Lawyer in the world of film and television

Chapter 349 349. Everyone Arrives

Chapter 349 349. Everyone Arrives
"Hi, Feifei."

Wan Yu, who was standing next to Zhanbo, looked at Yifei who opened the door and greeted with a smile.


Yifei looked at Zhanbo and Wanyu standing at the door, was stunned for three seconds, and then hugged Wanyu.

"Miss me!"


Zeng Xiaoxian and the others also turned over from the sofa and hugged Lu Zhanbo.

Immediately, the whole apartment became lively, full of cheerful atmosphere.

Zhanbo and the other boys in the apartment hugged one by one, expressing their missing.

After hugging Zhang Wei, Zhan Bo asked with a smile on his face: "Well, you are Fu Erkang, right?

Why did you come to our apartment?Did Ziwei run away from home?I just saw episode 21. "


Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed and strange when he heard this.

But I figured it out right away, although I and Zhanbo had called and contacted many times, they were barely acquaintances.

But I have never had a video, nor have I seen each other's photos.

I know him because I am a time traveler and know what he looks like. It is normal for him not to know himself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei greeted Zhan Bo with a smile: "Zhan Bo, I'm Zhang Wei, this should be the first time we've met, although we've met many times."

"Zhang Wei?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhanbo looked up and down Zhang Wei strangely, his face full of suspicion.

Looking at this, it is obvious that he doubts whether the person in front of him is Zhang Wei.

"Ah? Is there a problem?"

Zhang Wei panicked after being stared at by Lu Zhanbo, so he couldn't help asking a question strangely.

Why did Lu Zhanbo keep staring at himself up and down?
Do you have any questions?

I clearly remembered that I had washed my face and brushed my teeth, and there should be no vegetable leaves on my teeth.

Then why is Lu Zhanbo looking at himself so strangely?

Could it be that the vision of a scientist was activated, seeing that he was a time traveler, and wanted to dissect himself?
And Lu Zhanbo stroked his chin strangely and looked Zhang Wei up and down: "That's not right.

Although the sound is a bit similar, but the image is wrong!
But the old lady clearly told me that Zhang Wei is a stingy and old-fashioned uncle, and you look too young. "



And old-fashioned?
Still an uncle? !

Hu Yifei, why don't we talk about our ideals in life?

The kind that talk all night long!
Zhang Wei's expression changed when he heard Lu Zhanbo's words, and he turned to look in Hu Yifei's direction.

Who knew that Hu Yifei would have known what would happen after seeing Lu Zhanbo's reaction, and would have slipped away long ago.

He told Lin Wanyu to call the other girls to get up, and then slipped to the next door.

And Zeng Xiaoxian and the others really didn't give Zhang Wei any face. They laughed before, and they laughed like crazy.

The worst thing was Zeng Xiaoxian, who was lying on the sofa and started rolling.

Depend on!Is it that funny?

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Lu Zhanbo looked at the three friends who were laughing wildly, and asked something strange, as if he didn't say anything strange.

"It's nothing, the three of them lost their minds and went crazy."

Zhang Wei was very upset when he heard Lu Zhanbo's words.

"That's right, I'm crazy! Hahaha(ω)hiahiahia
The old-fashioned and stingy uncle, Yifei really knows how to sum up, he is really perfect and vivid. "

Lu Ziqiao couldn't help laughing while beating the table frantically.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten, what do you have to hold on to me?
bar! "

Zhang Wei looked at the three people who were laughing wildly, and turned his head to look at the three of them with dangerous smiles, as if he knew some secrets about them.

When Zeng Xiaoxian and the others heard this, they seemed to suddenly think of something, and sat up straight again and again.

He also coughed twice to hold back his smile.

It's a pity that I still couldn't bear it anymore. I held it back for a while and smiled, and then I held it back again.

Guan Gu suppressed his own smile and assured Zhang Wei: "Don't worry Zhang Wei, we are roommates, no matter how funny it is, we won't laugh unless we can't help it!"

Lu Zhanbo looked at the reaction of his original friend, he was a little confused, but he continued to say to Zhang Wei: "But you look so young!
How do you maintain it?My sister said that you are already old, and you look like you are in your 20s now. "


Hu Yifei, how dare you arrange me like this behind.

I'm not done with you!
Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and thought in his heart when he heard this.

How can I be so old-fashioned and stingy? !
It's just blatant slander!
He is obviously an upright and handsome legal pioneer!


Hearing Lu Zhanbo's innocent words, Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu couldn't help laughing again.

I can't hold back at all!

Honest people are simply the biggest joke.


Zeng Xiaoxian and the others sat back obediently after hearing Zhang Wei's words.

Biting his lips, he put on a look that I don't want to laugh, it's not funny at all.

Of course, what Zhang Wei said was false.

He didn't know what the three of Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were up to, although he knew a lot about gossip.

But the problem is, apart from being in the apartment, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others usually spend more time in the bar.

Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, eight out of ten things are inextricably linked to the bar downstairs.

Sometimes you don't need to say it out loud, just reveal a little bit of public information, and then hint at it, and Zeng Xiaoxian and the others will associate it by themselves.

This is also a common method used by many fortune-telling magic sticks.

"Wan Yu! Miss me!"

Before the people outside the door arrived, a bluffing sound sounded.

In an instant, a figure jumped over from outside the door and hugged Lin Wanyu.

"Meijia, long time no see."

Lin Wanyu hugged Chen Meijia and said with a smile.

"Yes, we have one, one gets one, one two gets two, one three gets eight, two eight 34, March [-] Women's Day, May [-]st Labor Day, and June [-]st Children's Day.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's been a long, long time since we saw each other! "

Chen Meijia really couldn't figure it out after the calculation, so she just laughed and said something nonsense.

"Who are these three?"

Zhan Bo looked at the other three beauties whom he didn't know standing behind his elder sister and asked.

"Oh, this is Qin Yumo, you should know him, my high school classmate, who came to our house in high school."

Yifei pointed to Qin Yumo and introduced something to Lu Zhanbo.

Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei were classmates in high school, so Qin Yumo and Lu Zhanbo had met each other a long time ago.

But there is a big difference between the image then and now.

"Oh, I remembered!
No, my sister said you learned sumo, don't you want to learn it now? "

When Lu Zhanbo heard this, he suddenly realized something, as if he remembered something.

Then, looking at the slender Qin Yumo, he asked a little strangely.

Didn't you say you wanted to be a sumo wrestler?How can you be a sumo wrestler if you are so skinny now?

"Fei Fei Fei!"

When Qin Yumo heard this, he saw Hu Yifei dangerously.

You actually said that behind my back back then!How should this account be calculated?
"Hahaha, this is Tang Youyou, Guan Gu's girlfriend, and Ziqiao's little aunt.

And she is a big star, but you probably haven't seen the TV series she acted in abroad. "

Hu Yifei looked at Yu Mo's dangerous smile, and pulled Tang Youyou over as a shield and said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanyu smiled and said, "No, we saw it on the Penguin video, it's the heroine of that TV series!"

Hearing this, Tang Youyou said happily, "That's true! You can also watch penguin videos abroad?"

"Guan Gu's girlfriend, Zi Qiao's little aunt?

Doesn't Guan Gu become Zi Qiao's little uncle?I'm Guan Gu's friend and also Zi Qiao's friend.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, what about this relationship?
Should I follow Zi Qiao and call Guan Gu's little uncle, but should I follow Guan Gu and call Zi Qiao my great nephew? "

When Lu Zhanbo heard this, he began to think about it, and then his logic became confused.

I and these two people are good friends, and theoretically they should be of the same generation.

But now the seniority has diverged suddenly, or else I'm reluctant to take advantage of Ziqiao!

Hearing this, Tang Youyou waved his hands and said with a smile: "You don't need to be so troublesome, just shout normally, and you can talk about yourself."

"This is Sancheng, Sancheng Meiqin, Guan Gu's good friend in the island country, and now he is studying in China.

So also live here, is an international friend. "

"Hello." Sancheng greeted the two of them politely.

Hu Yifei finally introduced Sancheng to Lu Zhanbo, so that all the people in the apartment were introduced.

The difference is that Lu Zhanbo came back almost half a year earlier than the original plan.

It seems that Lin Wanyu is not feeling well, and it can be seen that Lin Wanyu's face looks a little unhealthy pale now.

And different from before, Qin Yumo and Zhang Wei did not leave.

When Chen Meijia was in Hainan, she was abducted by several people. I don't know how long it was earlier.

Then there was an extra Sancheng, and with Lin Wanyu and Lu Zhanbo now back, there are a total of eleven people in the love apartment.

It can be said that all the resident guests of Four Seasons are already here, and there is one more.

No, besides the resident guests, there seems to be another one.

At this time, the elder brother who was working as a security guard at the door suddenly sneezed.

"who is it."

The big brother paused for more than ten seconds and then continued: "I'm thinking about me."

Hu Yifei looked at Lin Wanyu and the others who were reminiscing and exchanging greetings, and secretly pulled Zhang Wei and the others behind.

"Listen, Zhang Wei, you guys must not tell me that I made their flight wrong. This matter must be kept secret."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian said indifferently: "What can't be said? Zhanbo and the others didn't wait at the airport foolishly.

It proves that they have the foresight, which is something that has been expected long ago. "

Upon hearing this, Hu Yifei immediately said, "But they don't even know there is a surprise party, so you must keep it a secret from me."

"You have a surprise party for them?"

Zhang Wei asked a little strangely when he heard this, I don't seem to see anything about your preparations?

Where did the surprise party come from?

Hu Yifei said with embarrassment when she heard this, "I haven't started preparing yet..."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian said speechlessly: "Ha, you are really amazing, Zhanbo and the others would never have imagined that they didn't prepare anything for their surprise party."

You are really amazing, it’s fine if you forget the pick-up time, and you are not prepared for any surprises.

So what do you say?
"Forget it, Yifei, everyone is back, let's just let this matter go."

Lu Ziqiao said next to him, he always felt that if Hu Yifei threw some kind of surprise party.

People like myself will definitely be regarded as strong men!And there will be a bunch of moths.

Hu Yifei was a little unhappy when she heard this and said: "No! There must be surprises, I, Hu Yifei, always keep what I say, or else I will lose face?

I already lost it once tonight, should I lose it a second time? "

Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Throw it wherever you want, there is no such thing as making up for surprises."

Hu Yifei wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Wei: "Yifei, should we have a good talk?
About the old-fashioned stingy uncle? "


Hu Yifei was a little embarrassed when he heard what he said, and didn't know what to say.

He could only slap a haha ​​and said with a smile: "I told Zhanbo as a joke, who knew he took it seriously, haha."

"Are you kidding? You have seriously affected my reputation right!" Zhang Wei said a little unhappy when he heard this.

Is it okay to just make a joke?
I said that when I called Lu Zhanbo before, why Zhanbo always had a serious tone, as if he was talking to his head teacher.

It turns out that the root of the problem lies here.

When Hu Yifei heard this, she said reluctantly: "It's a small thing! It's a big deal for you to do it once."

"make once?!"

Zeng Xiaoxian jumped up when he heard this, what the hell?

What does do once mean?
you two...

"Don't look at me, I don't know anything."

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's expression of wanting to eat people, Zhang Wei said speechlessly.

Seeing the expressions of the boys, Hu Yifei knew that they were thinking wrong, and said a little speechlessly: "Where are you thinking? I mean cooking?"

Zhang Wei was stunned when he heard this: "Cooking...

Yifei, you not only want to ruin my reputation, but also my life, are you too cruel? "

On the other side, Lu Zhanbo quietly pulled Lin Wanyu aside and asked, "What about Wanyu?
We originally thought that there were only seven people, so we prepared gifts for seven people... who knows that there are nine people now, how will this gift be divided? "

"No problem, I bought a lot of cosmetics, I can give them a few as gifts."

Lin Wanyu made an OK gesture when she heard this, indicating that everything was on her.

 Thank you Liang Wei for the 500 point reward

(End of this chapter)

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