Chapter 77 77. Court Opening

Court the next day.

Zhang Wei sat in the familiar position again, and all the personnel took their seats in turn.

The trial officially begins.

First of all, the prosecution said a lot, listed a lot of evidence, and then began to summon witnesses to attend.

The witnesses of the prosecution and public prosecutors are mostly police officers and forensic doctors. They began to explain the evidence obtained from the scene and the autopsy of the forensic doctor, explaining the case from a technical level.

Zhang Wei listened to what they said and remained motionless. After they finished speaking, he nodded and said he had no questions to ask the police.

Then the defendant, Richard, soon appeared in the interrogation booth.

He firmly denied that he had killed anyone, and said that he had been sleeping in his office in the suburbs that night and never went out.

And I have no reason to kill my father-in-law, doing this kind of thing by myself is completely thankless.

When the prosecutor heard this, he stood up and said: "But according to our understanding, not long ago, you and the victim had a big fight at the company's meeting because of the company's development.

Then, you didn't go home for a long time, is there such a thing? "

"Yes, but this kind of thing has happened many times before, so I can only take a gamble at the most, how can I kill people."

Richard said helplessly that he originally denied it, but after thinking about it, this matter has already been found out, and denying it is useless, it will only increase his suspicion.

"Okay, my question is over."

"Okay, then ask the defense lawyer to inquire."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei stood up with a smile, "I would like to ask the prosecutor whether you have considered such a situation.

My client has the habit of taking vitamin tablets every night due to physical reasons. Suppose someone deliberately takes advantage of this habit and replaces his vitamin tablets with sleeping pills.

In this way, he can put on the same clothes and kill people in a stately manner while my client is sleeping soundly.

This would also explain why my client's phone rang many times that night, but no one ever woke him up. "

"Lawyer for the defense, this is a courtroom, not Conan's reasoning scene, what we pay attention to is evidence, not empty talk and speculation.

We have checked the vitamin tablets you mentioned and found no sleeping pills at all.

The defendant said that his clothes were thrown in the taxi, but why did his clothes in the taxi appear near the crime scene.

The victim's blood and the defendant's fingerprints were on that dress, and we have indeed investigated, and that dress is definitely the defendant's.

And as for the alibi mentioned by the defendant, we have found witnesses to prove that it is false, and it is just a lie fabricated by him to get rid of the crime.

We request witnesses to appear in court. "

"Agreed." The judge nodded upon hearing this.

Soon, Tina, the daughter of the deceased and also the defendant's wife, stepped onto the information desk.

"Ms. Li, did you see your husband on the flyover near your home that night?" the prosecutor asked Tina who was standing on the inquiry platform.

"Yes." Tina replied simply and apprehensively.

"May I ask how he reacted when you met him?"

"I was on my way home that night and I passed him on the flyover and I saw his clothes and looked back and realized it was him.

Then I yelled at him, but he looked back at me and ran away immediately. "

"The defendant ran away immediately when he saw you, right? Then when you came home, you found your father died at home."

"Yes." Tina looked distraught, as if she was about to cry.

Richard looked at his wife who was sitting in front, lying without batting an eyelid, and wished he could rush up and beat him up.

But thinking about what the lawyer said before, one must be calm in court, and barely held back his anger, but he still stared at Tina.

"My question is over." The prosecutor nodded, indicating that he had no more questions.

"Does the defense counsel have a problem?"

Zhang Wei nodded to indicate that he had a question to ask.

"Yes, it's still the same question, Ms. Li, I asked you before why you didn't tell the situation when the case happened.

The answer you gave me was because you really didn't think that your husband was the murderer at the beginning, but at the moment you were arrested, you were sure in your heart, so you told the matter.

Is there any problem with my statement? "

"Yes." Tina nodded when she heard this, and there is no problem with the word "something".

"Okay, I have another question. May I ask, what were you doing on October 10?" Zhang Wei asked after hearing her answer.

"September 10st?"

Hearing this, Tina seemed puzzled for a moment, then seemed to think of something, her expression changed, and she replied immediately.

"It's been so long, I forgot."

"Forget, okay, I can answer this question for you. On October 10th, you found a lawyer who cooperated with your own company to evaluate the division of property if you divorced your husband.

And he showed evidence of his husband's infidelity, and he still stepped on three boats.

But unfortunately, it seems useless, and the answer given by your lawyer makes you very dissatisfied.

The so-called fidelity duty of husband and wife according to the Marriage Law (referring to the duty of chastity of husband and wife, that is, the exclusive obligation of husband and wife sex life in marriage, and no extramarital sex during the duration of the relationship between husband and wife.).Although violated, damages will be awarded to the innocent party in the divorce.

But it is also limited to the two points of "bigamy" and "spouse cohabiting with others". There is no clear concept in law about the so-called dating.

Moreover, evidence is required for an affair, such as a written guarantee, evidence from on-site shooting, etc., and must be obtained through formal channels.

But even so, even if there is evidence, it will not affect the division of marital property to a large extent.

Of course, you can ask your husband to give you some spiritual compensation, but this small amount of money seems to be worthless in the face of huge property.

This should subvert your previous thinking. In your opinion, the party who made a mistake in the marriage should clean up. Unfortunately, this is only from a moral point of view, not a legal point of view.

The law's so-called care for the party without fault is only a small part. I remember you should be very dissatisfied, right? "

Tina was stunned when he heard this. He didn't know why this incident of his was exposed before, but now is not the time to think about it.

She immediately said: "But what does this have to do with this case? I thought about it, but it ended soon. There are a few married people who never thought about divorce.

And I'm a witness, not a defendant!You have no right to question me like this! "

"Agreed, the defense lawyer, please ask about the content related to this case."

"Of course, I just want to prove that the young lady's testimony is not reliable. Next, I want to ask the key questions of this case."

As he said that, Zhang Wei glanced at Xu Jian who was sitting in the gallery, and then smiled.

 Thanks to Jinhua Qingtian for the 1000 point reward, Guo Hydroxide, book friend 160809221520604, sister may, the song is over, brother Penguin, sister Na, I love you, DW, for the 100 point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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