urban small world

Chapter 960 Classified Storage

Chapter 960 Classified Storage
But what Lin Yunfei didn't know, Li Qingyun had classified it into categories, and of course he wouldn't just write a label.Li Qingyun was real and classified the supplies.

After all, this supreme town is also the temporary pinnacle work refined by Li Qingyun.

Since it came from Li Qingyun's hand, it is very easy for Li Qingyun to optimize it on the basis of its original. Li Qingyun can completely connect the taxation formation with this warehouse. When the time comes, those things , it can be automatically classified, and Lin Yunfei doesn't need to do anything at all.

Li Qingyun made a move. If he couldn't do this, he would feel ashamed.

In fact, this is not too difficult. After all, the reason why the formation can receive the taxes from the people entering the city so accurately shows that this formation is also spiritual.

The entire Supreme Town also has weapon spirits.All these things should be handed over to Qi Ling.

Lin Yunfei didn't feel melancholy for a long time before he came back to his senses.In general, he is still very satisfied.

This warehouse is bigger than he imagined.If you want to fill up such a large place, you don't know how much supplies you will need.Anyway, he didn't dare to think about it anymore, just thinking about it made him go crazy with joy.

Lin Yunfei still remembered that Li Qingyun was outside, he couldn't stay here for too long, lest his brother-in-law feel that he had neglected him.

Unfortunately, when he returned to the garden outside, he found that Li Qingyun had already left,
However, he finally found a note on the wall next to it, which contained some messages from Li Qingyun to him.

Li Qingyun gave Lin Yunfei a brief introduction to the situation in the subsidiary space, and then said that he left beforehand.If you have any questions in the future, go to him again.

"Hmph, it's not polite at all." Lin Yunfei was very depressed when Li Qingyun left without saying goodbye.

But he only dared to mutter here when he was alone. If he really wanted him to say it out loud, he didn't dare, let alone say such a thing in front of Li Qingyun.

Now that Li Qingyun left, Lin Yunfei didn't care about me anymore. He turned around and disappeared into the garden again.

Just now he just took a rough look at the space.

Now that he has a lot of time, he decided to go shopping again.

At least he has to get acquainted with this place first.

But soon, he appeared in the garden once again.

I saw Lin Yunfei patted his head and looked annoyed, "I'd better reset the outlet of the tax system first."

The reason why he went to look for his brother-in-law today was because there was no place to put the taxes collected in his small town, so he went there.

At this time, a new warehouse appeared, so of course he had to try it out.

Although it is night in Wulin Continent now, it is still daytime in Supreme Town.Time difference is also normal.

When Lin Yunfei saw that the hut he set up to receive taxes was about to be filled, he couldn't help saying, "It's so dangerous." '

If the hut was blown up by all kinds of materials, it would be a big deal.

Fortunately, he found out in time.

Some of the spells that Li Qingyun handed over to Lin Yunfei were also very simple. Li Qingyun directly handed over to Lin Yunfei the last step of connection.

If Lin Yunfei was just an ordinary martial artist in the Baodan realm, it would not be easy to do this last step of connection.Even if Li Qinglin and the others came, they might not be able to fix it.

But for Lin Yunfei, there is no difficulty at all. Doesn't it mean that Lin Yunfei is much more powerful than Li Qinglin and the others? It's just that Lin Yunfei is the owner of this place, so in Supreme Town, Lin Yunfei's strength is much stronger than others .

Sure enough, Lin Yunfei studied the jade slips that Li Qingyun had left for him before he made the subsidiary space, and he learned it in a short time.

It took him another 10 minutes to finally connect the last two.

Seeing that there was only a little gap left in the temporary storage room, Lin Yunfei was also very thankful. If he had wasted a little time just now, maybe the small room would really explode.

Lin Yunfei quickly came to the back garden once, and then disappeared.

He wanted to go to the attached space to have a look at the situation inside.After all, for many things, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

Although it is still daytime in Supreme Town, it is obvious that there are not many taxes at this time.

After all, at this time, no one who had previously stayed in the Supreme Continent came to the city, and of course the taxes collected were not too much.After all, most people who venture out don't return in broad daylight.Through the rules of the past few days, Lin Yunfei knew that the peak time for tax collection is usually in the morning and evening.

Although there are not many people entering the city now, it does not mean that there will be none.

Occasionally, some people would still enter the city, which is why, at this time, he would ask his brother-in-law to come and help.

Fortunately, my brother-in-law is more capable, and helped him get such a large attached space as a warehouse so quickly.

When Lin Yunfei came to the warehouse, from time to time, he would find that a few things fell from the top of the warehouse, and then those things flew in different directions as if they had received some force.

If I remember correctly, the direction they flew to is also the storage area they classified.

For example, Lin Yunfei saw a ginseng and flew to the medicine area, but an ore flew directly to the ore area.

Sure enough, my brother is still strong.Actually came up with such a function of automatic classification and storage, which saved myself a lot of things.

"Haha, I can finally relax a bit." Lin Yunfei couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Yes, for more than ten days, Lin Yunfei was depressed and happy.

Depressed, he has to keep sorting various supplies every day, and then send them to Li Qinglin and the others.Doing the same job every day, anyone who changes it will be depressed.

And happiness is better understood.

Seeing so much material income coming in every day, can you not be happy.

And now that he is freed from this unskilled work, he can, like Li Qinglin and the others, work hard to use these resources to hone his skills.

You can even use them to improve your own strength.

Maybe he saw the gap with Li Qingyun.Lin Yunfei became more determined to practice hard.

In the eyes of others, Li Qinglin and the others have won the champion of the Baodan group in the martial arts conference.I think they shouldn't need to practice anymore, because even if they don't practice, many people can't catch up with them.

But Li Qinglin and the others never gave up their cultivation, others thought they were standing on the top of the pyramid.But they themselves know that they are only standing on the second echelon, or even the third echelon.

The first echelon, of course, are those gods who are elusive.

Many people in Wulin Continent have seen immortals.Although until now, no one knows where those gods live, but people know that there are gods in the Wulin Continent, unless they themselves can become a member of the gods one day, otherwise, they will never be able to reach Peak.

Moreover, there are strong and weak among the gods. Even if one day, their cultivation reaches the realm of the gods, they still have to keep a low profile.They don't think that they can challenge those old gods just after breaking through.

And the second echelon, of course, is Li Qingyun and his family.

Others don't know, nor have they seen how powerful Li Qingyun is, but Li Qinglin, Lin Yunfei and the others, who are Li Qingyun's relatives, don't know Li Qingyun's specific strength, but they have all seen Li Qingyun's strength more or less. . .

And with Li Qingyun as an example there, how could they be complacent.

They don't know how many times they have been hit by Li Qingyun.

It was precisely because of Li Qingyun's existence that Li Qinglin and the others' confidence in cultivation had been strengthened.

It can be said that Li Qingyun has always been the target of Li Qinglin, Lin Yunfei and the others. As long as they haven't caught up with Li Qingyun, they will not give up their cultivation.

Because they all have an obsession in their hearts, they want to cultivate better than Li Qingyun, and then beat Li Qingyun severely.

As long as they think of this, they will have the motivation to practice.

As for why they have such obsessions.Of course, it was because Li Qingyun usually beat them up a lot.

In other words, Li Qingyun didn't know that these people were obsessed, otherwise, he would definitely beat them up a few more times.Give them a little more motivation.

It's just a pity, Li Qinglin and the others have good ideas, and they will never be able to surpass Li Qingyun.

Not to mention, the kung fu practiced by Li Qingyun is more advanced than theirs.He still has a lot of cultivation experience in his mind, which can make him do more with less.

It's just Li Qingyun's identity, and they are also doomed that they will never be able to surpass Li Qingyun's cultivation.

Not only Li Qinglin and the others, but also everyone in the Wulin Continent is the same.

Even in the process of the evolution of this small world, the new specialties that have been bred cannot surpass Li Qingyun's strength.

As for the divine beasts and fairy beasts that stayed in this space before, they can only make do with it.They can feel that this Heavenly Dao suppresses them, and it is impossible for them to show their true strength here.

All of this is because the master of this world is too weak.If Li Qingyun could be more powerful, they would not be so uncomfortable.

Well, this is not up to Li Qingyun to decide. Although he is the master of the space, he still needs to cultivate step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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