Chapter 940

"How about it, now you are standing on the top and they are standing below, do you have any ideas?" Just when Chen Zuo and Lin Yiyi were secretly happy looking at the crowd below, a voice suddenly came from their ears.

At that time, the two of them were taken aback.

As soon as I turned around, I saw three people who did not know when they came to them.

And the leader is He Yuanfang.

"Group Leader He, you are here."

"Well, tell me how you feel now."

"I think we're lucky that we don't have to fight for the few places they have, so we appreciate you. If it weren't for you, we might still be here."

What Chen Zuo said was true.Without He Yuanfang, it was hard to say whether they would be selected, and even if they could be selected, they couldn't guarantee that both of them would be selected.

"Okay, don't say thank you. This is also my job. You just need to work hard in the future. This is also the greatest reward for me."

"Don't worry, we will definitely work hard and won't embarrass you." Chen Zuo nodded and said seriously.

Although their current status is equivalent to civil servants, they don't think that they will be given the golden rice bowl. If they don't work hard, let alone the golden rice bowl, the jade rice bowl will be snatched away.It's no use regretting it then.

"Okay, let's go down, and choose 28 people from among them."

Chen Zuo and Lin Yiyi didn't ask why there were 28 people. Obviously, at this time, they only had to watch the excitement, and they didn't have much right to speak.After all, they are just new here and don't understand anything.

It's a pity that they don't know, in fact, He Yuanfang and the others just came a day earlier than them.Last night, He Yuanfang and the others stayed here for the first time.

But in many cases, this is the case, even if it is 1 minute earlier, there is an advantage of 1 minute earlier.

He Yuanfang joined Brother City a few minutes earlier than Wang Hui and Guan Wei, and He Yuanfang became the team leader, while Wang Hui and Guan Wei were just ordinary team members.

And Chen Zuo and the others were one night earlier than those below, so their advantage would be great.

"Come on, come on, wow, he is really from Brother City, alas, if I knew it, I signed up with him yesterday."

The appearance of He Yuanfang and the others made the people below excited very quickly. Of course, many people also began to regret it. Many people despised such an afterthought.

What's the use of regretting after everything has passed.It can only be despised by others.

Seeing that there were hundreds of people below, He Yuanfang finally breathed a sigh of relief.Last night, his bullshit was blown out. If no one cooperates, he will lose face.

Although not many people came, it was enough for them to choose.

There may be more people coming later, but He Yuanfang and the others are not going to wait for them.

After all, in many cases, attitude is also very important.These people may not be as good as those who came later, but at least their attitude is better than those who came later.

He Yuanfang has come, and those who haven't arrived, in He Yuanfang's view, they just have a bad attitude.

So, soon, he led these hundreds of people back to the marketing center.

As for whether there were people coming from behind, he didn't care at all.

Because he has decided to choose their future subordinates from among these people.

The selection actually depends on luck.After all, they don't know those people.Don't even know who they are.

As for the questions asked during the interview, they can only be used as a reference. No one is so stupid as to expose their shortcomings during the interview.

Of course they are showing themselves in a good direction.

Therefore, at this time, their selection actually depends on luck.

Of course, most of the time, people still look at their looks, and if they look good, they naturally have an advantage.

Li Qinglin and the others knew about what happened here, but they didn't show up. He let He Yuanfang take full responsibility, which meant to test him.

If he can't even do this little thing well, Li Qinglin and the others will be disappointed with him.

Soon, 28 people were selected, including Chen Zuo and the others, exactly thirty people.

The thirty people were also divided into three groups, each group of ten people.

And He Yuanfang was officially promoted from this time, he was promoted from team leader to captain.And Wang Hui and Guan Wei also became vice captains and team leaders.

And because Chen Zuo was the first to ask He Yuanfang to sign up to support his work, he was also very lucky to become a deputy team leader.There are nine people under his control.

Although he was only one night earlier than others, he took a big step ahead of others.This made many people envy Chen Zuo very much.But it's a pity that they are only envious, who made them disbelieve He Yuanfang and the others yesterday.If it wasn't for having no choice, He Yuanfang wouldn't even want to choose them.

Now that they can be selected, it is enough for them to be excited.They didn't dare to ask for too much.

And those who were not selected can only leave here in despair.There is no way, who made them unlucky.If they weren't selected, they had nothing to do, right, and the right to choose was not in their hands.

At least they still participated in the interview. They were a little luckier than those who came later. Those who came later were sent back without even having an interview opportunity.Those people were more depressed than they estimated.

In any case, Brother City's team has been initially established.

Although there are only more than 30 people, it is enough when there are not many people in Brother City, and they should all be able to sell houses or rent shops for a long time in the future.

Yes, the house they live in will be sold, but Li Qinglin and the others will only sell part of the shops, and they will keep about half of the shops for rent.

After all, if it is sold, it will be sold, but if it is rented out, it can continue to make money.Of course, Li Qinglin and the others wouldn't just buy them all out.

With the help of He Yuanfang and the others, Li Qinglin and the others were indeed freed from the house sale.At this time, there is no need for them to worry about anything.Although He Yuanfang and the others have only been here for one day, they are very familiar with the workflow, and they don't need Li Qinglin and the others to pay too much attention.

At this time, He Yuanfang and the others also had thirty more students, and they were much more comfortable than Li Qinglin and the others.

Among Li Qinglin and the others, they are all polished commanders, and there is no one to help them.

Home sales in Brother City are finally on the right track.And Li Qinglin and the others are finally preparing to go to the Supreme Continent, which they discussed last night.

Unfortunately, they haven't left yet.Early in the morning, someone came to visit them.

They also know the people who came, and they sat with them to discuss things not long ago.

That's right, the person who came was the patriarch of the Xuanyuan family.

"Patriarch Xuanyuan, I don't know about your visit, what advice do you have?"

"I don't dare to take advice, I am here to ask you."

"Please, Patriarch Xuanyuan, please speak up if you have anything to say."

"It's like this. We want to use the teleportation array in your city. I wonder if it can be convenient."

"That's it?"

"No such thing!" Patriarch Xuanyuan nodded and said.He thought to himself, isn't this a big deal?

"I think Patriarch Xuanyuan has misunderstood."

"Ah, how do you say that?"

"The first thing I want to explain is that the teleportation array is not ours, so anyone can think of it, and there is no need to ask us for instructions. If you don't earn money, I will still bother you. If everyone who uses it Come to me and ask, and I don't have to do anything else for a day."

"Ah, can it be used directly?" Patriarch Xuanyuan didn't expect that he would get such an answer. He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect that Li Qinglin and the others would tell him such an answer. Getting angry, even they have thought of many kinds of countermeasures, even when he came here today, he brought a lot of resources, the purpose, needless to say, everyone understands.

But Li Qinglin told them that the teleportation array can be used directly.

If people who have made a lot of countermeasures know this in the past few days, I don't know what they will think.

Anyway, patriarch Xuanyuan was depressed to death at this time.He ran over early in the morning and probably got such an answer.

Well, he admitted that they took it too much for granted before, they just judged Li Qinglin and the others based on their own imagination.

Because they never thought that Li Qinglin would let go of the teleportation array and let them use it casually.If this was placed on them, they would definitely not do it.If they don't make a fortune from it, they are sorry for the luck that such a teleportation array appears around them.

But what he didn't know was that it wasn't that Li Qinglin and the others didn't want to make restrictions, but that they didn't dare.

Of course, they don't restrict the use of the teleportation array, but they can restrict the people who enter the square.

It's just that they still have too few people.They are not ready to limit others just yet.

This is a very offensive thing.This is unwise for Li Qinglin and the others who have just developed.

Instead of this, it is better not to limit anything.Let them use the teleportation array first.

In fact, no one is more stupid than anyone else. Li Qinglin and the others have protected the teleportation formation, and they can only enter from one place. If Li Qinglin and the others do not let anyone enter, then the other party will not want to use the teleportation formation.It's just that everyone didn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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