Chapter 359 259. Restaurant
July 7, the weather: sunny.

Shanghai Weather Forecast: Today will be a sunny day with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. It is suitable to blow air conditioners at home and be a happy fat house.

Lin Wanyu looked at the western restaurant in front of her and asked a little strangely: "Is this the Michelin restaurant on the new reviews? I don't think I've seen the name of this restaurant before.

When I came here before, the food in this restaurant wasn't very tasty, Zhanbo, you won't be cheated, right? "

Lu Zhanbo explained with some embarrassment when he heard what he said: "Oh, Zhang Wei and the others said that they went to order from the other two Samsung restaurants, and they were not as good as this one.

This restaurant is the head chef of Zhang Wei, a classmate who came back from abroad. This person was the head chef of a Michelin three-star restaurant abroad, and now he has returned to China to develop.

So the dishes are very authentic. If we eat western food, it is best to come to this restaurant. "

When Lin Wanyu heard this, she was a little puzzled: "Really?
Zhanbo, in fact, it doesn’t matter, I have eaten too many Michelin restaurants, and I feel that KFC is even better than it. "

When Lu Zhanbo heard this, he said without thinking: "How can that be? How can we eat KFC on such an important day?!"

"Important day? Aren't we just going out for a meal today? Haven't we dated many times?"

Lin Wanyu was a little puzzled when she heard this, isn't today just an ordinary date?Is it an important day?
What kind of big day is going out for a meal together?Isn't it like this every day when you are abroad?

Hearing this, Lu Zhanbo forcibly explained: "Oh!

What Ziqiao said is to live every day as an important anniversary, so as to maintain the passion of love forever, which is the only way to maintain long-term relationship. "

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanyu smiled and said, "Zhanbo, don't trust Ziqiao too much.

Although Zi Qiao is very experienced, it does not mean that his experience can be applied to you, and Zi Qiao has no long-term relationship at all. "

"You're right, according to...

Ah, no, we are out for dinner today, so don't talk about Ziqiao, let's go in quickly! "

When Lu Zhanbo heard this, he wanted to say something based on scientific data, but he changed his mind immediately when he heard the voice in his earphones.

"it is good."

Although Lin Wanyu felt that Lu Zhanbo was a bit strange today, she didn't think too much about it.

If one day Lu Zhanbo becomes normal, she will probably think too much.


"You two, please sit here. This is the menu of our restaurant. You can take a look and call us if you need anything."

The waiter smiled and handed the menu to the two people, and then poured water for them.

"Goal comes in, above the third position from the left, everyone cheers up."

A seat behind Lin Wanyu, a man wearing sunglasses whispered something.

Guan Gu sat on the other side, also wearing a pair of sunglasses, nodded slightly, and said in a low voice: "Got it.

I see them, they're already sitting there, and they look like they're ready to order now.

Now everything is going well, and Zhanbo looks quite tall. "

"I can't see anything, and you guys are too mean to tell us this news last night!

Such a blast!You don't even let us participate in the preparations!This is a lifelong event in our family!

Forget it, you actually asked us to prepare on the beach, and you followed Zhanbo and them in the restaurant!
I can't witness such an important and beautiful moment with my own eyes! "

At this time, a female voice sounded in the earphone, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Lu Ziqiao was also speechless and said: "Sister, don't be joking, don't we understand your character?
If you really knew about this, you would be so excited that the ceiling of the apartment would be lifted, what kind of surprise would it be?
Just say last night, if we hadn't stopped you, you would have already told the story.

If you were at this scene today, according to your personality, I'm sure the scene would definitely become extremely chaotic. "

At this time, another voice rang through the earphones: "Zi Qiao, Sister Yifei is also human, so excited.

As the only male in our house, if one day you get married, your little aunt and I will be very happy. "

Hearing this, Lu Ziqiao said a little speechlessly: "What the hell? Getting married? Auntie, are you used to watching my other little aunts get married?!
And a prodigal like me will never get married in this life!What I pursue is galloping!Extremely happy! "

At this time, another voice came from the earphone: "Che, it means no one wants you!

Still galloping, I bah! "

"Do you think I'm you?

You're the one nobody wants!Chen Bianbian! "As soon as she heard Chen Meijia's voice, Ziqiao became excited immediately!

At this time, Lin Wanyu, who was looking at the menu, suddenly raised her head, and asked a little strangely: "Hey, why did I seem to hear Zi Qiao's voice?"

I seem to have heard Zi Qiao's voice just now, is Zi Qiao also drinking in this restaurant for nothing?
When Lu Zhanbo heard this, he hurriedly said, "How is it possible?!
You heard me wrong!How could Zi Qiao and the others come here?You must have heard it wrong! "

Just when Lu Zhanbo was in a hurry and didn't know how to explain, Lu Yuan came over.

"Hello, I'm the chef of this restaurant, Lu Yuan."

"Oh, hello." Lin Wanyu looked at the person and nodded, feeling that the person looked familiar.

When Lu Yuan heard what he said, he smiled and said, "Hello, are you ready, please?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanyu smiled and said, "Two Wellington steaks, appetizers and desserts, please take care of the arrangement."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan said with a smile on his face: "Okay, as an appetizer, I recommend chicken shredded cream and mushroom soup, which is my specialty.

For the main course, you ordered Steak Wellington, which is rarely available in China.

For dessert, I recommend "Shiroi Koibito", which is not on the menu and is my specialty.

But Zhang Wei specially greeted me and asked me to entertain you with my special dishes. "

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Zhanbo, do you have anything else to think about?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanyu nodded, and then asked a question to Lu Zhanbo on the opposite side.

"I... No need, I think this arrangement is very good."

Just as Lu Zhanbo was about to say something, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Okay, wait a moment, you two, it will be ready soon." Lu Yuan nodded with a smile, and then left.

Lu Ziqiao, who was sitting in the back, said something strange: "Damn... such a scary guy, there is such an approachable side?"

Zhang Wei flipped through the menu and said, "Of course, the chef of Western food is completely different from the chef of Chinese food.

They are not only responsible for cooking and testing dishes, but also responsible for communicating with guests. After all, it is a service industry, so of course they must be amiable and approachable. "

"Hi, may I ask, are you ready?"

At this time, the waiter came over and asked Zhang Wei and the others. Zhang Wei and the others had been looking at the menu and hadn't ordered yet.

Seeing this situation, Lu Ziqiao was trying to fool around.

He often goes to western restaurants, but it's just that the girl pays him to eat.

Otherwise, it's just to drink cold water here, just to show your own style here.

Basically, it can be said that the experience has been mixed.

Zhang Wei nodded at this time, pointed to the menu and said: "Okay, let's have a Wellington steak, the reception and dessert will be free, and open a bottle of this wine for me, a new one will do."

"Okay, sir, you really have a vision, this steak is our chef's specialty, and it's hard to find a more authentic one in China.

What about this gentleman, do you like it? "The waiter smiled and nodded when he heard this, then turned to Lu Ziqiao and asked.

"Well... I'll take another look and think about it for a while." Lu Ziqiao pretended to be looking at the menu carefully and said without raising his head.

"Okay." The waiter nodded and left.

Hearing Zhang Wei's words in Zeng Xiaoxian's earphones, he said speechlessly: "Damn, Zhang Wei, am I not here to carry out the mission? You still eat and drink.

Did you think we were on vacation?so leisurely? "

Hearing this, Zhang Wei said a little speechlessly: "Brother, you are in the restaurant. If you don't order food, it will be even more strange and more eye-catching, okay?"

When you are in a restaurant, if you just drink plain water, the waiter will obviously notice you, okay?At that time, when people ask you to leave, it won't be more attractive.

"Yeah, then I'll order some casually."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, feeling that Zhang Wei seemed very reasonable, it was really strange to come to the restaurant without eating.

Mr. Zeng glanced at the Chinese superimposed English name on the menu, and said with a big head: "Guangu, you can order, I think you should be more experienced.

To be honest, I would rather go to a barbecue stand than to eat in this high-end western restaurant, it's too formal! "

Guan Gu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian who was restless and said speechlessly: "Teacher Zeng, be more elegant.

Don't you feel that in this kind of restaurant, your wretched style has risen?Come here to eat, eat in style. "

Hearing this, Mr. Zeng straightened his suit, pretended to be handsome and said, "Tch, it obviously improved the style of the whole restaurant, okay?

Under my light, the whole restaurant is full of brilliance. If I didn't wear sunglasses, no one would recognize me.

It is estimated that other managers will ask me to take pictures and hang them on the wall. After all, I am a popular anchor. "

Lu Ziqiao seemed to those who had ordered the meal: "Damn, you all ate, what should I do?!"

Looking at the poor Zi Qiao, Zhang Wei joked, "Shall I order you a cappuccino?"

Hearing this, Zi Qiao said speechlessly: "Damn, I want to drink cappuccino, I'm going to the coffee shop, what am I doing here?
I must be eating western food here, forget it, I will spend money to accompany you today!
Have a serving of this pasta, yes, no lobster pasta, just this, I lose weight! "

Listening to the conversation of several boys, Hu Yifei said speechlessly: "Damn! You bastards actually fell for it!
We girls are tidying up the venue here, and you actually ate there!Do you still have humanity? ! "

Teacher Zeng said in a low tone: "Yifei, there is nothing we can do about it, lurking in the restaurant, how could it be possible not to eat?

Come on, you can also order some takeaway for Chinese food. In fact, the food here is not as good as takeaway, but it looks pretty. "

When Hu Yifei heard this, she gritted her teeth and said, "Your uncle! Zeng Xiaoxian! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will fly over and tear you down!"

Zhang Wei listened to the quarreling voice in the earphones: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, keep your voice down.

The distance of the target is very close to us, it will be bad if it is discovered. "

"How is it? How does it taste?" When Lin Wanyu was tasting the steak, Lu Yuan walked over with a smile and said.

Lin Wanyu nodded immediately when she heard this: "Very good, I didn't expect that such authentic French food can be eaten in China."

"It's really delicious, it's completely different from what my elder sister made.

In contrast, what my elder sister cooks is no different from pig food. "

Lu Zhanbo also nodded his head. He couldn't tell if the food was authentic or not. Anyway, he knew it was delicious.

But he completely forgot that Hu Yifei could hear what he said.

Lin Wanyu continued: "It's just that there is something wrong with this table knife, which slightly affects the taste."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan nodded: "Okay, sorry, this is our work mistake.

I'll have someone replace it for you right away. "

"Chef, the second pack of steaks is about to be returned...the taste is still bad."

At this time, a waiter came over and whispered something in Lu Yuan's ear.

When Lu Yuan heard this, he forced a smile: "It's still the No. [-] bag, and the taste is still bad, play me!

Well, you two, eat first. I'll ask someone to change the tableware for you immediately. The hospitality is not good. "

After finishing speaking, just as Lu Yuan turned his head, his whole face darkened in an instant, and he went straight back to the kitchen.

Not long after, Lu Yuan came out directly poking a steak with a knife, and walked directly upstairs with great momentum.

A waiter hurriedly followed, as if afraid of something happening.

Lu Ziqiao looked at Lu Yuan who was going upstairs aggressively and said with some fear, "Damn...that's what you mean by being amiable and approachable...

Look at this momentum, it won't kill anyone! "

"No, don't worry, I just met a guest who was in a bad mood and wanted to make things difficult for others." Zhang Wei said leisurely while eating steak.

Seeing Lu Yuan like this, Zhang Wei probably understood which part of the plot was happening.

Forget about cleanliness and embrace the future. I don't know if Lu Yuan can embrace the future.

But in the future, I will have long legs, tsk...

(End of this chapter)

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