Lawyer in the world of film and television

Chapter 392 392. The Lone Star of the Fiend?

Chapter 392 392. The Lone Star of the Fiend?

"It's not a celebrity, but don't you two watch V Bo Hot Search?
Some time ago, this matter was very noisy. I remember that when it was the highest, the hot search list had already rushed to the top three. "

When Zou Yu heard this, he asked strangely, this matter was trending on Weibo, but it was listed in the top three. It can be said that the popularity is very high.

You have to know that in [-]% of the cases, the top three most searched on v blog are the headlines in the entertainment industry, and leather pants have struggled for so many years but have not succeeded.

In other cases, what can grab the headlines is something that the people who eat melons are particularly enthusiastic about.

It is definitely the kind of social topic that can be discussed by young and old, and it will fully satisfy people's gossiping psychology and sense of justice that has no place to rest.

"It's also very strange to should I put it? This very strange!"

Zou Yu suddenly showed a strange expression at this moment, not knowing what to say, as if he was wondering where to start.

Zhang Wei asked a little strangely: "Is there any problem?

Isn't it normal that the case is strange?You have seen many strange cases! ?Still feel strange? "

Having been a lawyer for such a long time and having seen many strange things, Zou Yu should be indifferent to most of them, right?

After all, there are many strange things, and there will be no feeling of rare and strange things.

Zou Yu sorted out his language a bit and began to speak: "The thing is like this, let me start from the beginning, my client is a woman who remarried four times...

The first three husbands all died by accident, and not long ago, the fourth husband also died, which was caused by shock. "

Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel strange when he heard this: "Four husbands died? Is it the lone star of Tiansha?

Damn... How dare her fourth husband marry her?Are you so brave?
Or is she so beautiful that her husband doesn't even want his life? "

In today's society, the atmosphere is very enlightened. It is normal to remarry, and it was not a big deal in the past.

But the problem is not with this matter, nor is it superstitious, but there are some things that cannot be explained by science, and people always have a lump in their hearts.

It is normal for a husband to die. After all, there is no way to explain things like accidents clearly. The danger is by your side, and it can happen anytime, anywhere.

Now that there are so many falling objects, if you are unlucky, you might be killed while walking on the road, but you can’t say you can’t walk anymore.

The accidental death of two husbands in succession can also be said to be that this woman is too unlucky, but when it comes to three...

There are only three things, which always make people feel a little strange. Could it be the legendary Kefu?The lone star of the devil?Doomed to die alone?

Presumably, when most people hear this, no matter whether they believe in science or not, they will subconsciously stay away from this girl, even if they are beautiful, their lives are important.

Beautiful women are precious, but life is even more expensive.

I'd rather believe what I have than believe what I don't have, even if I say I believe in science, deep down in my heart...

Just like Conan, the author has never made a final conclusion about his fate, but would any boss dare to stay in a hotel with him?

Ending: ~(*+﹏+*)~ing
So this woman's fourth husband is really desperate. Knowing that this woman has already killed three husbands, how dare she go? .

No, it is really dead now.

Should it be said that it is pitiful, or should it be said that peony flowers die, and ghosts are also romantic...

"It shouldn't be an accident. There are no coincidences in the world, and all coincidences are included in necessity."

Guan Gu touched his chin when he heard this, and began to analyze like a detective: "There have been so many accidents in a row, it really makes people wonder, is there something wrong with this woman?"

Zou Yu nodded: "That's right, four husbands died unexpectedly in a row within five years, this kind of thing is too bizarre.

Even the police have investigated, after all, so many people have died around her. "

Hearing this, Zhang Wei said silently: "She was able to marry her fourth husband before, which proves that the police didn't find anything before.

And what was the motive for the murder?Psychopath, killing her husband for fun? "

After her husband died so many times, the police would definitely be a little suspicious, but since nothing was found in the end, it is likely that nothing will happen.

This woman is more likely to be unlucky.

"The problem is that she had a motive to kill."

Zou Yu shook his head helplessly when he heard this: "Her four husbands are basically Xiao Yao's family property.

The most important thing is that none of their husbands have any direct heirs, and she is the only one who is the first heir.

After her husbands died, all the property belonged to her alone. Under such circumstances, her suspicion can be said to be infinitely magnified.

People on the Internet are saying that this woman is sucking the blood of men, and the scolding is already out of shape. "


Hearing this, Zhang Wei fell silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

Is this woman Su Daji or a vixen?

This is to control the local rich boss?

And one control can control four, so six?
Knowing that this woman had died so many husbands before, and that there was something wrong with her, she still jumped on her one after another.

Or is this woman really as beautiful as a fairy?

When Zou Yu heard this, he couldn't help complaining: "Do you feel weird? When I first found out about this, I felt even weirder.

It feels like things are basically going to be obvious. Who else could have killed this woman?
Everyone's first feeling is that this woman must be a murderer, and she has all the characteristics of a criminal suspect. "

Zhang Wei said while eating ramen: "According to the thinking and reasoning methods of TV dramas.

So many "accidents" have happened to this woman, and she is the only beneficiary of all the dead.

Putting all the factors together, in the TV drama novel, she must not be the murderer. "

Guan Gu originally thought that Zhang Wei would say that he must be the murderer, but suddenly there was a big reversal: "??? How is it possible? With so many suspicions put together, how could it not be the murderer?"

"Guan Gu, you really aren't suitable for drawing detective comics at all.

The purpose of the detective theme is to make everyone find the murderer, all kinds of reversal suspense.

The more you behave at the beginning, the more suspicious you are, the more innocent you are, and the less likely you are the murderer, because the author is trying to induce you.

On the contrary, those who are silent, plain-looking, have sufficient alibi, and have no suspicion at all, are likely to be the murderers. "

Zhang Weisi began to analyze slowly, and the more he talked, the more he felt that he was very powerful. If he said this, he felt that he could also draw detective comics.

Upon hearing this, Guan Gu said: "Comics are comics, reality is reality.

With such an obvious point in reality, the suspicion of this woman is too great. "

Hearing this, Hattori said with a straight face: "Guan Gu, don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things, we need to know the core of things.

Many times we are overwhelmed by the consensus. A piece of news that many people say may not be true news.

My former boss was also involved in a very similar case, and it was finally proved that the testimony and evidence of many criminal evidences in that case were not credible.

Many people perjured themselves for the sake of their inner sense of justice. "

Hearing this, Zhang Wei frowned suddenly, as if thinking of something.

Indeed, it seems that this case is very similar to the case of the evil girl of Gumeimen, and there seems to be another case...

Zhang Wei seemed to think of something: "Zou Yu, has your client received any death notices?"

"How did you know?"

Zou Yu said in surprise when he heard this, Zhang Wei already knew about the fact that his client received the death notice less than ten minutes ago?

This case is the one in the Dark One. Although it has been so long, I can't remember the specific process.

But I remember very clearly that this woman was wronged, and finally the police found the real murderer.

The dark man almost killed the wrong person in the end, and was taught a lesson by his teacher, saying that if he killed any innocent person by mistake, this identity would be meaningless.

But the problem is, if I remember correctly, this plot happened before the Dark One had even started his training.

But now, the teacher of the Dark One has died a long time ago. I don’t know how long it has been since this point in time. Why did this plot happen only now.

Or did it mean that because of my arrival, it had a little impact on the plot?Leading to a great change in the sequence of many things?
But thinking about it for such a long time, I have produced a lot of butterfly effects, so it is not surprising that this one thing is added.

Zhang Wei took a bite of the sushi and asked a little strangely: "You said you came out of the court, what happened in the end?"

"I won, didn't you ask the question knowingly?" Zou Yu said as a matter of course when he heard this.

Guan Gu was surprised when he heard this and said, "Zou Yu won? Lawyers in this kind of case usually stand on the side...

Wait a minute, does that mean the woman is innocent? ! "

"That's right, otherwise, how could she have received a death notice? If she is found guilty, she is already staying in the detention center."

Zou Yu nodded affirmatively: "The evidence submitted by the prosecution actually had many loopholes, and I refuted them one by one.

In the end, the court declared that the evidence was insufficient, my client was released, and the case was dismissed for re-investigation. "

Hearing this, Guan Gu said in disbelief: "But, this thing is too coincidental, right?

Unless there's something really unscientific about it..."

Guan Gu couldn't help but shook his head, saying nothing.

Zou Yu shook his head when he heard this: "But unfortunately, the evidence is really insufficient, and you have no way to prove her guilt."

Guan Gu asked a little strangely: "What's the matter with that dark man? I seem to have heard of it somewhere?"

Hearing this, Lao Zhuo said, "Guan Gu, don't you normally use the Internet?
This dark man is very controversial on the Internet, because he specializes in killing some criminals, and is considered by many people to be the embodiment of justice. "

"Who knows? But, he did violate the law." Zhang Wei said silently when he heard this.

Guan Gu asked a little strangely: "Then what's going on now?"

Zou Yu shook his head and said, "When I came out of the court just now, a death notice was left on the window of the car where the party was staying in the parking lot, and there were many media at that time. It is estimated that this matter will be exposed soon."

"I guess it won't be soon, but it has already been exposed, so don't underestimate the current speed of Internet transmission.

In other words, this matter is getting bigger and bigger? "Zhang Wei heard this and said something.

Originally, what happened to this woman, from the perspective of countless people who eat melons, the first reaction is that this woman killed her husband, and also killed four, she is simply a femme fatale.

Now after the case is over, the dark man issued a death notice again. You must know that this dark man also has a lot of fans on the Internet.

Even ordinary people who eat melons have a little affection for this dark man.

After all, these days a certain salesman puts on a patriotic coat and says that if he sells things to foreigners, some people will wash them.

What's more, this dark man who claims to only kill criminals, after all, everyone wants to become a hero who punishes evil and promotes good, steals from the rich and helps the poor, and controls the lives of others.

It is estimated that in the eyes of [-]% of the people who eat melons, either this woman spent a lot of money to bail herself out, or the police are incompetent and unable to find evidence.

As for this woman being innocent, how could it be possible? !The facts are so clear, how can there be such a coincidence in the world? !

Zhang Wei said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, anyway, this case is over, whether it has much to do with you, someone will handle the rest."

The part that Zou Yu is responsible for is to help the client defend in court, and the matter in court is over when it is over.

As for the threat to the life and property of the client, this should be the responsibility of the police and has nothing to do with her, and Zou Yu is not a bodyguard.

Since it has nothing to do with Zou Yu, it also has nothing to do with him, so he doesn't need to get involved in trouble.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "But that dark man hasn't been arrested for so long."

Zou Yu shook his head: "I can't help it. Sometimes people make things that don't leak, and they lead you by the nose. It's not so easy to be caught."

Lao Zhuo saw that the atmosphere on the table seemed to be a little cold, he laughed and said, "Why are you talking about these unhappy things? We didn't do anything wrong, so why are you afraid of him?
I usually don't do bad things, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. If there is a knock on the door, I will give him a big mouth. "

When several people heard this, they couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, what Lao Zhuo said is good, if you come looking for trouble, give him a big mouth."

Immediately, the store was full of joyful atmosphere.

 New book is so difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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