heard her order to herself at this time.

So she finally couldn't care about anything, in fact, she really didn't need to worry about anything in this situation.

She immediately hugged Ye Tianfeng's body.

When the cloth half hanging on Ye Tianfeng's body finally fell off, Wuming let out another "ah" in an instant.

Because at this moment, she completely saw Ye Tianfeng's whole body, including that private part.

Her eyes hurriedly left Ye Tianfeng's body again in an instant.

She forced herself not to think about what she had seen.

Water...Where is the water?
Fortunately, there is skylight here, although it is only the moonlight and starlight sneaking down from the top of the cave, but Wu Ming still found a pool by relying on the skylight here and there.

There seemed to be some spring in the pool that was bubbling water. Although Wu Ming wondered why there was such a phenomenon on the high mountain, he had no time to think carefully about the reason.

The pool was neither wide nor deep, it was more than enough to put Ye Tianfeng's body down, and it was more than enough even for her to go down by herself.

Thinking of the back, she blushed again.

Wu Ming just blamed herself for always thinking wildly today. She even thought that Ye Tianfeng had become a mutant or something. After all, the mutant is just a legend, and she even used this to fantasize about her real life. .

There is a broken corner in the pool, and when the pool is full, the water will flow down from the broken corner, and the sound of the water gushing earlier spread from here.

And because of the limited skylight, Wu Ming couldn't check how deep the water in this small pond went.She thought to herself: If this is really a big karst cave, it cannot be located at such a point. This is just inside the top of the mountain, and the whole big karst cave should extend down the mountain or even underground.

But she doesn't care about this, she only cares about this man beside her now.

She only hoped that she could bring him back to life with her own medical skills, if he had really died once before.

No matter what, she would wake him up and take him out of here.

They came together as two people, and they must not be alone when they leave.

With a "plop", Ye Tianfeng's body fell into the water.

Wu Ming had tested the water temperature first, and felt that the water was a bit cold. Although it wasn't that kind of icy cold, it was fine for Ye Tianfeng, as long as it wasn't scalding hot spring water, it would be fine.

She wanted to cool down Ye Tianfeng's scalding body first, and then implement some treatments.

Before, she was very ashamed to see Ye Tianfeng's body, but now her body is submerged in the water. Although there is light from the sky, there is a layer of water behind, and it's nighttime, so it's so hazy that it's impossible to see clearly. Therefore, the embarrassment in her heart was greatly reduced.

And what about Ye Tianfeng?Eyes still closed.

He didn't know that his eyes were closed.

He seems to be living in his soul world now.And in his soul world, his eyes are always open, because he sees a raging world.

He had previously suffered terribly from a fever.Later, someone removed his restraints, and he felt very relaxed and happy.

And now, he was almost laughing out loud.

Because he saw that he had actually entered a cold pool.

Indeed, in that world of raging fire, a cold pool suddenly appeared, and it looked like a thousand-year cold pool.

If Wu Ming could see through Ye Tianfeng's inner world at this time, she would be surprised that the small pond in front of her had turned into a millennium cold pool in Ye Tianfeng's world.


Suddenly, Wuming screamed again.

Because, when she was taking a bath for Ye Tianfeng, she suddenly touched a strange skin with her hand.

"What a big scar!"

With the light of the sky, Wu Ming saw a deep knife scar on Ye Tianfeng's back.

And next, Wu Ming saw more scars on Ye Tianfeng's body.

His body was full of scars.

Wu Ming couldn't control his distress for a moment.

She felt herself on the verge of tears again.

Today, she didn't know how many times she shed tears for this man.

And before that, she hadn't cried for a long, long time.

Even when her master passed away that year, she didn't cry.

Because before her master passed away, her master had clearly warned them: when she passed away, no one was allowed to cry, not even tears.

She said that she was going to travel to a faraway place, to a more advanced space to continue the journey of the soul, which is not a bad thing, why cry?
And she listened to her master's words very much. Since the master's last words were so emphasized, how could she disobey it?

So she really didn't cry.

She hasn't cried for a long, long time, but today, she shed so many tears for this man in just one day.

"Why is he covered with injuries?" Wu Ming said quietly.

She really didn't know Ye Tianfeng's past as a soldier king, and the title of "Death God" was accumulated from countless piles of dead people.

She has always thought that Ye Tianfeng is a mysterious master, really, that day's surprise against the enemy Fan Weizhong is really unforgettable for her.

She never thought that Ye Tianfeng had been injured so many times.She never thought that Ye Tianfeng would be injured.

Is this the body of a real man?

Wu Ming's heart suddenly moved.

The man who really shakes a woman's soul is not that fair-skinned little boy, but a warrior who makes people imagine from his scarred body what kind of gold and iron horse he used to be.

Then suddenly, Wu Ming stopped crying.

She was suddenly proud of this man.

Not long ago, she obviously watched Ye Tianfeng push herself away with one hand, and then he rushed towards the terrifying mouth of the fire snake without fear of death.

She thinks Ye Tianfeng is a real man!Although he looks ordinary, some of the things he does are not something ordinary people can do, and many good-looking men can't do it either.

She didn't know that her previous jealousy towards a man's body was gradually being dissolved by another kind of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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