urban small world

Chapter 951 Hand over the clothes

Chapter 951 Hand over the clothes
So, at this time, although they were surrounded, they were not very worried. "Yo, here is finally a newcomer. Haha. Newcomer, hand over your clothes." "Yes, hand over your clothes, or you will be killed." "Hand over your clothes, hand over your clothes!" Brother Song and the others couldn't help but I was taken aback.I didn't expect, I didn't expect that they could hear pure Hua-Xia dialect here, and the other party still spoke Mandarin.So first of all, the possibility that these people are indigenous can be ruled out.So what are they?To be honest, Brother Song and the others are also very curious at this time.As for handing over the clothes they said, that's impossible.Although I don't know where this place is, but just looking at their clothes, I can tell that the clothes here should be good things. I guess only the powerful or influential people deserve to wear clothes, while other people, You can only wear animal skins.Although I don't know where this is, but they are also fighters in the Baodan realm, how could they be changed by others.How embarrassing to say it.Well, at this time, they want to be ashamed, and it is estimated that no one will know except themselves.Although they don't know where this is, but just because these people speak Chinese-Xia language, they know that maybe these people are just like them, and they did something wrong.was caught here.They guessed it right.Although they are now warriors in the alchemy realm.But a year ago, they were all just ordinary people.Later, they were also lucky enough to become warriors in the Baodan Realm, so they joined those big forces.Not long ago, they were used as gunmen by others, so they were brought here, so they didn't know the people on the opposite side.If there were those high-level people with great powers among them, maybe at this time, they would recognize that among the people around them, the two best-dressed people were great big men on Earth-Earth before.One of them is the head of the Miaoxuan Wumen, and the other is also the head of the Kunlun Immortal School.When the Wulin Continent was first opened, they were quite big figures.I didn't know how beautiful it was.It's a pity that at that time, in order to rectify the ethos of Wulin Continent, Li Qingyun dealt with those who dared to challenge the rules he set.At that time, Miaojiang Wumen knew that a disciple was too arrogant and messed up on the street, which caused a lot of trouble. Later, he was cleaned up by Ye Bo and Li Di. After that, in the Wulin Continent, there was no Saw them.However, they were not killed, but were taken away by Li Qinglin to a place far away from the Wulin Continent.And the people from the Kunlun Immortal School also used heavy hands when they robbed the small towns outside Xinmin City, and killed them. As a result, they were brought here by Li Qingyun.Because, if Li Qingyun hadn't played hard, he didn't know how many people would have died at that time.It was Li Qingyun's heavy hand that frightened those people.At least when they kill people, they have to think about whether it's worth it to take their own lives.After all, there are still very few people who can make up their minds to die with others.Isn't there a saying that life is worse than death?If you die, then there is really nothing left.Well, they didn't know that Li Qingyun didn't kill the murderer at that time, but just changed a place for them to live.They will never see their former acquaintances again.Of course, their acquaintances also committed crimes, so that's another story.Brother Song couldn't help laughing when he saw the people surrounding them. Although there were a lot of them, Brother Song and the others were all warriors in the Baodan realm.Although they all come from different forces and didn't even know each other before, but now that they are in a new place, they can be regarded as comrades-in-arms who have fought side by side, right?At this time, they will definitely hug each other, so that they can survive in this strange place.At this time, what they said most was to figure out where this place was.It's a pity that when they took out the identity token, they found that it had lost its function, and it had no effect at all.It's even worse than a mobile phone without internet.In this way, their first priority today is how to survive here.And the first thing they have to face is to send away the people who surrounded them. "On the opposite side, we came here by accident. Please make it easy for everyone. Let's go now. How about everyone staying in the river?" Although Brother Song and the others felt that even if they fought, they would not be afraid, but they They are newcomers and don't know anything about this place, so it's no good to offend them.If it can be resolved peacefully, it's better for everyone to settle it peacefully. When they figure out the situation here, it's up to each other to fight or not.But it's a pity that their thoughts are good, and those who surround them don't think so. "Stop talking nonsense, hand over your clothes, and then you can go, otherwise, don't blame us for doing it yourself." "Hand over the clothes, hand over the clothes!" "It seems that it can't be resolved peacefully!" "This It all depends on your choice." "Brothers, they want us to hand over the clothes, what are you doing?" "No, no!" "F-dammit, fuck me." "Bump, bump, bump "Soon the two sides fought together. Humans are aggressive creatures. There is a saying that it is infinitely fun to fight against the sky, endlessly enjoyable to fight with the earth, and even more enjoyable to fight with people.No, a few words were wrong, and the two sides fought.Brother Song and the others thought that they were great fighters at the Baodan Realm, but when they started fighting, they realized that they really underestimated him on the other side.Those people on the opposite side are not worse than them at all, and many people are even stronger than them.This is also very normal.At the beginning, the chaotic aura didn't just land on the initial star.There are landings and landings throughout the universe.These people are far away from the initial star, and Li Qingyun just changed their living environment, and did not make things difficult for them.To put it bluntly, they don't admire it.Li Qingyun didn't have so much time to stare at them, and even deliberately made things difficult for them.After all, Li Qingyun didn't have any feud with them.At that time, Li Qingyun only moved them to another place for the sake of the order of the martial arts continent and they were still in the population. If there was any hatred with them, Li Qingyun would have killed them long ago.So Brother Song and the others can all get the adventure, so can't they let others get the adventure too?

(End of this chapter)

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