The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 132 The Green Qi of the Field Potato King

Chapter 132 The Green Qi of the Field Potato King
In the middle of the field, a field potato stands out from the crowd.Its branches and tendrils are not only more and longer than other field potatoes like a stand out from the crowd, but also form an eye-catching green color, which is deeper than other field potatoes!
Ye Tianfeng didn't know if other people felt the same as him.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, the moment he saw the King Field Potato.

It was as if something flashed in his mind. Just when Ye Tianfeng realized that it was the purple disc hidden in his mind, he suddenly saw the King Field Potato plant start shooting some green light towards him.

That's right, just like Zi Zhu shot purple air at him back then, this time, Tian Shu Wang shot green air at him.


Ye Tianfeng was stunned.

"what's wrong?"


When Gao Zhuang's mother, Yan Yu, Gao Zhuang and others noticed Ye Tianfeng's strangeness and asked him, Ye Tianfeng suddenly woke up as if from a dream.

At this moment, he noticed that the potato king had stopped glowing green towards him.

For a moment, Ye Tianfeng was puzzled: Gao Zhuang and the others might not have had the same fate as him.

Gao Zhuang and the others couldn't even see the green light from the Field Potato King, and they didn't even receive the green light from the Field Potato King.

Does King Tian Potato only shoot green light at himself?
It must be so!

Ye Tianfeng became more and more sure!
And when he was in a daze, suddenly, he felt again: the purple disc that usually didn't know where to hide began to rise above his mind again.

This disc...Ye Tianfeng suddenly felt something was wrong——

Usually the disk is purple all over, why is there a small corner of green today?
Although it's only a tiny corner of green, Ye Tianfeng felt it was so obvious.

The mysterious disk turned purple because it absorbed the purple energy from the purple bamboo in Jingxin Nunnery. Ye Tianfeng knew this in his heart.

Now, could it be that a small corner of the disc turned green because it also absorbed the green energy of the Field Potato King?

That must be it!

It's just that the green aura of the Field Potato King is still far inferior to the purple aura of the magical purple bamboo, so the proportion of green in the disc is very small.

It never occurred to him that apart from that Zizhu thought, there are other nutrients that mysterious Yuanpan is willing to absorb in this world.Ye Tianfeng took these purple and green qi as nutrients to nourish Yuan Pan.

And at the beginning, he thought that this disc was purely derived from his zero-distance contact with Zizhu, and the only thing it was willing to absorb was Zizhu's purple energy!But I didn't expect that there are other things that can nourish it.

Ye Tianfeng was well-informed, and immediately understood: at least, the green energy of the Field Potato King is actually a certain essence of the Field Potato King, and when it is inside the disc, it is definitely beneficial to the effect of the disc.

As for what substantial benefits it could bring to Yuanpan and benefit him, Ye Tianfeng still couldn't figure out for a while.

He himself can only slowly realize it.

However, he couldn't discuss with others about the matter of Yuanpan.

No one would understand, such a mysterious and mysterious secret, except for the old man with the white beard on the Shuangtou Mountain.

But whether that person is still a human being, Ye Tianfeng is not sure.

Gao Zhuang, Yan Yu and the others had already surrounded the King Field Potato with emotion.

Because of Yuanpan's sudden absorption of purple light, Ye Tianfeng stood aside for a while.

After suddenly awakening, he didn't want the few people here to be suspicious of him any more, so he also quickly approached the Field Potato King.

There are so many vines in this field potato king!Even the wooden frame used to grow this crop in the country fields cannot fully support its vines.Many of its vines stretch out in all directions, like a great mother, who regards other potatoes in this field as her own children, and pulls them tightly together.

The leaves of this potato king are very green, as green as emeralds.

Ye Tianfeng looked at it as if he was serious about it, but in fact, Yuanpan living in his mind had already told him something.

"The fruit of the King Field Potato can be used as medicine." He announced to Gao Zhuang's mother and everyone.

Gao Zhuang's mother said: "The field potatoes in this field are ready to be dug."

And because they were rushing to dispense prescriptions to treat Gao Zhuang's father, immediately, Gao Zhuang and Gao Xiaoqing said that they would go back and bring a hoe to dig potatoes in the field.

The hoes and other tools were soon brought by Gao Zhuang and Gao Xiaoqing.

Yan Yu thought it was fun, so she said she wanted to dig too.

So many young people are scrambling to dig the field potatoes. Gao Zhuang's mother has no choice but to hand over the tools for digging the field potatoes to everyone. Moreover, Gao Zhuang feels that he has come home, and he also wants his mother to rest more. After all, digging potatoes requires effort.

Gao Zhuang's mother will not rob everyone.

Gao Zhuang and Gao Xiaoqing did farm work. Ye Tianfeng is not an ordinary person. He can also try not to damage the field potatoes when digging, but can dig out the whole fruit from the soil intact.

What about Yan Yu?Although she has practiced kung fu and has some ingenuity, it is still difficult for her to unearth the potato intact.So, Gao Zhuang's mother was on the sidelines to guide her.

Everyone first dealt with the field potatoes around the four kings of field potatoes, and finally dealt with the king.

When it was time to dig the King of Field Potatoes, Gao Zhuang's mother took over Yan Yu's tools first. At this time, Yan Yu was about to withdraw, and she didn't have anything to say, just thinking that this was a medicine for Gao Zhuang's father. I was also afraid that if I didn't dig well, I would dig the body of Tian Potato King randomly.

Gao Zhuang's mother has decades of experience in digging the ground. Under her guidance, Ye Tianfeng, Gao Zhuang and Gao Xiaoqing finally dug out the fruit of Tian Potato King intact.

"This yam is so big!"

"It's huge—never seen one this big!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"


At some point, some curious villagers gathered around the ridge.

Some good people have already lifted the pole to weigh it, and everyone weighed the fruit of the King of Field Potatoes on the spot, wow!It even reached 99.9 catties.

Finally, even the village chief came to Gao Zhuang's house.The villagers are probably used to being lonely, and they don't have as many shows as the people in the city.

Normally, a piece of field potato dug by everyone is only about [-] catties at most, and those of [-] to [-] catties are rare, but today a piece of almost [-] catties came out unexpectedly.

Even the village chief said he had never seen such a big one before.

Gao Zhuang's mother seemed to be grinning from ear to ear, but in fact she was already worried in her heart: because logically, her family suddenly dug up the King of Field Potatoes and wanted to treat her!

Because there are always some unwritten rules in this village: whoever hunts big wild animals; what kind of rare medicinal herbs are dug up in the mountains by what kind of people; Usually they will set the table, and they will also set the table.

(End of this chapter)

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