Chapter 973

As for the newly appeared monster, it doesn't even care about the three little ones. To put it mildly, the monster doesn't think highly of the three little ones.It hurts to say it, but it's the truth.Well, compared to being ignored, it's better than losing your life. "Roar!" "Woo!" Finally, the masters fought together.Xiaoyong and the others couldn't help but feel tense when they heard the sound of fighting in the distance.They just hope that those monsters can fight a little longer, so that they have time to recover more true energy.Even, at this time, they were vaguely expecting that those monsters would be the best if they could both lose, and maybe they could still pick up some bargains.Otherwise, they would have already run away, and even if they wanted to recover their true energy, they would not recover it so close to here.What I have to say is that people's hearts are sometimes greedy, and they were still running for their lives just now.But now he actually wants to attack those monsters instead.Even Li Qingyun was very speechless at this time. Originally, he thought that if he got the monster out, the three people would take the opportunity to run away.Unexpectedly, at this time, they had just recovered a little bit of true energy, and they would start thinking about those monsters.However, if people do not have greed, then the world will not progress. In many cases, it is a gamble to change a bicycle into a motorcycle.Such cases are not uncommon.But more often than not, you lose everything.But people only remember success, but they don't see that there are more failures behind the success.For example, the very famous stone gambling in China is known as one sword heaven and one sword hell, but many people only remember that many people got rich overnight, but few people know it, and more people, Lose all the panties.There are even some people who lost so much that they jumped from tall buildings.People, more or less, will have some gambling.No, the few people who were running for their lives just now had just recovered a little bit, and they were waiting there for the monsters to lose both sides, so that they could take advantage of it.Don't even look at whether they have that strength.Now the war between the monsters and beasts has been fought in the dark, if it continues like this, it will attract the attention of the people in Supreme Town.Obviously, this is not the result that Xiaoyong and the others want.If Xiaoyong and the others were on the scene at this time, they would find that the person fighting with those wolves and embarrassment was a tiger.Yes, that's right, as the king of the forest, how could he be scared by some wolves.So when it sensed the aura of those wolves at the beginning, it felt that it was a provocation to it, and it was exactly like this, even if he found Xiaoyong and the three of them, he ignored them.Instead, he confronted those wolves directly.And these wolves are not timid monsters, they are very powerful in the forest, and they are pack monsters.So in many cases, even those who are stronger than them have to give in to them a little bit, but what I didn't expect was that this time there were monsters who dared to be tough with them.And they also feel that eating each other is good for them, so the conflict between the two sides is irreconcilable now.The battle also started quickly.Although the number of wolves was a little more, it didn't scare the tiger. You know, it grew up so big, but it didn't grow up a vegetarian. It didn't know how many times it fought since it was young.It doesn't know how many times it has experienced battles like this one.Therefore, even if there were more wolves, it could fight with ease.After all, the strength of the tiger is there. Although the number of wolves is a little more, there is a small difference in strength from that of the tiger.Although it is only a small realm, the gap in a small realm of the demon baby stage is also very large.It can even be said that there is a world of difference.No, as soon as they fought, the wolves knew that there was still a difference between the tiger in front of them and the tigers they had encountered before.Unexpectedly, just touching, several members of them were injured.However, wolves are often ruthless to their enemies and even more ruthless to themselves.At this time, they were injured, which aroused their blood even more, so they would not easily compromise.No, as soon as the two sides came into contact, they fought very fiercely, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.The wolves didn't get any benefits, and although the tiger was powerful, it didn't get any better either.No, it only took 10 minutes, and there were several wounds on its body.If it hadn't sealed the wound with demonic energy, it would have died just by bleeding.But even if they were injured, none of them flinched.After more than ten minutes, there were not many monsters that could stand up on the battlefield.Besides the tiger, there was only the wolf king.Even the embarrassment that had been with the wolf king was swept away by the tiger's tail just now, and after breaking a few trees, it couldn't get up again.And the tiger has such a record, it is not without paying a price, and it does not know how many injuries it has.Even this time, it is a little unstable.And the wolf king opposite it was no better than him. "Roar." "Woo!" Although they didn't have much combat power anymore, they still had a lot of momentum.A tiger has the pride of a tiger, and a wolf has the persistence of a wolf.Therefore, now that one of them has not fallen, it is not over.And what they didn't realize was that at this time, not far from their battlefield, there were three little heads looking at them quietly.They are the three people who were hunted down just now.The person who was ignored by these monsters just now.Unexpectedly, not only did they not leave, but at this time, they even touched them quietly. "Sister Ping, let me just say, you see, they really hurt both sides, and now it's our turn to take action." "Hush, keep your voice down, I heard that it is very dangerous for these monsters to fight back when they are dying. We don't want to Put my life on the line." "Sister Ping, we are so sorry, you have been transmitting sound all the time, they shouldn't be able to hear you." "You are the only one who talks a lot, and no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak." Xiao Yong touched his head depressedly, and it didn't make sense to reason with women. He felt that he should not make trouble for himself.This is not the first time he has encountered such a thing.He has already summed up the experience.That is, what Sister Ping said is correct, so don't try to reason with him.

(End of this chapter)

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