urban small world

Chapter 976 Isn't there already a choice?

Chapter 976 Isn't there already a choice?
Li Qingyun shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, he sent the tiger back to where it used to live.

And it still appeared in its lair.In this way, it is also the safest.

Moreover, Li Qingyun casually shot a burst of chaotic aura into its body.

Although it was seriously injured this time, with this aura, it could be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

However, such a blessing is estimated that not many monsters want to get it.After all, if you are not careful, you may lose your life.

Without life, even the best benefits are useless.

After Li Qingyun finished all this, he didn't care about it any more. To him, this was just a time when he was bored and had some fun.

However, his intervention changed the fate of many people and monsters.

For example, Xiaoyong and the others, if Li Qingyun hadn't made a move, if they were lucky, they might escape back to Zhizun Town, and if they were unlucky, they might have been buried in the belly of wolves by this time.

Even if they were lucky enough to escape back to Supreme Town, their future would be almost ruined.

The other one is those wolf demons. If Li Qingyun hadn't intervened, they might have happily returned to their territory by this time.

It is simply impossible to lose your life.

And that tiger needless to say, if Li Qingyun hadn't made a move, he might have been cultivating silently in his own territory.

And now with Li Qingyun, the tiger got into a fight with other monsters out of nowhere and was seriously injured. Fortunately, Li Qingyun injected a spirit energy into its body in order to compensate it.

And it was precisely because of this aura that the tiger's fate was greatly changed.

As the saying goes, that's what happens when you pull a hair and move your whole body.

For example, the so-called butterfly effect on the earth is the same thing.The butterfly just flapped its wings a little, but by chance, it could trigger a hurricane.

For Li Qingyun, this was really just a trivial matter, but for many people and monsters, it changed their fate.

At this time, Li Qingyun didn't care about how Xiaoyong and the others dealt with those monsters, but left directly from here.

Although it is dark in the Supreme Continent now, people like Xiaoyong are not the only ones in the forest.

As soon as Li Qingyun released his consciousness, he discovered some other people.

Some have found a safe place to rest, others are exploring in the forest.Those who returned were fighting monsters, and some were on their way.

These people include people with great influence and casual cultivators.But even if they are casual cultivators, they are not alone.Even if they are all fighters in Baodan realm.Rarely does one act alone.

After all, this is not the Wulin Continent.The danger on the Supreme Continent is more than one level higher than that on the Wulin Continent.

Even Li Qinglin and the others have never acted alone.

But Li Qingyun saw these people, but none of them discovered Li Qingyun's existence.

Li Qingyun walked all the way, just looking at it silently.If those human beings are in danger, he will silently help.Even they themselves may not be able to find out that someone has made a move quietly.

However, this was Li Qingyun's attack, which reduced some casualties.

Finally, Li Qingyun came to the west coast of the Supreme Continent.Because he also found some people here.

"Old Li, ah, what do you think we should go now."

"You have asked this question hundreds of times, okay?"

"But you haven't answered either."

"If I know how to get there, do I still have to struggle here every day?"

"Oh, why did we go ashore from this side in the first place?"

"Don't you think it's too late to say this now?"

"Hey, why doesn't the supreme town appear on the west coast?"

"You have to ask those gods about this."

When Li Qingyun came, he heard those people chatting there.Li Qingyun probably understood what they were talking about.

Li Qingyun really wanted to tell them that the reason why the Supreme Town did not appear on the western coast was entirely determined by Li Qingyun based on the location of the people on the Supreme Continent at that time, and he placed the Supreme Town closest to most people. place.

As for those people on the west coast, Li Qingyun can only say sorry, who told them to start from the east coast of the Wulin mainland.

"If I have that ability, do I still have to worry about where to go back?"

"That's it. There are only two roads before us. One is to go directly to the sea and go back along the way. The other is to go directly through the Supreme Continent and then reach the east coast. It will be natural at that time." gone back."

"I'm sub-Ao, go straight through, I don't have that great ability, these days, you can't feel that the further you go to the center, the stronger the strength of those monsters, the day before yesterday, if we didn't run fast , It is estimated that there is no leftover scum left after being eaten."

"That way, if you don't cross the Supreme Continent, then take a detour and walk directly along the coastline. I think, one day you will be able to detour to the Supreme Town."

"This joke is not funny at all. God knows how far it will take to go around, and I don't know how long it will take."

"That's it. You said that you never knew how to choose. Now the answers are all out?"

"Ah, this, this, do we really have to go back by sea? It will take several months."

The other people didn't say a word when they heard this. Obviously, a teleportation formation directly to the Wulin Continent appeared in Supreme World. For these people, the news was not good at all.Ever since they got the news, they haven't had a peaceful day.

They thought of many ways to get closer to the supreme town, but they all failed very quickly.

The monsters from the Supreme Continent told them not to wander around in the central area, or they would pay the price in blood.

Although they can also return by the same route from the sea, they already know the news about the teleportation formation. As long as they think of using the teleportation formation, it only takes a blink of an eye to return to the Wulin Continent, but it takes several times to go by sea. For a month, they were all bad.

Anyway, sometimes knowing too much is not good.

If they didn't know about the teleportation array, they wouldn't have had so much trouble.

Li Qingyun shook his head when he heard what they said.Although this is just a very simple matter for him.But in the eyes of these people, no matter which option they choose, they are very depressed.

In the final analysis, it is still a reason for not being strong enough.If their strength is strong enough, no matter how they choose, it will not be a problem.

Even if they were stronger, they didn't need to do multiple-choice questions at all, and just teleported back just like Li Qingyun.

It's just a pity that they still can't reach Li Qingyun's height.So I can only be depressed there.

Li Qingyun couldn't help thinking that compared with these people, his own strength was very strong.But really compared with those great powers in the universe, he is just a stronger ant.If he met them, Li Qingyun would have no resistance at all.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun has never encountered other cultivators.

Even the cultivators of the Xuanyuan family only developed after arriving in the Wulin Continent.

Of course, Li Qingyun didn't want to deal with other immortal cultivators too early.

Because he knows that his current strength is too weak.Moreover, the practitioners in the Wulin Continent are also very weak. If some powerful beings find this place, his life will be difficult.

If only some immortal cultivators came, Li Qingyun might still be able to kill them relying on the small world, but if a god-level powerhouse came, then Li Qingyun really had nothing to do with them.

In fact, this is also the reason why Li Qingyun has always wanted to separate this small world from the earth-earth world.

Because he was afraid that one day, some practitioners would pass by the earth and discover this small world, and then Li Qingyun would be in big trouble.

But now it is different.The body of this world has moved into the chaos, so that not only can the small family be better developed, but Li Qingyun's strength growth rate has also been accelerated many times.

Li Qingyun's strength is actually linked to this small world. His strong strength can also drive the small world to develop faster.And if the small world develops fast, it can also drive Li Qingyun's strength to improve.

This is also the reason why Li Qingyun has never retreated to practice since he moved the small world to the chaotic world.

But even so, his strength is improving every moment.

After such a long time, Li Qingyun's strength has actually reached the middle stage of transformation.

One step closer to the fairy steps.

And there is another advantage of the small world after entering the chaos, that is, even if someone discovers the entrance of the small world on the earth, as long as Li Qingyun does not let the other party enter, the other party cannot enter immediately, even if it is a god. The super powerhouses are here, and it will take at least a little time for them to get in.

And at that time, Li Qingyun can completely disconnect that connection.

At that time, although Wulin Continent and Earth may lose contact, Li Qingyun's safety will be greatly improved.

This is also the reason why Li Qingyun wants to keep his parents in Wulin Continent.

He is completely ready to run at any time.This is the tragedy of the weak.

The weak can never control their own destiny.

Just like the people below, their choices must be made according to the rules set by Li Qingyun.

(End of this chapter)

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